Mobile Optimisation the Foundation of Your Lead Generation Strategies

Mobile Optimisation as the Foundation of Your Lead Generation Strategies

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Page 1: Mobile Optimisation as the Foundation of Your Lead Generation Strategies

Mobile Optimisation the Foundation of Your Lead Generation Strategies

Page 2: Mobile Optimisation as the Foundation of Your Lead Generation Strategies

As we enter 2017, smartphones are responsible for over

50% of all Internet access. More people than ever are

using their mobile devices as their primary way to

research insurance.

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One of the most crucial aspects to generating leads is to ensure that your website is optimised for mobile.

If it isn’t, your potential customer will struggle to navigate the site and will likely enquire about insurance from your

competitor whose website is easier to use on mobile.

It’s also important to be aware that Google penalises your website if it is not optimised for mobile.

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So it’s more critical than ever to make this a priority. You can hire a professional to help you or if you have a bit of

coding knowledge you can easily do it yourself.

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The rule for any website is that it should be well organised and easy to understand, but this is even more important when the

user is viewing it on a small screen.

All the forms must be formatted correctly and the links must be easy to click on.

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There should be no need to magnify the size or scroll horizontally; everything should be laid out in an easy to read way that makes the most of the small space.

Most mobile devices have a limited bandwidth so your site shouldn’t load anything you don’t need.

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This optimisation process is not as hard as you might think.

There is a simple trick that you can use in CSS called “Media Queries”, allowing you to create responsive websites that will change their appearance according to the device that the

website is being viewed on.

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If you are on Wordpress, you can click on ‘Appearance’ and then ‘Editor’ and make sure that you see the words “Stylesheet” across your screen.

The bottom of this file is where you will add the code.

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The next step is to determine the criteria that you want to use for the mobile browser such as maximum width.

This means that every device that accesses the site with a screen less than the determined amount of pixels wide

will use the CSS that is specified within the brackets.

A good rule of thumb is to use 1020 pixels as the cutoff size for mobile.

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Make sure you check as you go so that you can adjust it to your liking.

A quick tip to test this on your desktop or laptop is to drag your screen edge in, reducing the viewing size. It might take a

few rounds of tweaks until you get it looking and functioning correctly on a small screen.

If you are unfamiliar with code, ask a web designer to help you with this part - the increase in leads will be worth the


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More potential customers than ever are using mobile to search for insurance services. If your website isn’t

optimised, you are missing out.

Download our free e-book, Insurance Broker’s Guide To Website Enhancement For Serious Lead Generation