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DUIs Have Huge Consequences for Professionals

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http://www.duilawyerorangecounty.com/dui-with-injury.html | DUI convictions can have huge professional consequences, resulting in license revocation or other disciplinary action. An experienced DUI attorney can help you fight a DUI conviction or avoid disciplinary action in the event of a conviction.

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  • 1. DUIs Have Huge Consequences for Professionals DUIs can cost thousands of dollars and result in potential jail time for offenders, but for members of certain professions, a conviction for driving under the influence can also cause them to lose their livelihood. Doctors, nurses, lawyers, teachers, and members of several other professions can find themselves out of a career if convicted of a DUI. The Law Office of Barry T. Simmons can help professionals evade the career consequences of a DUI by avoiding conviction in court or successfully litigating a license revocation. In California, a number of professions have rules that can result in disciplinary action against persons convicted of driving under the influence. For example, a doctor can lose his or her license over a felony DUI or more than one misdemeanor DUIs. Other health care workers can also face disciplinary action resulting from a DUI. In recent years, the California Board of Registered Nursing has moved to place nurses who get just one DUI on a closely-monitored probation, which includes random drug tests, mandatory counseling, and regular AA meetings. Courts have supported using a DUI conviction as grounds for discipline due to unprofessional conduct. Medical personnel arent the only professionals who can face professional disciplinary action resulting from a DUI. Attorneys who get a DUI may face sanctions and even real estate agents convicted of DUI run the risk of losing their license. Other professionals who could lose their professional license or face disciplinary action as a result of a DUI in California include: Teachers Architects Actuaries Pharmacists Pilots Insurance agents CPAs Members of many of these professions are required by California law to report DUI convictions to their employers. If youve been arrested for a DUI, your first step is to contact an experienced DUI attorney. In many cases that involve driving under the influence, the evidence is insufficient to convict the defendant. An experienced DUI attorney can go over information such as the type of DUI test given, the circumstances of the arrest, and the methodology of determining intoxication to decide whether the arrest was proper. In many cases, it wont be, and the attorney will be able to secure an acquittal.

2. Even if you are convicted of a DUI, it doesnt mean that your career is over. An experienced DUI attorney like Barry T. Simmons can help guide you through a license revocation or disciplinary hearing, present evidence in your favor, and work to mitigate the professional consequences of a DUI conviction. Bio: The Law Office of Barry T. Simmons specializes in DUI defense and employment actions related to DUI convictions. Simmons years of experience in litigating DUI cases gives him expert knowledge in finding gaps in evidence and procedure that can result in acquittals for clients. Simmons also has a proven track record of helping clients avoid losing medical and other professional licensure as a result of DUI convictions.