Ge#ng found on Rich Owings Links to men6oned resources: h9p:// localiswhereitsat.com / seo resources

Getting found on Google - WordCamp Asheville 2014

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Getting Found on Google is an SEO 101 presentation for WordCamp Asheville 2014.

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Page 1: Getting found on Google  - WordCamp Asheville 2014

Ge#ng  found  on      

Rich  Owings  

Links  to  men6oned  resources:  


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Page 3: Getting found on Google  - WordCamp Asheville 2014

SEO  101  

Search  engine  op6miza6on  

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SEO  101  


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Paid  ads  

Organic  search  results  

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•  Word  or  phrase  you  are  targe6ng  •  Work  it  into  your  6tle  and  text  

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•  WordPress  •  WordPress  developer  •  WordPress  designer  •  Asheville  WordPress  designer  

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Title  and  descrip6on  

•  Title  important  ranking  factor  •  Descrip6on  helps  drive  clicks  



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Alt  image  tags  

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Alt  image  tags  

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URL  structure  

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Pre9y  permalinks  

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New  sites  only  

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•  Word  or  phrase  you  are  targe6ng  •  Work  it  into  your  6tle,  text  and  alt  

image  tags  •  Don’t  overdo  it  •  Mix  them  up  •  One  page  for  each  keyword/

keyphrase  target  

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Make  internal  linking  a  habit  

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SEO  tools  

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SEO  plugins  

•  WordPress  SEO  by  Yoast  •  All  in  one  SEO  

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Google  Analy6cs  

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Google  Webmaster  Tools  

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XML  sitemaps  

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Universal  search  results  

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Universal  search  results  

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Improving  click  thru  rate  

Google  authorship  


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Change  happens  

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Change  happens  

•  Link  schemes  •  Paid  text  links/text  link  ads  •  Spammy  guest  blogging  •  Duplicate  content  •  Thin  content  •  Too  many  ads  •  Keyword  stuffing/Over-­‐op6miza6on  

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Life  beyond  Google  

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Quick  hits  

•  Write  for  your  audience  •  Quality  content  •  Visually  friendly    

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Quick  hits  

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Quick  hits  

•  Write  for  your  audience  •  Quality  content  •  Visually  friendly  •  Make  it  easy  to  share  

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Quick  hits  

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Quick  hits  

•  Mobile  responsive  

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Quick  hits  

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Quick  hits  

•  Mobile  responsive  •  Redirect  error  pages  

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Quick  hits  

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Quick  hits  

•  Mobile  responsive  •  Redirect  error  pages  •  Don’t  hide  you  site  

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Five  takeaways  

•  Create  quality  content  •  Op6mize,  but  don’t  overdo  it  •  Create  internal  links  •  Use  some  tools  •  Improve  your  CTR  

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Rich  Owings  


[email protected]  

Twi9er:  @RichOwings  
