Why The Risk Factor Why Every Organization Needs Big Bets, Bold Characters and the Occasional Spectacular Failure! By: Deborah Perry Piscione VortoConsulting.com

The Risk Factor: Why Every Organization Needs Big Bets, Bold Characters and the Occasional Spectacular Failure!

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WhyThe Risk Factor

Why Every Organization Needs Big Bets,

Bold Characters and the Occasional Spectacular Failure!

By: Deborah Perry PiscioneVortoConsulting.com

Without Risk, You Lose:

market share, relevance or become obsolete.

Don’t believe it? Since 2000, 52% of Fortune 500s have disappeared

(Source: Blogger, R Ray Wang)


Risk is the Last Undefined Leadership Tool

Great leaders know that risk-taking

is at the heart of their leadership


Risk-Taking is Not Gambling


Risk-Taking Lies in Open Spaces


Risk-Taking CEO’s Think of Themselves as

Chief Innovation Officers

Pictured: Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla Motors and the CEO/CTO of SpaceX

(They are with their people,

not surrounded by entourages or hidden in corner offices with mahogany desks

and skyscraper views).VortoConsulting.com

A Culture of How

Not what you do…

But how you do it!VortoConsulting.com

Risk-Takers put People First…

Because People create Products!


Since HR Has Become

The Function of “No”…

The Death of HR -- hit restart --

The Birth of talented PeopleVortoConsulting.com

™Two Words That Will Turn

Employee Ideas Into Execution

Risk-takers recognize that Good Ideas can

come from Anyone at Anytime.VortoConsulting.com

Risk-Takers Allow People

The Freedom to Experiment…

(without watching their every move)VortoConsulting.com

What Do Risk-Takers Look Like?

1. They are creators, not observers

2. They are highly curious

3. Surround themselves with like-minded


4. Shake off failure and even embrace it

5. Have lower levels of fear VortoConsulting.com

Risk-Takers Believe

That Anything is Possible!


They Engage in Conversations of:

“Yes, and…” to Encourage People!

(Not squash people’s enthusiasm with

conversations of “No” or Yes, but…”)
