5 Reasons Your Online Marketing Strategy Isn’t Working brought to you by NerdyGirl Writers

5 Reasons Your Online Marketing Strategy Isn't Working

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  1. 1. 5 Reasons Your Online Marketing Strategy Isnt Working brought to you by NerdyGirl Writers
  2. 2. Beautiful Website? Social Media Presence? Regularly Updated Blog?
  3. 3. Everything is in place BUT no leads?
  4. 4. Here are 5 reasons why your online marketing strategy is NOT working
  5. 5. Youre Talking to No One
  6. 6. People dont follow or subscribe to businesses just because they are there
  7. 7. Go where your audience is: join Facebook groups participate in LinkedIn Groups engage in Google+ communities
  8. 8. Youre Saying the Wrong Thing
  9. 9. Dont constantly post company or product updates
  10. 10. Share content that will educate, entertain, and help your audience
  11. 11. Youre Saying the Wrong Thing in the Wrong Place
  12. 12. All your fabulous content WONT help you if you are sharing in the wrong place
  13. 13. Get to know your audience and be where they hang out online
  14. 14. Youre Not Saying Enough
  15. 15. A quick status update here and there or a press release is NOT enough
  16. 16. You need to be present, actively engaging and participating EVERY DAY
  17. 17. Youre Not Asking Enough
  18. 18. Fantastic & engaging content is great but you still need to ask for the sale
  19. 19. Have a strong call to action in every status update - make sure your message is heard LOUD & CLEAR
  20. 20. No Time?
  21. 21. Creating an effective online marketing strategy can be time consuming
  22. 22. If time is your concern consider hiring some of it out to NerdyGirl Writers
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