Tips To Clean Wool Rugs A wool rug is very popular among those who love to try new things to their room. Like any other thing, a wool rug is helpless to dirt sometimes. Accumulation of dust particles is very common in Wool Rugs . Most of the time, we opt for professional cleaning techniques, however, this is not always a necessity. There is no need of using complicated devices to clean your rug, just by acquiring some useful tips; you may clean your carpet at your home. Most of the woolen carpets are washable. You may use pure water to wash your rug. If your woolen rug is covered by a thick layer of soil, it is recommended to beat the rug outside your house. This process is extremely helpful in getting rid of a major portion of soil from the

Tips To Clean Wool Rugs

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Tips To Clean Wool Rugs

A wool rug is very popular among those who love to try new things to their room. Like any other thing, a wool rug is helpless to dirt sometimes. Accumulation of dust particles is very common in Wool Rugs. Most of the time, we opt for professional cleaning techniques, however, this is not always a necessity. There is no need of using complicated devices to clean your rug, just by acquiring some useful tips; you may clean your carpet at your home.

Most of the woolen carpets are washable. You may use pure water to wash your rug. If your woolen rug is covered by a thick layer of soil, it is recommended to beat the rug outside your house. This process is extremely helpful in getting rid of a major portion of soil from the rug. In order to remove the stains from your rug, you may utilize proper stain remover.

Page 2: Tips To Clean Wool Rugs

First stage of wool-rug is to examine your rug deeply. Check out the areas in the rug where the stain has been seated deeply. However, if the fabric is of small size or medium one, you may take the textile outside your home. First step in the cleaning process is to wash out the dirt from it. Beat up your rug with a stick in order to remove the dirt particles. The process is quite easy and most useful part in removing the soil from the carpet. Repeat the process on both sides of the rug. Try vacuum cleaner to remove the rest of the dirt.

After doing the vacuum cleaning, it is the time to wash the rug with pure water. Then, let your rug dry under sun. Always try to avoid direct sunlight to your wool rug as it may cause fading the color of your rug.

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