12 SEO Content Tips

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http://www.imatrix.com: Content optimized for search engines is essential to ensuring that people can find your business online. In our latest slideshare, “12 SEO Content Tips,” we share 12 best practices for optimizing your content to improve search engine rankings. Get started with SEO for your online presence. Learn more at http://www.imatrix.com/blog/blog.html

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  • 12 SEO Content Tips 12 SEO CONTENT TIPS
  • 12 SEO Content Tips Content optimized for search engines is essential to ensuring consumers find your business online. Find out tips for creating great SEO content.
  • 12 SEO Content Tips Content & SEO Work Together Companies with an active blog report 97% more leads (Content+) Conversion rates for brands using content marketing is 6 to 7x higher (Aberdeen)
  • 12 SEO Content Tips Create a Great User ExperienceTIP 01 Content for SEO is foremost content for online users. Keep the end user in mind.
  • 12 SEO Content Tips Ask Yourself: Who is my target audience? What are frequently asked questions? How can I get their attention? What do they want to know about me?
  • 12 SEO Content Tips Stick to the Topic Keywords are great for outlining the direction of your content. Dont overstuff content with keywords. TIP 02TIP Stay on topic and keep it concise and straight forward. Hint 1 Hint 2
  • 12 SEO Content Tips Focus on Your Services & Products 90% of consumers find custom content useful (Custom Content Council). STEP 03
  • 12 SEO Content Tips Write content about each of your main services and discuss the benefits to your audience. Dedicate a section or page to each main service or product.
  • 12 SEO Content Tips Write Relevant, Timely Blogs Blogs give sites 434% more indexed pages (Content+) STEP 04 434%
  • 12 SEO Content Tips Blogs are indexed too! Create current, original blogs which cover hot topics. Hint: Keep blogs short and easy to read. indexed pages
  • 12 SEO Content Tips Be Selective with ContentSTEP 05 70% of consumers prefer to learn about a company through articles rather than ads (Content+)
  • 12 SEO Content Tips Dont write an article on every single thing you do. Focus on the key offerings or most sought after services.
  • 12 SEO Content Tips Consistency Is EssentialSTEP 06 Focus on the same keywords and terms to keep your message and content consistent. Keep your content consistent across your website, social media, videos, pay-per-click, etc. your website facebook videos ppc
  • 12 SEO Content Tips Remember English 101 Following writing basics:STEP 07 Have a title and a subtitle Start general with an overview Create an outline Write a conclusion Drill down into specifics under the subtitle TITLE SUBTITLE
  • 12 SEO Content Tips STEP 08 Create Anchor Text & Links Linking to other blogs, pages, or articles is great for engaging users. Linking from anchor text (aka. keywords) is great SEO. blogsyou pages articles other user
  • 12 SEO Content Tips STEP 09 Create an RSS Feed on Your Blog Not only does this get your content out there, it drives traffic to your website. An RSS Feed allows your audience to subscribe to your blog. Followers are notified when a new blog is published. new post
  • 12 SEO Content Tips STEP 10 Integrate Social Media Interesting content is a top reason that people follow brands on social media (Content+) 80% of users prefer to connect with brands on Facebook (Huffington Post) users
  • 12 SEO Content Tips Share your content on social media. SHARE Post your latest blog on social media to grow your audience and engage your followers.
  • 12 SEO Content Tips STEP 11 Include Meta Data Add Meta Data to your web pages and blogs. The keywords, titles, and summaries you include in your meta data must reflect the content on the page or blog.
  • 12 SEO Content Tips STEP 12 Keep the Ball Rolling For both content marketing and SEO, continuity is imperative. Create a content schedule and stick to it. POST!
  • 12 SEO Content Tips SEO Content Marketing Creating content that is great for SEO and for your target audience can be tough. Get help from experienced SEO content professionals, call 1-800-IMATRIX for a free live content marketing consultation. ++ + +