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15 minute workout - body weight butt blast

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15 Minute Workout – Body Weight Butt Blast www.fytso.com /magazine/15-minute-workout-body-weight-butt-blast/

In this, like every year, it is all about the butt. We are always striving to sculpt that awesome butt with theperfect muscle to “padding” ratio, but many of us fall short because of a simple lack of knowledge andguidance. If you are looking to up the assets and cut the waist line you can get it done in as little as 15minutes a day.

That leaves plenty of time to shop for those yoga pants that you are going to look so good in.

Jump Squats

Jump squats are an awesome way to burn calories and build muscle in your legs at the same time. Jumpsquats are fairly easy to perform and work both the muscles and the cardiovascular system at the sametime making them one kick butt exercise.

Page 2: 15 minute workout  - body weight butt blast

Start in a standing position with your legs slightly wider than shoulder width and your arms straightout in front of you.

Lean back into the squat position with your weight in your heels and your knees at or close to 90degrees.

Forcibly power your body up trying to jump as high as possible.

Do this 10 times in a row before moving onto the next exercise

Bird Dog

Take it to the ground with the bird dog which is great for the buns and the shoulders alike. This exercisedoesn’t seem like much, but it will get to you quick. As you progress you can add ankle and wrist weights.

Page 3: 15 minute workout  - body weight butt blast

Start on your hands and knees with your back straight.

Simultaneously lift your left leg and right arm off the ground, keeping them straight, until they areparallel with the rest of your body.

Return to the starting position and repeat the motion with your right leg and left arm.

Do this 10 times on each side before moving on to the next exercise

Page 4: 15 minute workout  - body weight butt blast

Check out this 15 Minute Body Weight Butt Blast! #Fitness #WomensHealth #FitMom Click To Tweet

Mountain Climbers

This is another exercise that kicks your butt and takes your breath away, and you don’t even need to leavethe ground.

Page 5: 15 minute workout  - body weight butt blast

Start in the plank position with your arms fully extended.

Rapidly pull your left knee up and toward your chest and return it to its starting position then do thesame with the right knee.

Continue repeating this motion for 30 seconds.


The bridge is one of my favorite body weight exercises because of its effectiveness and variations. It canbe done with body weight on the ground or made more difficult with adding weight or changing the heightusing a quality aerobic step or a stability ball.

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Start by lying on your back with your feet on the ground (or on a step or ball) and your knees in theair.

Raise your hips off the ground until they are parallel with your back and most of your weight is beingsupported by your shoulders.

Lower your hips back down until your bottom is about an inch off the ground then raise them again.

Repeat this action 10 times before restarting the circuit.

This simple circuit will have your behind looking star worthy in as little as 15 minutes a day. Make sure thatyou repeat the circuit at least 3 times but strive for 4 or more.

As you improve these exercises can all be modified to increase difficulty by adding weight, reps, or time.

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