
Growthanomics's 10 week challenge week one summary awareness

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Page 2: Growthanomics's 10 week challenge week one summary awareness


The 10 Week Challenge: Growthanomics uncovers the essence of the ‘Experience Funnel’.We dig deep to find the building blocks of the experiences that move the needle at each stage of the B2B sales and marketing funnels.

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The ‘10 week challenge’ will give experts in the marketing, customer success and customer experience fields an in depth understanding of how to create experiences that move the needle for their business. Our research consists of existing academic studies in psychology and business, a unique 10 week survey and interviews.

The following slides share some of the findings from our first survey.Week #1 focused on the top of the funnel: Awareness

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? How does your audience feel when they engage with your awareness campaigns ?

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The best content I came across in the past 6 weeks was?*

* Videos were mentioned on blog posts, articles and business papers and were less than 12% overall.

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When engaging with this content I felt I should (examples):


Test different ads on youtube

Start my new startup venture

Run the same activities with my customers

Buy some books

Contribute to a collective/ political project.

It made me want to examine my hiring process

Edit my wardrobe :-)

Print it Be more proactive. Change my current way of thinking.

go back to Japan

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It made me want to (examples):


Produce this myself

Share itTalk about it

Buy some books

Revise my blog

Pass it on Call a meeting

Do something about it

Take action Change my life

See what others are doing

ShopBe more aware

Learn more

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How many times did you think about or mention this content?

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How did you use this content?

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Examples of content that left a mark on our participants (with links):



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Food for thought before we share the full study

- Awareness can be measured by more than clicks, visits and time

spent on site

- When users think, feel, talk & act (or want to act) that’s proof the

experience sticks

- Since usually time passes between the awareness and interest phase

- creating a memorable experience will serve your brand when the

user is in their interest phase.

- A strong experience brings in a viral effect both online and offline

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Thank you so much for for taking part in the first week of our ‘10 Week Challenge’. You will be the first to enjoy the full

research and insights once it’s complete.

Please take a few moments two support us with week #2.This week we uncover the experiences that generate and show

an interest
