SAP Busienss Suite 4 SAP HANA Co-Innovation SAP S/4HANA Co-Innovation at SAP S/4HANA “Co-Innovation is a state of mind, not a single group or just a program…” Best Practices That Bring More Valuable Solutions To The Market Table of Contents Innovating a New Product Is Only Half the Battle Three Levels of Engagement From Ideation to Market Adoption Phase 1: Customer-Driven Inspiration Phase 2: Driving Ideation and Implementation Phase 3: Documenting Customer Proof of Value Phase 4: Taking the Solution to Market Take the Next Step

Co-Innovation at SAP S/4HANA

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SAP Busienss Suite 4 SAP HANA Co-Innovation


Co-Innovation at SAP S/4HANA “Co-Innovation is a state of mind, not a single group or just a program…”

Best Practices That Bring More Valuable Solutions To The Market

Table of Contents

Innovating a New Product Is Only Half the Battle

Three Levels of Engagement

From Ideation to Market Adoption

Phase 1: Customer-Driven Inspiration

Phase 2: Driving Ideation and Implementation

Phase 3: Documenting Customer Proof of Value

Phase 4: Taking the Solution to Market

Take the Next Step

Page 2: Co-Innovation at SAP S/4HANA

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SAP Business Suite 4 SAP HANA – Co-Innovation

Innovating a New Product Is Only Half the Battle If you have an urgent business need for a simplified application, see an opportunity for first-mover ad-vantage, or personally want to see a specific solution built, then this whitepaper is for you. Here you’ll learn how companies like yours partner with SAP to bring ideas to life and benefit by gaining fast access to world-class, simplified, and highly valued solutions from SAP. The arrival of the subscription economy and cloud delivery model has led to a shift of paradigm. Today we can significantly de-crease the distance between the engineer and the end users. Complexity is the biggest burden of our decade. Scattered infor-mation and data duplication make it difficult for enterprises to quickly and profitably bring good ideas to the market. Common processes must be rewired radically to meet today’s challenges. Are you ready to shape and influence the next generation of ap-plications from SAP? You’re invited to do so – because at SAP, it all starts with the voice of the customer. By participating, you not only get to prioritize features, but also benefit from high user acceptance of the end results as you will have made your best contributions to them. And of course you will have reduced pro-ject risk and have gained first insights to functionality, well ahead of your competitors. Join us to co-innovate on the latest from SAP. SAP S/4HANA is built on a massive simplification platform, in order to solve the above-mentioned problems. Simple user experiences are built the way business users work, with role-based and consistent user experiences that are available on any device. Further busi-ness solutions and simplified data models help to work with real-time insights across a digital connected network to deliver on the needs of the networked economy. Innovation happens when creative ideas are transformed into new products, services or processes, and are fully adopted by the market. When companies have a great new idea for a software product, they need to have it marketed effectively:

The entire process needs to be fast

The delivered solutions need to meet customer re-quirements and provide sufficient value

The solutions need to be intuitive for every user role

The end2end experience needs to work - irrespective of the deployment model

This is what the Co-Innovation approach of SAP focuses on. SAP defines Co-Innovation as working hand-in-hand with customers on a solution that truly meets your needs and delivers expected business value.

What sets this Co-Innovation process apart from other vendors is the customer focus, the agility of design-thinking, the complete-ness of processes and efficiently supported activities: from idea-tion and implementation to product launch and customer suc-cess management. SAP’s Co-Innovation process has evolved into a highly effective, comprehensive cycle that encompasses everything required for product development and launching to be successful. This means, that customers and partners have the opportunity to influence the SAP S/4HANA product strategy and roadmap. Working together will ensure better services and desirable prod-ucts, validated by the collective genius– and this includes you. We’re effectively reducing the risks for every participant. SAP will be able to bring innovations to the market more quickly. By developing meticulously with the end user, the final product will be simpler and focusing first and foremost on what the cus-tomer really wants and needs. Thus, the customer’s adoption will be improved significantly. As shown in Figure 1, customers and partners have the option to engage on three different levels, fitted to their bandwidth and priorities.

Three Levels of Engagement

Level 1: As advisor, you will have frequent meetings with engi-neering teams up to half a day to discuss on future releases, market trends and visions for mature products. You will gain access to early insights too. Level 2: Review customers and partners are being offered in-depth insights into the solution and deployment models. Sched-uled cadence calls and workshops will help discussions on fea-tures, review of concepts, and designs.

Level 3: Customers and partners are directly involved in proto-typing, reviews and testing of beta versions. These are detailed interactions or tests: from proof of concept, to deployment of new and potentially co-innovated breakthrough solutions.

Figure 1: Three Levels of Engagement

Page 3: Co-Innovation at SAP S/4HANA

From Ideation to Market Adoption SAP’s Co-Innovation process has evolved into a highly effective, comprehensive one that encompasses everything required for the product development and launching to be successful. Once decided on an engagement level, the Co-Innovation process contains of our phases. The final goal is to bring innovation to market more quickly, bring users and developers closer together, and drive adoption through the higher value achieved. Let’s take a more detailed look at the phases - and the best practices SAP uses to help ensure that the final result is a solution that truly meets customer needs. PHASE 1: CUSTOMER-DRIVEN INSPIRATION Phase 1 of SAP’s Co-Innovation process is all about inspiration. Traditional R & D processes often result in vendors offering a solution to customers very late in the process. However, our Co-Innovation best practice is to involve customers and end-users in a collaborative, iterative solution development process from the very beginning. We build, test, iterate and evolve solutions to-gether with our customers. This helps ensure that the solution meets customer needs far better and in a way that you will find it easy to adopt. We often refer to this process as “Design Think-ing.” To facilitate Design Thinking, SAP has incorporated it into Co-Innovation projects, mostly in the early phases. This means we start the development process with the user as the real expert, to get better insights into his or her behaviors, needs, and prefer-ences to achieve a person-centric design of our solutions. To capture this input, we collect feedback and knowledge from cus-tomers and external experts – people like you, who partner with us in the Co-Innovation process. This can involve an iterative approach that includes

Going on-site Visiting, interviewing and discussing with a diverse set of cus-tomers and business experts to assess a broad range of potential requirements. We leverage methodologies like Design Thinking to get best results from these meetings. Watching and learning Observing how work is carried out by the actual persons in charge without the proposed solution in place. Processing and structuring Profiling to get a clearer picture of the ideal target customers and identify affected roles within the company – and ultimately mak-ing the final Co-Innovation customer group work together. Looking ahead Brainstorming on the expectations of future users and new pro-cesses are crucial for success. This approach helps ensure that the focus is solely on partici-pants who truly add value to the process. SAP avoids missing participants who have important expertise, experience, and needs. The goal is to understand the business challenge as well as the “WHY” behind it. Furthermore get a 360-degree view of everything that could affect the design and implementation of the solution.

The customer-centered approach offers significant benefits for both, our customers and SAP. By closely working together with customers to understand their needs and by collecting input from the very beginning of the design process, SAP significantly boosts the efficiency and effectiveness of the product develop-ment process. For example, time to market and cost to market will be reduced, while -at the same time - a better fit to market will be ensured. This co-innovative approach helps ensure that the solution will fit your needs and solve your problems better than any other solution.

© 2015 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

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PHASE 2: DRIVING IDEATION AND IMPLEMENTATION The next step in our Co-Innovation process encompasses these activities: Ideation Customer needs and ideas are captured as requirements via workshops with multiple stakeholders. Using interactive visuali-zations and mock-ups of functionality and processes – which are created with software tools – helps accelerate this process. Implementation Requirements are executed in software codes – typically using an iterative development process that involves multiple, small sprints (or takt) of coding. This way, participants in the Co-Innovation process can give valuable feedback which can lead to cost-saving changes just in the early steps of the whole develop-ment process. An Emphasis on Lean Thinking The iterative development approach at SAP is based on what we refer to as “lean thinking,” which basically means that we elimi-nate everything that is ultimately not desired by the customer. Lean thinking is also referred to as “lean philosophy.” At the high-est level, lean thinking means to do more with less, eliminate unnecessary steps and at the same time deliver a product or solution that meets the customer’s requirements and expecta-tions at the highest level possible. At SAP we use “scrum,” a lean development model which is characterized by • A series of short development cycles, lasting approximately two to three weeks and ending with working software for review.

• An evaluation of the latest working version of the software by the Co-Innovation customer, so they can provide feedback and require changes that drive the next set of development priorities over the following cycles. This iterative development approach helps ensure that potential defects are discovered early, that the final service truly meets customer requirements, and that customers don’t have long waiting times for access to innovation. Figure 2 illustrates how we’ve put lean thinking into action for our solutions. We adhere to the following principles: • The customer is tightly integrated into this process by defining the requirements for the service, testing and giving im-portant/relevant feedback for further improvement. This ensures the solution desired – yet another principle of lean thinking. • Takt is used in the software development process as develop-ment happens over the course of multiple sprints. After some sprints, a working software increment – in the form of a proto-type – is presented to the team and customers to be able to give feedback after every cycle • The customer’s business experts are intimately involved in the development process, so the final solution is more likely to deliver the value desired. The solution includes the features that are most valuable to you. Your continuous feedback encourages development and ensures a product that fits market needs much better, thus avoiding unnecessary features and functions. More-over, this approach reduces unnecessary documentation and improper specifications.

© 2015 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

Our Co-Innovation best practice is to involve customers and end users in a continuous cycle of listen-and-engage - from the very beginning. In other words, we build, test and evolve solutions together with our customers.

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SAP considers a new simplified solution successful, when it’s a win-win for SAP and our customers/partners. That’s why SAP significantly invests in phase 3 of its Co-Innovation process. Dur-ing phase 3, we document and prove the value of the solution from customers’ perspectives and jump-start the development of a community of satisfied users. We strive to dedicate the same team of resources throughout the Co-Innovation process for a given project so that for example customers participating in the process don’t have to move to a new deployment team. Thus, the customer focus is preserved best. THINK END-USER VALUE FIRST – AND YOU WILL FOCUS ON THE KEY ASPECTS A “get-the-job-done” approach is very important for SAP. User interfaces have to be intuitive, responsive and homogeneous across all devices. If you are restricted in what you can display, as e. g. in the case of a mobile phone, you start to focus on the es-sentials.

We design solutions for any device. Leveraging the full computing power from strong SAP HANA servers equips mobile users for better functionality than ever before. Ensuring customer success at an early stage of market entry is fundamentally changing the IT industry – especially in the area of simplified applications and cloud solutions. This deployment model is experiencing increasing popularity, as “buyers” now subscribe to service over a dedicated time period. As a result, exit barriers are much lower for customers in the new model. In turn, vendors are more motivated to invest in the success of their customers to avoid customer churn.

Figure 2: Lean Principles for the Development Process at SAP

Figure 3: Co-Innovation Engagement

© 2015 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

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This means that we succeed only if enough customers adopt the software and realize expected business value, which is essential for early market success and future adoption. As noted by Geoffrey Moore in his technology innovation market-ing bestseller “Crossing the Chasm”, it is critical that high-tech companies focus first on “capturing” those who embrace innova-tion. Moore advises to engage these customer groups as a refer-ence base before moving on [to market] to the next group in the technology adoption lifecycle,1 as illustrated in Figure 3. Each group has different characteristics:2 •Innovators aggressively pursue new technology products. Moore refers to them as “technology enthusiasts.” They some-times seek out innovative products even before a formal market-ing program has been formed. This group is therefore a key Co-Innovation target for SAP. • Early adopters, like innovators, buy into new product concepts very early in the product’s lifecycle, but unlike innovators, they are not technologists. Moore refers to them as “visionaries", and they are key to opening up any high-tech market segment, as they do not rely on well-established references or proof. Thus, this group is a key Co-Innovation target for SAP as well.

Figure 4: Technology Adoption Lifecycle Source: Geoffrey Moore, Crossing the Chasm, 2006

© 2015 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

• The early majority are content to wait and see how other people are experiencing the innovation before they buy it themselves. In fact, Moore suggests that for technology innovations, there is a gap, or “chasm,” between the innovator, the early adopter groups, and the early majority. As a result, referencing activities or testimonials play a significant role in persuading this customer group to adopt new software and are an integral part of the Co-Innovation approach. • References are also important for the late majority and laggards groups that are characterized by a more skeptical attitude toward adopting new technology innovations. Despite the more innova-tion-averse attitude of these groups, SAP also invites them to participate in Co-Innovation, as their feedback is essential for developing technology innovations that are in line with mass-market requirements.

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Consequently, we are counting on your interest in new simplified solutions from SAP. As shown, investing in documenting proof of value is very important for us. We are convinced that a win-win for SAP and its customers will help build momentum for further growing of the solution and the market; we collectively cross the chasm by achieving joint success. SAP’s Approach to Ensuring Success of First Customers For these reasons, SAP’s [cooperative] Co-Innovation approach includes proven management best practices for supporting first customers. We have an expert team that helps ensure all the pieces for a successful launch are in place. It goes without saying that our Co-Innovation customers and partners are supported like partners throughout the whole of the product lifecycle – [not only during the early ideation and development phases]. SAP concentrates thoroughly on the first customer deployments. Each deployment involves close collaboration between cross-organizational teams, such as the development organization, the customer onboarding team, sales, and others – all of whom keep customer satisfaction and success as the ultimate goal. Of all members, the customer engagement manager is the most criti-cal one. Why that’s the case will be explained in the next sec-tion.[As explained in more detail in the next section, the most critical team member is the customer engagement manager.] The Customer Engagement Manager The first customer success phase consists of multiple customer engagements, or projects, that must be managed independently from each other. This makes effective project management criti-cal to success. SAP recommends that each project has two pro-ject managers – one from the customer or IT consulting partner and one from SAP, typically the customer engagement manager who acts as the central point of contact. This approach simplifies communications and project execution between all participants, for which key responsibilities are clearly defined. Given the degree of product uncertainty in first deployments of new solutions, SAP’s product development organization contin-ues to play a decisive role during this phase of the Co-Innovation process. In fact, product development continues to work togeth-er closely with you and assumes responsibility until critical learn-ing and validation from the first customer deployments are avail-able for market scaling. As a result, the role of the customer en-gagement manager during the first customer successes differs from that of a typical project manager in traditional software projects.

© 2015 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved..

FIRST CUSTOMER SUCCESS COMMUNITIES SAP leverages collaborative technologies, such as the SAPJAM™ applica-tion, to enable close collaboration on projects, as well as efficient collabo-ration and workflow automation. These technologies support SAP’s first customer success community.

As customer engagement managers experience the transfor-mation of customer operations firsthand, they help track and measure the key benefits of customers using new simplified solutions from SAP. Not only does this strengthen the relation-ship between SAP and its initial customers but, most important, it helps customers formulate and quantify their first achievements. Specifically, the customer engagement manager does capture customer feedback throughout the process for continuous solu-tion improvement and successful market launch activities. This way, the customer’s needs and ultimate success continue to stay in focus. Customer References The Co-Innovation team at SAP works closely together with mar-keting to offer a wide variety of co-marketing opportunities for early adopters. That represents win-win opportunities for both parties. These early referencing activities provide customers with a venue for being acknowledged publicly for their contributions and achievements with regard to the simplified software. They also drive processes for measuring and assessing value which has been realized since the adoption of the new software This pro-vides insight which we can use for software enhancements and further innovation. PHASE 4: TAKING THE SOLUTION TO MARKET After the first customer deployments have been completed suc-cessfully, SAP leverages the experience and insight gathered during the first phases of SAP’s Co-Innovation process to make a handover of the solution to the go-to-market team. During this handover, the Co-Innovation team shares important information, such as the value proposition, customer and usage insights, and first experiences in real environments – insights that help to scale the solution in the market.


At the highest level, lean thinking means to do more with less, elimi-nate waste, and at the same time de-liver a product or solution that meets the customer’s requirements and expectations at the highest level pos-sible.

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Take the Next Step Complexity built up over decades limits the ability to innovate. Companies have identified complexity as the biggest burden of our decade. Radical simplification is needed to unlock the full potential of companies in an increasing competitive landscape. The ongoing Digital Transformation, where new technologies lead to new competitors, requires companies to permanently rethink established Best Practices. Customers are looking for ways to our digitized, networked, and complex world. SAP´s next generation Business Suite is designed to meet these challenges. To truly innovate and think out of the box we invite you to shape the future with us. To learn more, please visit http://discover.sap.com/S4HANA or get directly in touch with us via [email protected]

The organizational approach to and necessity for ensuring customer suc-cess at an early stage of market entry is fundamentally changing the IT in-dustry – especially in the subscription economy.


1. Moore, Crossing the Chasm, 2006, p. 14.

2. Ibid., pp. 12.–13.

© 2015 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

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