+ How to get your music out there. A plan…

BDX music slides- Halina

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How to get your music out there. A plan…

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+Where to start?

Decide what is right for you

Have you got tracks recorded?

Do they translate well live?

Have you got a press kit together?

- High res photos, biography, links to social media and tracks

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+Plan & Get Noticed

Where do you want to be in 6-12 months time? (release – tour – press – repeat)

Get a plan in place of what you will be doing

Start playing live (support slots, DIY shows etc.)

Select track to introduce campaign (free download)

Think about who your audience is – really important

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+Approaching & Gaining Press

Investigate bloggers, platforms such as Hype Machine

Write individually to local bloggers, get to know them!!!

Send them key information (stream links, info, high res photo not War & Peace)

Upload to BBC Uploader, send track to Amazing Radio and sites with podcasts

Register for PRS/PPL really important if you get played as you get paid!

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If you plan to release an album!

Get promos of album printed and send to Radio and Magazines 3 months in advance of album release

1st start with a free download to give a taster to press – give 1 month’s lead time, make sure you have a video too!

Release a single next and tour it! Get on digital platforms (Emu Bands, Spin Up)

Release another track around album time with another video

Album release and make sure you tour it! Merchandise also needed!

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+Social Media

Build your audience! Interact with people on Twitter, talk to them, like you would on your own personal socials

Don’t post too much on Facebook, twice a day is enough the algorithms are bullshit!

Get videos on YouTube, fans want to know you, they want to relate to you.

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Contact local venues and bookers, make sure you have visible info online to listen and look at

Get touring! Start off with a small local Scottish tour and build from there.

Be realistic, it is not glamorous! Remember why you are doing this, make the most of it.

Use contacts to stay with, be courteous, look at venues previous bands have played of your size.

Plan well! Don’t drive from Glasgow to London unless necessary! Don’t be scared to state a fee, you want to get paid.

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+Enjoy It.

Remember why you are doing this. It is not for anyone else, it is for you. Enjoy every moment and for all the knocks, keep your focus. Turn negativity into positivity and action.