How to make a constellation jar

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1. Find an appropriate jar. The jar should have a wide opening.

2. Find an aluminum sheet. You should be able to get one at a metal cutter or a hardware store.

3. Roll the aluminum sheet around the jar. Mark the aluminum sheet for later trimming – it should completely

cover the jar.

4. Cut the aluminum sheet into size.

5. Obtain a constellation map or pattern. You could search online and have it printed.

6. Tape it on the surface of the aluminum sheet.

7. Start making holes. Use the pattern as a guide in making your stars.

Use different sizes of needle or drill bit.

9. Insert the aluminum sheet into the jar.

10. Obtain your lighting. You can use a tea light or any LED device that you can fit into the jar. Do not use real

candles. The aluminium will melt and you will end up getting a melted star display.

11. Light it up at night and watch the stars in your room!

Sources and Citations : www.imtalking.org