1 v Privacy Insight Series - truste.com/insightseries © TRUSTe Inc., 2017 v © TRUSTe Inc., 2017 Best Practices to Create a Data Inventory & Meet GDPR Compliance January 24, 2017

Best Practices to Create a Data Inventory and Meet GDPR Compliance [Webinar Slides]

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Best Practices to Create a Data

Inventory & Meet GDPR Compliance

January 24, 2017

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Today’s Speakers


Principal Consultant (US), TRUSTe


President, Privacy Know How, former Global Privacy

Manager at Chevron and Applied Materials


Corporate Counsel, Level 3 Communications

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•Welcome & Introductions

•Getting Started


•Next Steps


Today’s Agenda

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Getting Started Scoping, Resourcing, Organizational Buy-In

Guy Sereff, Corporate Counsel, Level 3 Communications

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• Determine the organization’s objectives

– Compliance with specific frameworks?

– Developing a new Privacy Program?

– Refreshing an existing Privacy Program?

• Identify logical business units

Scoping the Data Inventory Project

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• Identify roles and responsibilities BEFORE any work begins

– Project Manager

– Business Unit Leads

– Subject Matter Experts

• Set realistic expectations for the level of effort required to complete

the project

Resourcing the Data Inventory Project

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• Data Inventories can be used throughout the organization

– Legal and regulatory compliance

– Identification of application and storage redundancies

– Guide for developing information security framework

– Introduction or reinforcement of Privacy by Design concept for application


– Identification of new data types and uses

• Compliance with GDPR is going to be difficult without a current Data


– Privacy Impact Assessment requirements

– Demonstrable compliance

– Required data processing registries

– Compliance requirements for wholly automated decision making

– Data subject rights

Organizational Buy-In

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Veronika Tonry, President, Privacy Know How

Execution Discovery, Documentation, and Analysis

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The key to a successful GDPR implementation

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• Adapt the discovery to your company culture

• Intake Process

– Do your homework before you interview the organization

– Be clear around expectations and define the terminology

– Have examples of processes ready

– Develop a methodology to execute efficiently

• Document to identify risks and make decisions – Identify high risk processing and evaluate impact

– Classify your data: Individual information elements +

combined data sets

– Develop action plans from the analysis and findings

Best Practices

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Ray Everett, Principal Consultant, TRUSTe

Next Steps Turn Findings into Action, Keeping a “Living” Inventory

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• Inventory should point to many action items

– High risk data elements

– Data repositories that need monitoring, controls, policies

– Access and External Transfers that need monitoring, controls, policies

– Vendors/Partners requiring contractual language, reviews/audits, controls

• Maps should point to processes that need regular scrutiny

– Gaps in controls, policies

– Processes that need new/periodic PIAs

– Maps should identify vendors who need periodic audits

• Inventory and Maps should also

– Support the case for resourcing

– Identify your Privacy Committee members

Translating the Data Inventory into Action

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• “Institutionalize” your Map with a Privacy Committee – People ignore documents, they can’t (always) ignore a recurring meeting

– Privacy Committee agenda driven by action items, PIA reviews and Data

Inventory updates

• Inventory Drives Initial & Recurring Actions – Define and build support for action items

– Review progress and results with the Privacy Committee

• Integrate Data Map updates into PIA for products/services/vendors – “Bottom-up” updates

– Changes to flows may ripple across organization in unexpected ways

• Define a Cadence for Review/Refreshment – “Top-down” updates

– Keep all stakeholders informed of strategic changes, impacts to their

business units

“Map Your Team, Team Up on Mapping”

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For more information on Data Inventory examples, schedule a consultation:



Ray Everett [email protected]

Veronika Tonry [email protected]

Guy Sereff [email protected]


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Register now for the next webinar in our 2017 Winter/Spring Webinar Series

on February 23 “Privacy Shield Self-Certification– What’s Next?”

See http://www.truste.com/insightseries for the 2017 Privacy Insight Series

and past webinar recordings.

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