8 Examples Of Cart Abandonment Emails Subject Lines

8 Examples of Cart Abandonment Emails Subject Lines

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8 Examples Of Cart Abandonment Emails Subject Lines

Page 2: 8 Examples of Cart Abandonment Emails Subject Lines

As the first thing customers see in their inbox, the subject line of a cart abandonment email plays a big role in the email’s open rate.

The subject line must be enticing for the customer to open the email.

Following are the common and successful styles of subject lines of cart abandonment emails.

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Email 1: Cart Content1. The friendly styleThis shows the customer that you are customer-focused and care for them more than just care about their money.

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Email 1: Cart Content2. The reminder of cart styleThis is a straightforward style, sending a reminder in a calm, not-stressful manner.

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Email 1: Cart Content3. The forgot your cart? styleThis style reminds the customer of their cart, while implying that the sole reason for the abandonment is forgetting the cart.

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Email 1: Cart Content4. The humor styleThis style shows your company’s personality, increases engagement and builds customer relationship.

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Email 2: Customer Service5. The customer service styleThis style reaches out to customers and offers to help, as customers don’t always look up answers to issues they have.

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Email 3: Last Effort6. The monetary incentive styleMake it clear in the subject line that the customer is getting a discount to ensure they customer will know. Use words such as: “deal”, “promotion”, “x% off”, etc.

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Email 3: Last Effort7. The urgency-inducing styleCreate a sense of urgency to induce immediate, intuitive purchases. Induce urgency about: The expiration of the cart. The low inventory/scarcity of the cart items. The expiration of the discount for the cart


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Email 3: Last Effort8. The FOMO-inducing styleThis style also induces urgency, but instead of urging the customer to “hurry up”, the subject line implies “careful you won’t miss out on these amazing items” and induces a sense of FOMO (fear of missing out).

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See how boohoo’s subject line utilizes both urgency and FOMO:

Now that you know how to write an enticing subject line, it is important to learn how create the content of effective email campaigns.