Featuring images from US top-selling chocolate brands Reese’s, M&M’s, Hershey’s, Snickers & Kit Kat during October 2014 Visual Search for Social

Ditto Social Photo Insights for Candy during Halloween 2014

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Featuring images from US top-selling chocolate brands Reese’s,

M&M’s, Hershey’s, Snickers & Kit Kat during October 2014

Visual Search for Social

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Social photos continue to expand with more than 1.8 billion shared daily.

Mary Meeker 2014 Internet Trends Report

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Photos capture what people are passionate about and often include brands.

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But 85% of images with brands do not reference the brand in the text.




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And less than 2% currently follow the brand they share in pictures.

@benandjerrys followers

People who

mention “Ben”

or “Jerry” in text

People who have a B&J

photo and follow brand


People showing B&J in

their photos




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• Proprietary visual search engine

• Built by MIT-trained vision scientists

• Scours multiple platforms (currently Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr)

• Finds tiny, obscured and upside-down logos in cluttered environments

• 7 patents filed

Ditto helps marketers “Get the Pictures.”

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Real Time Customer Insights

Visual Analytics

Community Growth

Ditto has three primary applications for brand marketers.

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Visual impressions for these top 5 chocolate brands have been

fluctuating with Kit Kat as the overall leader.

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Our SaaS platform allows you to quickly sort brand and competitive images.

Filter by continent, date, platform and custom tags and sort by recency,

popularity, smiles, groups and logo size to dig deeper.

SnickersKit Kat

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Explore profiles of customers engaging with your brand and competitors.

Use real people to create customer empathy within your organization. Highlight

differences in gender, ethnicity and style and bring customer personas to life.

SnickersKit Kat

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Learn what they are saying with photos of your brand.

No surprise, Halloween is the most common hashtag associated with Kit Kat this month.

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Drill down to see the pictures associated with each hashtag.

Kit Kat

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See who they follow.

The most commonly followed celebrity among handles posting Reese’s was Taylor Swift at 4% followed

by other pop stars, comedians and sports channels. Drizzy was the most commonly followed celebrity

for handles posting Snickers.



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And where they are from.

Hershey’s appeared more often than Snickers in photos in the Northeastern US and Latin America.

Snickers Hershey’s

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Understand usage occasions, pairings and sentiment in the wild.

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Discover and harness authentic brand love.

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Quantify social campaign exposure from ads, sponsorships and events.

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Identify most influential sharers and engage directly

or create a Twitter-tailored audience. (Kit Kat example)

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Drill down to better understand and leverage potential brand advocates.

@DearSxrah, who thanked Marlo for Green Tea Kit Kat, has over 3000 followers,

tweets 200+ times week about school, gym and clothes and maintains a Tumblr blog.

She also recently tweeted photos of Starbucks and Nutella. Engage with Sarah!

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Understand competitive set and potential partners

via social photo affinities.

Among handles who posted Snickers images, Twix and Jelly Belly over index in their

photos while Kit Kat and Skittles under index.

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Finally, Ditto can protect against brand hacks and potentially negative

associations with an early warning system.

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See what’s happening this week in our streaming gallery.

The top brands are all down from last week’s Halloween surge.

See live stream for more categories at streamditto.com

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Inform innovation pipeline

Personify customers for positioning and

content creation

Monitor campaigns, competition & aspirational brands

Directly engage based on photo conversation and/or

level of influence

Identify affinities for partnerships and ad targeting

Protect against offensive posts

Put Ditto to work to grow your brands today!



Customer Cultivation

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Request a live demo with info on your brand

Or contact [email protected]