Easy Ways To Campaign For Your College Fests and Events. Harsh Singh

Easy Ways To Campaign For Your College Fests and Events

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Page 1: Easy Ways To Campaign For Your College Fests and Events

Easy Ways To Campaign For Your College Fests and


Harsh Singh

Page 2: Easy Ways To Campaign For Your College Fests and Events


•College Website•Facebook•Twitter•Google+•Pinterest


•YouTube/Dailymotion•Presentation•Other Websites

Page 3: Easy Ways To Campaign For Your College Fests and Events

College Website

CREATE A SUB-PAGE FOR REGISTRATION on the college website flashing about the event in the college.

GIVE YOUR EVENT DETAILS on the college website with details and downloadable wallpaper’s, posters, and videos for other colleges/participants to download.

ADD SOCIAL SHARING BUTTONS TO YOU EVENT REGISTRATION PAGE. (MAKE IT EASY FOR ATTENDEES TO SHARE your event with friends by putting social media links on the registration page.)

WRITE A BLOG POST ABOUT YOUR EVENT’S SPEAKERS OR GUEST LINEUP. (Introduce your speakers with BLOG POST where you have the space to go into detail about their experience and expertise.)

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ADD YOUR EVENT TO FACEBOOK. (Facebook post with PHOTOS receive up to 53% more engagement than links, so keep it visual.)

INVITE YOUR FACEBOOK FRIENDS. (Facebook’s invite feature makes it easy to LET PEOPLE IN YOUR NETWORK KNOW that you’ve got an event coming up.)

PURCHASE FACEBOOK ADS. (Use Facebook ads to promote your event and any competitions or discount you’re offering. Take advantage of Facebook’s social information to TARGET A VERY SPECIFIC AUDIENCE and use images of smiling faces for the best results.)

Reply to the query.

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CHOOSE AN OFFICIAL TWITTER HASHTAG. (Choose something SHORT AND SNAPPY so it’s easy to remember, and use it often. An official hashtag makes it easy for attendees to keep up with what’s happening during your event.)

CREATE A TWITTER LIST OF YOUR SPEAKERS. (For those who prefers to keep up with EVENT UPDATES ON TWITTER, a list of your speakers will them an easy ways to stay in the loop.

SHARE, your website links of pictures, video posted on YouTube/Dailymotion channel.

GIVE FREE GIVE AWAYS. (Give some event related merchandise’s and goodies to your supporters and followers.)

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CREATE A TWITTER LIST OF YOUR SPEAKERS. (For those who prefer to keep with EVENT UPDATES ON TWITTER, a list of your speakers will give them an easy way to stay in the loop.

PURCHASE PROMOTED TWEETS. (PROMOTE ANY SPECIAL OFFERS you have with promoted tweets, or just let people know your event. “Purchase promote tweets here: https://business.twitter.com/en/advertise/start/”)

Use TWITTER DIRECTORIES to find industry leaders on Twitter. Follow and engage with them to expand the reach of your event. “Start with Twellow: http://www.twellow.com/ or Wefollow: http://www.wefollow.com/”

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CREATE AN EVENT ON GOOGLE+. (Google reportedly has over 300 MILLION ACTIVE USERS on its own social network now, so adding your event is a must.)

HOST A GOOGLE+ HANGOUT ON AIR WITH YOUR SPEAKERS. (Google+ Hangouts are easy to organize, and with ON AIR OPTION, you can share your discussions with the world. Get your speakers or other industry experts to weigh in on a topic related to your event.)

CREATE A GOOGLE+ CIRCLE FOR YOUR SPEAKERS. (Put all your GUEST SPEAKERS INTO ONE CIRLCE so that your attendees can find and follow them easily.)

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CREATE A GOOGLE+ CIRCLE FOR YOUR ATTENDEES. (People love to feel included, so ADD YOUR ATTENDEES TO A CIRCLE where they can connect with others before the event.)

CREATE A PHOTO ALBUM ON GOOGLE+. UPLOAD PHOTOS of your guest speakers, your event venue and any preparation photos you take during the planning stages.

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CREATE A BOARD ON PINTEREST. (Pin event theme ideas, inspiring quotes or photos of venues. INVITE ATTENDEES TO ADD PINS of what they would like to see at your event of encourage engagement.)

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SET UP A LINKEDIN GROUP FOR YOUR EVENT. (INVITE ATTENDEES TO JOIN YOUR GROUP for event updates and related discussions. It keeps the conversation going which built anticipation before your event begins.)

INVITE SPEAKERS AND HIGH-PROFILE GUESTS TO YOUR LINKEDIN GROUP. (Having some EXPERT ADICE IN THE GROUP can help keep discussions on-track and ensure your attendees get a good idea of what to expect at your event.)

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CREATE A PHOTO SET ON FLICKR. (ADD PHOTOS of your guest speakers, you venue and your event preparations to help build anticipation.)

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MAKE A CUSTOM COVER IMAGE FOR YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS. (GET A DESIGN FROM 99DESIGNS, or get your in-house marketing team to whip up a themed cover image that promotes your event.)

RUN A CONTEST ONLINE. (Give away merchandise, free event entry or discounted tickets with a COMPETITION ON FACEBOOK OR TWITTER to encourage users to share and promote your event.)

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If you’re running A CONFERENCE Lanyrd is a useful tool to promote your event. Choose the right topic to list your event under so potential attendees can find it easily.

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OFFER FOURSQUARE CHECK-IN DEALS. (Create a SPEACIAL OFFER OR A GIVEAWAY for users who check-in to your event on Foursquare.

Get started here: http://business.foursquare.com/business-tools/specials/)

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SET UP A MAILING LIST WITH MAILCHIMP. (Mailchimp’s email service makes it easy to SEND YOUR EVENT INFO TO A LIST of subscribers in one hit. Don’t forget to add a link to your ticket registration page.)

OFFER DISCOUNT CODES. (Share exclusive discount codes with YOUR EMAIL SUBCRIBERS for those who bring a friend or make a group booking.)

Send E- Brochure.

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TIPS: Personalize subject lines: “The first step to get our

colleges engaging with our content, is to encourage them to open our email in the first place. Eg.“Special Event in “X COLLEGE This Month” or “Like Management? Come down to our venue this September, 10% discount”, “Only 30 tickets left” to encourage participants to open the e-mail immediately.

Try Again: Once the email campaign has ended, make sure to pay attention to the people who didn’t open our email at all.

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CREATE A YOUTUBE PLAYLIST OF SPEAKER INTERVIEWS. (Get your SPEAKERS CHATTING ABOUT YOUR EVENT and their involvement, or industry topics, then compile a playlist to share with your networks.)


Always share AFTER EVENT VIDEO on your YouTube/Dailymotion channel.

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UPLOAD A SLIDE DECK TO ‘SLIDESHARE OR SPEAKERDECK’. (If you’ve got a SLIDE DECK ready for your talk, don’t be shy about sharing it online before the event. Give your attendees a sneak peek of what they’ll get if they come along.)


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