Brian Garrett Joseph Shares His Experiences About Private Football Coaching

Brian garrett joseph shares his experiences about private football coaching

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Brian Garrett Joseph Shares His Experiences About

Private Football Coaching

Brian Garrett Joseph has extensive interest in athletics particularly American football. He has gained valuable experience as a writer and blogger. He writes articles and blogs about educational issues and NFL. He suggests parents to be realistic about their children and their athletic abilities. He recalls the conversation between the father and the son who excitedly conveyed him that how their recent consultation with a renowned quarterback guru had actually gone better than they had anticipated.

The private coach told father that the son had Division I promise and that with proper footwork and mechanics, he could become something special. The private coach would charge an exorbitant amount of money and in exchange, the son would receive the best coaching around. The sessions range from one hour to ninety minutes long and the sessions would be video recorded so that the father and son could later review the practice. He says that one needs to be realistic about their athletic abilities.

The son stood 5'9 and weighed 175 pounds but he did not possess the athletic ability needed to succeed at the Division I Level of major college football.

Brian Garrett Joseph says that although the son did not possess the athletic abilities yet such a renowned quarterback coach and guru sold an athlete on a bill of goods. He adds that a father that holds his newborn son in his arms for the first time and looks in his face and has vision of athletic grandeur must see the reality.

He must realize that very few athletes have the athletic skills necessary to become a scholarship football player at a major Division I University. They must realize that very few have the physical gifts of a Randy Moss, Joe Montana or an Adrian Peterson and no amount of private training is going to make a have not into a have.

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