http://www.SharonBallantine.com “Parenting with the Law of Attraction in Mind” The secret to realizing your desires lies with your children Law of Attraction Parenting:

Law of Attraction Parenting: The secret to realizing your desires lies with your children

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http://www.SharonBallantine.com“Parenting with the Law of Attraction in Mind”

The secret to realizing your desires lies with your children

Law of Attraction Parenting:


“Parenting with the Law of Attraction in Mind”

From Life Coach & Parenting Coach Sharon Ballantine

http://www.SharonBallantine.com“Parenting with the Law of Attraction in Mind”

When it comes down to getting what they want, children have a strong

advantage over their parents.

http://www.SharonBallantine.com“Parenting with the Law of Attraction in Mind”

Generally speaking, children have very strong imaginations.

They have a strong ability to imagine and embody what it feels like to have

what they want long before they have it.

http://www.SharonBallantine.com“Parenting with the Law of Attraction in Mind”

Living as if what you want is already so, is an excellent tool for

attracting what you really want into your life. It is this skill, when utilized,

that puts children at an advantage.

http://www.SharonBallantine.com“Parenting with the Law of Attraction in Mind”

The Universal Law of Attraction states that you attract what you

put your focus on. Children often stumble upon this by accident,

but it is a tool that anyone can use to

attract more of what they want into their life.

Simply stated, the key to

getting what you truly want is being able to

first identify clearly what

you want and then hold that

thought in your mind.

http://www.SharonBallantine.com“Parenting with the Law of Attraction in Mind”

http://www.SharonBallantine.com“Parenting with the Law of Attraction in Mind”

The more you can imagine all the elements of what it is like to

gain what you are seeking, the more real it becomes to you. You will align

yourself with the specific vibrations that will attract what you want into your life.

http://www.SharonBallantine.com“Parenting with the Law of Attraction in Mind”

Fortunately, you don’t have to think exclusively about what you

want, but you should aspire, when you do think about it, to do

so with the trust, faith and imagination of a child.

http://www.SharonBallantine.com“Parenting with the Law of Attraction in Mind”

This means that you should believe that you can have what you truly

want. Align yourself with the feelings of having whatever it is, and

trust that it is coming to you.

http://www.SharonBallantine.com“Parenting with the Law of Attraction in Mind”

By having good feelings about what you want, you put yourself in vibrational

resonance with whatever it is and it is naturally attracted

into your life.

http://www.SharonBallantine.com“Parenting with the Law of Attraction in Mind”

True care should be taken, however, that you don’t get in your own way in

the process.

http://www.SharonBallantine.com“Parenting with the Law of Attraction in Mind”

Any negative thoughts that you allow in will subvert the process. Acknowledging lack or questioning if you deserve what you aspire to attain will create strong

negative vibrations.

http://www.SharonBallantine.com“Parenting with the Law of Attraction in Mind”

You can just as easily attract lack as you can abundance, and it all starts in your mind

and a conscious awareness of the

thought-forms you are creating and feeding.

http://www.SharonBallantine.com“Parenting with the Law of Attraction in Mind”

If, for example you are hoping to get a new job, and you find your self focusing

on the fact that you don’t have a job, you are closing yourself off from

finding a job. Focusing on lack will attract more lack.

http://www.SharonBallantine.com“Parenting with the Law of Attraction in Mind”

If instead, you focus on the fact that the right job is coming for you, and you align

yourself with all the positive feeling of having that job, you open yourself to

abundance and it is more likely that the perfect job will come to you.

http://www.SharonBallantine.com“Parenting with the Law of Attraction in Mind”

By focusing on what you lack, it can interfere with

getting what you desire. Focusing on

the negative will draw more

negativity to you.

http://www.SharonBallantine.com“Parenting with the Law of Attraction in Mind”

Aspire to be open to all possibilities, like a child. Play in the realm of your imagination guided by your highest

aspiration and you will attract all the goodness and abundance into

your life that you truly deserve.

http://www.SharonBallantine.com“Parenting with the Law of Attraction in Mind”

Inside you will learn:· What is your Internal Guidance System & how you can benefit from it.· Learn the value of trusting your IGS· Tips to help your children use their IGS



“Parenting with the Law of Attraction in Mind”