Sexual Selection

Sexual selection

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Sexual Selection

Page 2: Sexual selection

Sexual Selection BasicsSexual selection – differential reproduction as a result of variation in the ability to obtain mates (Futuyma 2004)

Sexual dimorphism – males and females of the same species have a different appearance.

Can you think of an example of sexually dimorphic animals? (hint think Virginia)

Page 3: Sexual selection

Sexual Selection Examples

• Male widow-birds grow exceptional long tail feathers, females lack tail feathers

• Males make low flights over grasslands making loops

Do females prefer longer tailed males? WHY?

Page 4: Sexual selection

Sexual Selection Basics

Malte Anderson –

Tails were cut and glued to birds with naturally short tails

Artificially longer tails had significant more matings than normal males

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Why Long Tails?

It is very costly to grow and maintain a long tail

Indicates strong and vigorous genes

What would it take to grow a long tail?

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Sexual Selection vs. Predators

Being attractive can attract predators

Far Side 1992

Females prefer males with bright spots

Male guppy (Poecilia reticulata)

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Sexual Selection vs. Predators

More spots = More mating = Spreading your genes

Crenicichla (cichlid) preys on guppies

How do predators and females both influence male phenotypes?

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Sexual Selection vs. Predators

Endler (1980) – Classic experiment

Results = Predators keep number of spots lower

(Futuyma 2004)