HOW TO KICKSTART YOUR BRAND ONLINE Exclusive Top Tips Guide From ReputationDefender ® On How To Build & Manage Your Online Reputation To Help Kickstart Your Brand Online

How To KickStart Your Brand Online

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Exclusive Top Tips Guide From ReputationDefender® On How To Build & Manage Your Online Reputation To

Help Kickstart Your Brand Online

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So advised Benjamin Franklin. He also said:

“Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today.”


When it comes to online reputation though, many brands still wait until they have a problem before they take action. Ask any boxer whether being on

the back-foot is really the best strategy.

“It takes many good deeds to build a good reputation and only one bad one to lose it.”

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Thanks to Google, social media and the internet as a whole - your customers are no longer passive. They have ready access to more decision making information

than ever before. They have the power.

“If I tell my facebook friends about your brand it’s not because I like your brand but rather because I like my friends"- Mike Arauz, August

“A brand is no longer what we tell the consumer it is, it’s what consumers tell each

other it is"- Sam Cook, Intuit


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A Step-By-Step Guide To The Four Basics

Your online reputation is a journey and not a destination. If you’re ahead of the curve already then you may have many (or even all) of these basics in place but it’s at least useful to benchmark where you currently are.

If you’re serious about kickstarting your online reputation and you’re not all over these areas then you should certainly consider getting yourself to a position where you are...


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Lockdown Your Name/Brand & Take Control Of Your Digital Assets

Own what is already rightfully yours because the threat of cyber squatting

is very real.


“If you take care of your character your

reputation will take care of itself.”

- Lord Alan Sugar

“When you pay attention to detail the big picture will

take care of itself.” - Georges St-Pierre,


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Make Sure That Your Website Is Fit For Purpose

Having fresh, live content and information on your website helps encourage people to look around and come back. It gives you an edge over your competitors and you are also a lot more

likely to get links.

(1) OUT OF DATE CONTENTDonotunderestimate the

growing importance of having a mobile optimised website.

Google now intentionally prioritizes mobile friendly websites to those using a mobile device so, while you may be found on page 1 on desktop, you may be nowhere

to be seen on mobile.


(2) BAD LAYOUT / DESIGNIf a user cannot easily find what they are looking for they will be inclined to go

elsewhere. Why spend money building your online shop, getting people to walk

in the door and then not ensuring they find what

they’re looking for?



It’s important to at least have a website! Next is ensuring your website is not hindered by a poor first impression. Common problems we find in this area:

(4) POOR INFRASTRUCTURE40% of people will abandon a web page

if it takes more than three seconds to load, so get your website hosting right and

make sure that all your images and content are optimized for rapid loading.

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Be Found Online



While you may be top on Google today, you could easily be usurped by them tomorrow. Don’t leave yourself vulnerable to your competitors.


SearchEngineLand produced an excellent article listing the six trends which will be shaping location based marketing in 2016 - trends that local search marketers should pay attention to. You can see it here. They also have a useful article on how you can now automate the management of your businesses ‘Google My Business’ listings via the new API for it and you can see that here.


Carefully crafted content can give valuable site visitors the education they need, not just on your product or service but on you as a business. The trust you can build could be just the nudge they needed to purchase from you. Blogging on your website is an excellent way of populating it with powerful keywords and Google’s algorithms are likely to reward you for showcasing rich content.

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Social media improves your chances of generating additional revenue and building customer loyalty. It allows

customers, potential customers and other interested parties to engage easily via a channel that plays an

important role in their everyday lives.


You want your business to appear when someone uses a local online business directory. Getting your business listed

in as many business directories as possible is important for knowing how

to rank a Google Places page (see here) and it also helps with local SEO.

STEP THREEBe Found Online


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“The brands that perform well will wrap their hands around

the notion that it’s not just the advertising business they’re in,

but the contentbusiness full-stop. ”

- Kevin Kells, Google


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STEP FOURUpdate & Promote Your Content


Getting found in search engines is critical but promoting valuable and relevant content, especially via email, blogs and

social media, is key to driving web traffic and increasing demand for your content - and your products/services.

• One of the primary focuses of your content strategy should be promoting customer-centric content and not promoting your company or products.

• Don’t be a spammer and just post links to your website.

• Make sure that 80% of your Tweets, Facebook updates, LinkedIn posts etc. are relevant to your industry and your target customers and that only 20% are about self-promotion.

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- Henry Ford, Industrialist



“You can’t build a reputation on what you are going to do”

Copyright © ReputationDefender LLC 2016

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ReputationDefender LLC 1001 Marshall

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