Emmanuel M. Technitis, LL.M, LL.M, Cert. I.M. CYBERCRIME

Crime Typologies - Cybercrime

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If you want to take my Online Criminology Course for free you can click here: http://bit.ly/1iaexDD When we talk about cybercrime we refer to the crime conducted in cyberspace or via cyberspace. Cybercrimes do not only include crimes conducted in or with the use of the internet but also to electronic or technological devices such as mobile phones, tablets and routers. There are many many types of cybercrimes. We distinguish them into two main categories. The first one regards the crimes which already existed before the information age such as cyberfraud, cyberstalking, online harassment, online identity theft etc. These types of crime already exist as crimes in the daily life, but due to the technological progress they have taken a new “cyber” form. As for the other category, it contains crimes which did not existed untill the new technologic revolution. These are for example hacking and cracking, data theft, phising etc. These crimes are so much related to the internet and technology, that without them they do not exist. To find out more, click to my Online Criminology Course for free you can click here: http://bit.ly/1iaexDD

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Page 1: Crime Typologies - Cybercrime

Emmanuel M. Technitis, LL.M, LL.M, Cert. I.M.


Page 2: Crime Typologies - Cybercrime

Emmanuel M. Technitis, LL.M, LL.M, Cert. I.M.

Cybercrime: The crime conducted in cyberspace or via cyberspace


Page 3: Crime Typologies - Cybercrime

Emmanuel M. Technitis, LL.M, LL.M, Cert. I.M.

1# Crimes gone cyberCYBERCRIME

Fraud����������� ������������������  ➙����������� ������������������  Cyberfraud����������� ������������������  

Stalking����������� ������������������  ➙����������� ������������������  Cyberstalking����������� ������������������  

Identity����������� ������������������  Theft����������� ������������������  ➙����������� ������������������  Online����������� ������������������  Identity����������� ������������������  Theft����������� ������������������  

etc.����������� ������������������  


Page 4: Crime Typologies - Cybercrime

Emmanuel M. Technitis, LL.M, LL.M, Cert. I.M.

2# did not existed untill the new technologic revolution


Page 5: Crime Typologies - Cybercrime

Emmanuel M. Technitis, LL.M, LL.M, Cert. I.M.

A. Technological Literacy Matters


Page 6: Crime Typologies - Cybercrime

Emmanuel M. Technitis, LL.M, LL.M, Cert. I.M.

Page 7: Crime Typologies - Cybercrime

Emmanuel M. Technitis, LL.M, LL.M, Cert. I.M.

B. Interpersonal Cybercrimes Are Common and Dangerous


Page 8: Crime Typologies - Cybercrime

Emmanuel M. Technitis, LL.M, LL.M, Cert. I.M.

Page 9: Crime Typologies - Cybercrime

Emmanuel M. Technitis, LL.M, LL.M, Cert. I.M.

Page 10: Crime Typologies - Cybercrime

Emmanuel M. Technitis, LL.M, LL.M, Cert. I.M.

C. Apparent Anonymity


Page 11: Crime Typologies - Cybercrime

Emmanuel M. Technitis, LL.M, LL.M, Cert. I.M.