Fredrick Hutchinson Mastery Timeline (Full Sail University) Internet Marketing Master Program

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Fredrick Hutchinson Mastery Timeline

(Full Sail University) Internet Marketing Master Program

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Mastery: Personal Leadership and Development

Goal- My main objective for this course is to have a better understanding towards being a wise business leader.

Strategies-To increase my intellectual viewpoints to master my business strategies.

Watch this video Greene, Robert. (2013, April 7). Robert Greene: “Master”, Talks at Google [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J4v_34RThe Third TransformationRCeE

Keep some of the strategies from the book Mastery (Greene,2012) and used these tactics for the rest of my life.

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Internet Marketing Fundamentals

Goals- Understand how to use the simple methods to explore different ways of marketing online.

Strategies- Understand what you want to market.

Find different ways to market.

Look at some business that are using the internet to market there business using the simple fundamentals.

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Digital Storytelling and Branding

Goals- Learn how to make my products for the business to sell and to be able to create a strong brand.

Strategies- Look at videos on online that deal with digital storytelling.

Understand what type of story will fit the products that I will sell at the company.

Explore different options about brands.

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Internet Consumer Behavior and Analysis

Goals- Find out new information about how consumer behavior can change your business and analysis different outcomes for the business.

Strategies- Learn how to explore different tactics for the customers to love the company.

Analyze each product, without hurting the brand.

Find different ways to provide different service.

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Advanced Internet Marketing Strategies

Goals- Main objective is to understand how to utilize different strategies to market the business.

Strategies- Understand what people like.

Used different formats to keep the business flourishing.

Watch different videos on online to learn more about marketing.

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Web Design and Usability

Goal- Understand how to measure the full length of web design and interact with our customers through our design.

Strategies- Create web designs that are professional.

Find out different ways to make the website appealing to the customers.

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New Media Marketing

Goals- Understand how to reach my customers goals.

Strategies- Figure out how we can accomplished the needs of the customers.

Find out more ways that we can obtain long-term customers.

Make it easy for the customers to understand us.

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Advanced Search Engine Optimization

Goals- Used the Internet to the best of my ability.

Strategies- Understand the full element of using SEO.

Make sure the SEO is easy for the consumers to find more information.

Keep all the information simple for the customers to fully understand.

Another website that you can used to help you understand http://www.lynda.com/Analytics-tutorials/SEO-Fundamentals/187858-2.html

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Strategic Internet Public Relations

Goals- Learn to control the setting for the company so people will notice that your company has a great Public Relation Firm.

Strategies- Utilize the company, make sure we do not have that many bad reports.

Keep a positive reputation for the company.

Make sure the products are legit.

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Web Analytics and Optimization

Goals- Finalize all the analytics for the business.

Strategies- Watch this video to understand more about web analytics. http://www.lynda.com/Business-Data-Analysis-tutorials/Web-Analytics-Fundamentals/123562-2.html

Also look at this video as well to understand.http://www.lynda.com/Optimizely-tutorials/Optimizely-Fundamentals/182509-2.html

This is another website that you can use https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=US1G0rOuXS0

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Internet and the Law

Goals- Understand how the laws operate towards my online business.

Strategies- Order different books about the Internet Law, so I can fully understand each law.

Find out how each law operates.

Find different company polices to obey.

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Brian ClarkFounder and CEO of Copyblogger Media


Mentors to follow

Neil PatelCo-Founder ar Crazy Egg

& KISSmetricshttps://www.linkedin.com/in/neilkpatel

Rand FishkinWizard of Moz


Lumus Vick Owner Sr.Consultant ViCorp Business Development & Consultinghttps://www.linkedin.com/pub/lumus-vick/33/36b/a78

Nicole WatsonMedia/Marketing Communications


James L MossUS Marketing Director at

ViArch Technologieshttps://www.linkedin.com/in/mossgroup2001

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Future Organizations to join

Internet Marketing Association - The IMA mission is to provide a knowledge-sharing platform for business professionals where proven Internet marketing strategies are demonstrated and shared in an effort to increase each member’s value to their organization

American Marketing Association-The American Marketing Association is a professional association for individuals and organizations leading the practice, teaching and development of marketing knowledge worldwide.

Plans to get connected with both organization is emailing the company about internships that are available for me.

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Plans after Graduation

Keep in touch with my mentors on Linkedin.com and make sure I have internships before I graduated.

Start my business with my business partner (Amari Creation) which is a company that focused on custom clothing.

I will be joining Internet Marketing Association so I can understand the program.

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Full Sail Community

In the future I plan on giving back to the community by creating a scholarship for undergrad and graduates students to obtain.

I would like to comeback and work with Full Sail University Internet Marketing Program.

Encourage new students to read the book Mastery (Greene,2012).

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My ideal Mentor

Profesor Watson

She was one of my mentors as a undergrad student who has helped me understand how the marketing business work.

I still stay in contact with her to get advices about how to market different businesses well.

She current have tons of clients that she market for and I look up to here as a role model.

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My Full Sail Timeline (Outline)

2016- Finished the program with a B or A.

2017- Amari Creation should be well developed enough to start a scholarship fund.

2018- Branch out to different locations and hire more people to work with the company.

2019- Possibly working on my Ph.D

2020- Giving back to Full Sail University and speaking on campus to future alumni’s of Full Sail University

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http://imanetwork.org/about-us/AboutÜber unsहमारे बारे मेंHakkımızdaÀ propos关于我们 Hakkımızda Internet Marketing Association. (n.d.). Retrieved August 30, 2015.

http://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=CJ7sgKzPjVay4K8GjfOetpOAKuavb5Ae57-PY6wG7to4HCAAQAygDYMmmq4fco8QQoAGT9bPsA8gBAaoEKE_QBi7SPdzFBuz_Kyt2LG3NcRUkN_uZG2kgY2y7U1rmBF7MEGf4q62AB9WKzBOQBwGoB6a-G9gHAQ&clui=5&ved=0CCwQ0QxqFQoTCJK1s9yg0ccCFQTigAod-uEFtg&val=ChBhYjc5NjE4ZjMzNDJlZDhlEM7r6a0FGggKQfrH7MueFyABKAAwjtuLmvOx2LyrATjO6-mtBUCZ5IyvBQ&sig=AOD64_3bJEdiVaTMi2gfEQUe9Uun54hE_g&adurl=https://www.ama.org/events-training/Conferences/Pages/Annual-Conference.aspx 2015 Annual Conference: Inspired Marketing. (n.d.). Retrieved August 30, 2015.