Old age home

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Someone said ‘The end of world is our home.’


1. The boundary between senior and old age cannot be defined exactly because it shifts according to context and to society. People can be considered old because of certain changes in their activities or social roles. Examples: people may be considered old when they become grandparents, or when they begin to do less or different work—retirement. Most countries have accepted the chronological age of 65 years as a definition of 'elderly' or older person.


2. German chancellor Otto von Bismarck created the world's first comprehensive government social safety net in the 1880s, providing for old age pensions. In the United States of America, and the United Kingdom, the age of 65 was traditionally considered the beginning of the senior years because, until recently, United States and British people became eligible to retire at this age with full Social Security benefits. In 2003, the age at which a US citizen became eligible for full Social Security benefits began to increase gradually, and will continue to do so until it reaches 67 in 2027. Full retirement age for Social Security benefits for people retiring in 2012 is age 66. Originally, the purpose of old age pensions was to prevent elderly persons from being reduced to beggary, which is still common in some underdeveloped countries, but growing life expectancies and elder populations has brought into question the model under which pension systems were designed.

3. The very concept of an old age home is new to India. An old age home is usually the place, a home for those old people who have no one to look after them or those who have been thrown out of their homes by their children. The place is of course like home where the inmates get all the facilities for a routine living, like food, clothing, and shelter.

4. All these necessities are well looked after but, the much-needed love, and care of loved ones is of course sadly missing; for, how can outsiders provide solace? In these homes, it is very interesting and even touching to talk to people whether they are men or women.

5. At least in India till now, the old people staying away from the home, from their children, or left to themselves is not considered to be a very happy situation. This concept of separating the elders from the youngsters has been imported into India from the West.


6. However, for the West it may not be so heart rending for, there, it is their original life style that two generations never stay under one roof. But, in India where, for centuries, not only two but also even three generations have lived together, this new concept of nuclear families with the elders ousted, is just too touching to bear.

7. If, in any home we talk to the inmates, their story would be much the same- turmoil in the family, disgust against the old and, finally the removal of the elders from the family scene. It is the family atmosphere, and being among their flesh and blood that, most of the old people miss at the old age home.

8. They do get their daily needs fulfilled but, from where will the love of the dear ones come? The stories of almost all the old people are the same and very dismal.

9. It is the breakup of the system of the joint family and the introduction of a nuclear family that has brought this unhappy situation enter our society, and the old age homes have had to come up to cater to the needs of the elderly.

10. Besides this, since the women have started working out of homes, there is now, no one to look after the routine needs of the elders at home. Also with the women working out come their attitudes towards the elders, for, today, the working women do not take the elders as their duty but as useless appendages in the family.

11. This attitude of the women has also largely contributed to the removal of elders from families. With this backdrop, the necessity for old age homes was felt, and is being increasingly felt with the passage of time. The entire spectrum of circumstances has led to this unhappy need for old age homes.

12. No matter how well they are looked after in these homes, a single visit to an old age home brings depression to the onlooker as, no one - Yes, no one seems to be happy there.


13. It is very clear to all who visit an old age home that, all the inmates are there, not for the love of being away from home and independent but, because there is no better alternative left for them, once they are neglected and unwanted in their homes by their own children.

14. The only solace is that, they are getting their daily requirements of shelter and food - if not the bonds of love from the family.

15. 6 Reasons Why Retirement Homes Are Becoming a

Must Today

16. Senior Citizen Homes

17. Most of us would shudder at the thought of our parents having to live in a retirement home during old age. But given the modern situation where most children are working away from home, whether abroad or in another city, the best option and sometimes the only option is to keep the parents in a retirement home.


18. I personally know an old lady living all alone in an apartment in Indiranagar while his only son is working in the States. She faces a myriad problems everyday and her son too is under considerable tension regarding her well being. In such a situation a retirement home can act as a perfect solution for both.

Let’s see some of the reasons why retirement homes are becoming imperative today:

1. Children are working away from home

Most children reside outside India or in another city for work purpose and the ageing parents are left all alone with no one to look after them. A retirement home offers the opportunity to live as a community giving the feeling of an extended family.

2. Safety is an issue for senior citizens

It has become a common occurrence nowadays of crimes being committed against senior citizens, as they are easy targets. Living in a retirement home gives protection and security to them because of constant screening of visitors. Also gadgets like CCTV offering constant surveillance and video intercom makes sure that it is possible to monitor visitors.


3. A like-minded community

We are social animals and friends are an essential part of our lives. Once people retire from their jobs they miss the daily interactions that they used to have with colleagues who were of the same age group. At retirement homes with neighbours and occupants of the same age group it is easy for any person to blend in comfortably and lead an actively social life.

4. Stress free living

Daily work at home may not be mentally stressful but is physically very demanding, especially for senior citizens. At retirement homes, most of the daily chores and work is taken care by the association offering senior citizens a stress free living. Even chores like daily cooking are taken care of at the community kitchen.

5. Medical attention

A constant cause of tension regarding senior citizens are health related issues and medical emergencies. Since retirement homes are exclusively for senior citizens, medical help is always available and are better equipped to handle emergencies.

6. A constant companionship

The modern dilemma during these times are that even though there is no monetary scarcity, yet due to work pressure and commitments children are often not able to give their parents as much time as they would want to. The result? The senior citizens’ health often ends up being neglected. Isolation is also a huge issue which can lead to mental depression. At a retirement home, the community thrives on companionship and care, hence minimizing any feeling of neglect and isolation.


19. Having said this, we must also remember that there is also a downside to retirement homes. Firstly, a huge amount of money gets locked in as a deposit or a down payment which cannot be retrieved if for some reason the inhabitant decides to quit the home. Secondly, retirement homes lack a mixed age community, which some people may prefer to having only senior citizens as community members.

20. What is Home? Why should we need home? Why we do love with our home? Because With home we all are connected with some relations , some memorized. And That will give us happiness. So we want that we should in touch with home forever…..


I want to sing here John howard payne’s poem.


‘Mid pleasures and palaces though we may roam,

Be it ever so humble ,there’s no like home;

A charm from the sky seems to hallow us there,

Which’seek thro’ the world’ is never met with elsewhere.

Home ,home,sweet sweet home!

There’s no place like home, there’s no place like home!

An exile from home,splendor dazzles on vain;

Oh! Give me my lowly thatached cottage again!

The birds singing gaily, that came at my call—

Give me them-and the peace of mind, dearer than all!

Home ,home,sweet sweet home!

There’s no place like home, there’s no place like home!

I gaze on the moon as I tread the drear wild,

And feel that my mother now thinks of her child,

As she looks on that moon from our own cottage door

Thro’ the woodbine , whose fragrance shall cheer me no more.

Home ,home,sweet sweet home!

There’s no place like home, there’s no place like home!


How sweet ‘tis to sit’ neath a fond Father’s smile,

And the cares of a mother to soothe and beguile!

Let others delight ‘midnew pleasures to roam,

But give me , oh give me the place like home.

Home ,home,sweet sweet home!

There’s no place like home, there’s no place like home!

To thee I’ll return overburdened with care;

The heart’s dearest solace will smile on me there;

No more from that cottage again will I roam;

Be it ever so humble ‘ there’s no place like home.

Home ,home,sweet sweet home!

There’s no place like home, there’s no place like home!

29 I think India must be one of the few countries/societies where

culturally, and traditionally, there is so much respect for elders. It is probably the only country where we touch the feet of our elders


as a mark of respect. Yet on a practical level and in our infrastructure we are far behind many other countries and societies in looking after our elderly. With Indian society changing and with the gradual shift from joint family system to the nuclear family system, our relationship with the elders in our own family is also changing. Today a person working and living in a large city has many demands on him. He or she has very little time for himself and his own immediate nuclear family (children and spouse). In this changing scenario what happens to our elders. We need to plan better for our elders, and in fact for ourselves, because sooner or later all of us, (no matter how much we resist it will eventually get there.

The average lifespan in the year 1947 was 31 years! So the number of people living beyond the age of retirement, ie 60 years, would not have been very high. Also, at that time, the support system of the joint family was very much prevalent. Today the average life span is around 65 years. So the number of people living beyond 60 years is dramatically higher. It is now fairly common to see people living up to the age of 75 or 80 years. That is 20 years of life after retirement. Add to this the remaining living years of your spouse. So, whatever I have earned and saved over 40 years has to last my spouse and me another 20 years! And remember, these last 20 years of life will be the years when my spouse and I will have the highest expenditure on health. Of course, I’m not even getting into inflation. So can my spouse and I live comfortably and independently for 20 to 25 years without earning? Unlikely for most of us. So who is going to look after us? Our kids? But they might have their own problems. So perhaps one of the things that we really need to look at is, even after I retire at the age of 60 from


a government or a corporate job, I must still find other ways to continue to earn a living and continue to be productive for as long as I can.

As a society we have created infrastructures and support systems to help us to look after our children. So, we have for our children 10 years of school, ie, from the age of 6 to 16. Before that, we have kindergarten, before kindergarten we have nursery, before nursery we have play schools and crèches to help look after our children. No such support system exists in our society for the elderly. We need to have more and more professional organizations which bring the elderly together so that they can be productive in their time and how they spend it, and have a good time even after they are past retirement age. Examples of these are some ‘Nana-Nani’ or ‘Dada-Dadi’ parks. Recreation Centres or parks for senior citizens are being run by local self-government bodies, NGOs, senior citizen groups and local area bodies in different parts of the country. They get some grants from the government/municipality and sometimes, funds from donors/sponsors. Delhi has been particularly active in this regard – they have over 75 such recreation centres and the Delhi government offers some financial aid and assistance for starting and the upkeep of such endeavours.

As pointed out by Mr. Himanshu Rath a huge percentage of our voting population is above the age of 60 and that number is only growing. And most of our politicians are also above the age of 60. Despite this obvious synergy, there are very few facilities or policies designed for the elderly by the centre or various state governments. The Indira Gandhi National Old Age Pension Scheme (IGNOAPS) was launched by the Ministry of Rural


Development. All persons of 65 years (and above) who are living below the poverty line, according to the criteria prescribed by the Government of India, are eligible for the scheme. The pension amount is Rs.200 per month per person. Most states give between Rs.200 and Rs.500 and only to those below the poverty line. Some state governments have been more generous. Tamil Nadu gives Rs.1000, 20 kg of free rice to cardholders and 35 kg to BPL families. Goa gives all senior citizens a pension of Rs.2000 per month, not just those below the poverty line.

30 In essence we need to remember that just touching the feet of our elders is not enough. It should not become a meaningless gesture which we go through because of tradition, rather it should be a gesture born out of genuine affection, love and respect. And what we should never forget is that where our elders are today we will be tomorrow.



And no one think about those mother who left their homes and now a days they live in OLD AGE HOME.

How will they cure about themselves at that ages.

What is condition of OLD AGE HOME????


This people… They are broken heart…………



They do not need support of the pole or other subjects but in this time they really need to support of his sons,…

A lot of these elders have daughters too, and these daughters cannot be 'budhape ka sahara' because their duties after marriage is considered only towards their husband's parents and not their own. Many women suffer in silence and in helplessness as they can see their parents suffer but unable to do anything to change it. Is this not unfair on both the daughters and their parents? This is also one of the reasons why a girl child is not desired, she can never be of any help to them in old age. Shouldnt the responsibility of both the parents lie on the couple? Why should this responsibility be only on the sons & their wives? I have seen many women commenting on the insensitive nature of sons towards their parents, but can they do anything to their own parents? Did they not leave them and go away? Why do we as women accept this kind of bias towards us?


Now a Days, People Use to Live with his wife & children, But they Left their Parents to Live Alone/Penniless. But they Forgot their Childhood, at that that time Their Parents, sacrifices a lot for Him, If This is called Advance Society, Then I don't want to be Advance. They Love his wife & Child, but they Forgot how much their parents loved him, in their Childhood & make them Self Dependent.


so ay the last way to help of this type of parents . some gave concept of ‘ OLD AGE HOME.’


There are many place in india like old age home But places loke ayudham have changed the concept of old age home. The concept of Senior Citizen ‘ Homes was a place for unhappy parents.That concept is finished. In Ayudham Parents go there because they wanted. Here Childhood and old age complement each other. They believed that; “ We don’t need retired, We need more re-wired people.

India is only country where to touch the feet of elders, to sick their blessing is a show of reverence.


But for making to more advance youth forget his culture. Son will refuse to have home his parents. At this moment parents never want negative thiking about his son. See this mother ,

This real Indian culture . In Sanskrit Our Rishi said that ‘,putro kuputro jayet kavchidapi kumata n bhavati’


This is true , 10 children can’t care of a mother.

A short story about this .What type of relation between mother and children when they young and when they would be youth.

Two children of 5 years old quarreled .one say this is my mother and 2nd say this mother is mine.

After some years same. Both are quarreled but one say this mother is yours. And 2nd say this is your mother.

This can happens only in India .

What you believe ? Old Age Home is good for us?,

Is good ofr Our culture ? is good for our nation?


No , It is not good symptoms for us, or our culture , or our nation.

Why we need of old age home?

Because our youth generation is forgetting his culture…

So wake up and memorize that ‘ muj viti tuj vitase dhiri bapudiya


Sugan Bhatia, Ph.D. President Indian University Association for Continuing Education Delhi 1.1 The elderly (aged 60 years and above) in India account for more than 9 percent of the total population. The National Population Commission estimated that the population of the elderly is expected to grow from 71 million in 2001 to 173 million in 2026. This demographic scenario appears to indicate a very precarious condition for the older persons in terms of their capability to enjoy the right to life with dignity. While those in the age group 60-69 years could be expected to lead a fairly healthy life and offer their services as volunteers for informal care giving to others in the two higher age groups, both the 70-79 years age group and the 80 + years age group would require critical social and medical healthcare support – both informal care giving and formal care giving. 1.2 The growing incidence of elder abuse and severe fissures in the multigenerational family or household has forced many older persons to abandon their family home; some of them have also been “pushed out” and have thus been left shelter-less.


Most urban areas appear to have a growing incidence of cases of abandoned elderly. A new culture of “peer group participation” being attempted by the old persons appears to be taking roots in many parts of urban India; Old Age Homes of various types are rapidly becoming a choice for many “abandoned”, “left out” or “neglected” old persons with or without survival resources.

Though in our daily schedule we forget  about them , but they never ever forget us come what may be the situation, for them  we always remain their kid and for us they always be a guiding light, for us they  are our foundation , whatever present we are having today  is all because of them. We feel that  we have grown up but still the child in us feels relaxed when we realize that  we have our elders above us, this is so valuable but then in today's bottle neck competitive world we often fail to express  and this is where we start losing  them and making our parents feel dejected.

No one on this earth can hate his/her parents they are always loved but sometimes people  just take it granted, they fail to realize  what you expect out of  other people around you is genuinely and self lessly given by our parents , let it be advice, let it be help   and let it be moral support. our parents are the only one on this earth who can never ever imagine anything bad for us. what i believe is we can earn money as much as we want but we cannot  buy  a set of parents and a family...if we are earning a lac per month and we don’t have anyone to  share our happiness with those who will have a genuine  glitter of


happiness in thier eyes,that one lac is of no worth. Even our spouse can not  feel that for us which our parents feel  coz we are their  dreams and we all know  wen dreams get  fulfilled how much  happiness we get. So we all should  try  to be  a fairy dream for our parents  that  they feel that their upbringing is  justified and not be a nightmare that they repent for their whole life time.