BellaVita Product Testimonial Guidelines. As we experience the powerful benefits of BellaVita products, we naturally want to share our experience with others, but it’s important to talk about BellaVita products in a way that is compliant with local laws and our company policy. When you discuss the benefits of a product, including how it personally helped you, that’s called a claim. When making claims about BellaVita products, please keep in mind the following information. The U.S. Federal Trade Commission requires that claims be truthful and not misleading. Also, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration only permits disease claims for registered drugs. Disease claims, often referred to as medical or drug claims, say that a product treats, prevents, diagnoses, prevents, or cures disease. Since BellaVita products are not drugs, disease claims, even if true, are not permitted. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration DOES allow cosmetic and structure-function claims. Cosmetic claims state that a product improves personal appearance, such as “reduced the appearance of my wrinkles”.

BellaVita Product Testimonial Guidelines

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Page 1: BellaVita Product Testimonial Guidelines

BellaVita Product Testimonial Guidelines. As we experience the powerful benefits of BellaVita products, we naturally want to share our experience with others, but it’s important to talk about BellaVita products in a way that is compliant with local laws and our company policy. When you discuss the benefits of a product, including how it personally helped you, that’s called a claim. When making claims about BellaVita products, please keep in mind the following information. The U.S. Federal Trade Commission requires that claims be truthful and not misleading. Also, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration only permits disease claims for registered drugs. Disease claims, often referred to as medical or drug claims, say that a product treats, prevents, diagnoses, prevents, or cures disease. Since BellaVita products are not drugs, disease claims, even if true, are not permitted. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration DOES allow cosmetic and structure-function claims. Cosmetic claims state that a product improves personal appearance, such as “reduced the appearance of my wrinkles”.

Page 2: BellaVita Product Testimonial Guidelines

Structure-function claims say that a product helps you stay healthy and function normally or contributes to general well being, for example this “elevates my mood” or “this supports joint function”.

When making a statement, first check yourself by thinking "If I'm a normal healthy person, how does this help my body to function better?" Fortunately cosmetic and structure-function claims do not require pre-approval from the FDA. A company is able to issue structure-function claims with the following disclaimer. “These statements have not been evaluated by the Federal Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.” In summary, when sharing the BellaVita products be truthful and talk about how they improve personal appearance, or help the body stay healthy. Do not say or imply that they prevent or cure disease. Simply allow people try our products and they’ll experience their effectiveness themselves.