Top Android Game Development Tools As the old saying goes, everybody has at least one good game in them. To make a good mobile game, you’ll need the right development tools, and there’s plenty out there. In this article we look at the top game development tools for creating an Android-based game. We’ve covered a few engines, from the larger ones like Unity to more niche products like Moai. Not everyone has the time to learn C++, or their game might be simple enough to not need that kind of detail and control. Then again, the larger game engines, and those that allow you to change the source code, might be just what you need to create precisely the game you want, and in 3D no less. So we’ve covered a range of tools to make sure there’s something there for all game developers and game types. We’ve divided the list below according to the size and scope of the platforms: “Big Hitters” arethe biggest engines out there with the highest amount of tools, “Mid- Level” are for relatively experienced developers who want to improve, and “Entry Level” are for those just starting out and looking to make their first game.

Top Android Game Development Tools,Connectionphase Top Mobile Game Development Company India

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Top Android Game Development Tools

As the old saying goes, everybody has at least one good game in them. To make a good mobile game, you’ll need the right development tools, and there’s plenty out there. In this article we look at the top game development tools for creating an Android-based game. We’ve covered a few engines, from the larger ones like Unity to more niche products like Moai. Not everyone has the time to learn C++, or their game might be simple enough to not need that kind of detail and control. Then again, the larger game engines, and those that allow you to change the source code, might be just what you need to create precisely the game you want, and in 3D no less. So we’ve covered a range of tools to make sure there’s something there for all game developers and game types. We’ve divided the list below according to the size and scope of the platforms: “Big Hitters” arethe biggest engines out there with the highest amount of tools, “Mid- Level” are for relatively experienced developers who want to improve, and “Entry Level” are for those just starting out and looking to make their first game.

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This is the list:

Big Hitters:•••

Unity 3D Unreal Engine 4 Marmalade


Game Maker Studio AppypieMoai Corona


GiderosMobile Fusion 2.5 GameSalad Stencyl

Unity 3D

Unity 3D has to top the list: fully supporting 3D game development, it is the most polished tool out there (together with Unreal Engine), offering plenty of monetisation tools on top of its dev suite, and is free if your game makes less than $100,000 yearly revenue. It’s been used to create some of the most popular games out there, including Monument Valley, and although it does not let you dig into the source code, you’ll probably never need to.

•Pros: Free up to $100,000, the most polished engine out there, massive community and support network

•Cons: Gets expensive with extra features and add ones. No source code access unless you pay. BIG.

•Example Games: N.O.V.A, ChronoBlade, Monument Valley Made with Unity: Monument Valley Release Trailer

Unreal Engine 4

Unreal Engine 4 is one of the big-hitters in the list, offering an extremely sophisticated set of tools, complete access to its C++ source code and full 3D support. Its pricing plan

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costs nothing until your game reaches $3000/quarter, at which point 5% of royalties go to Unreal, though one-off payments without royalties can also be organised. Its community is also extremely active, and it has a large knowledge base available online, with tutorial videos and extensive documentation.

•Pros: Complete source C++ access, visual scripting, good UI

•Cons: Few extensions, hard to make your own workflows or effects, not great for collaboration

•Example Games: Shadowgun: Deadzone, Epic Citadel, Wild Blood Made with Unreal Engine 4: SHADOWGUN: Deadzone 2.0 Trailer


Marmalade markets itself as the quickest cross-platform development engine, and its low-level language does indeed make its apps run very fast – further to that, one of its major upsides is “write once, run anywhere”. All of its five pricing plans (the cheapest being free) give you access to the SDK and the lowest tier starts at $15 dollars/month. The engine offers great physics support and can produce 3d games, but it does feature a lot of coding instead of visual scripting, so is perhaps best avoided by beginners.

•Pros: No Mac required to compile iOS code, very good performance, low-level language

• Cons: Low-level language, can require extension-making, slower to make apps

•Example Games: Plants vs. Zombies, Bejeweled Blitz Made with Marmalade: Plants vs. Zombies 2 Android Game play

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Connectionphase is the top Mobile Game Development Company in India, UK and USA. We globally offer all types of 3D/2D Mobile Game Development Services with best price. Connectionphase is well established and highly experienced mobile Games Development Company that focuses on quality, cost-effective, digital & fast delivery. We provide quality solution with latest technologies.

Page 4: Top Android Game Development Tools,Connectionphase Top Mobile Game Development Company India

Connectionphase is now working with the android mobile game development. We are working on mobile game development with latest technology like Unity 3D/2D and Cocos 3D/2D. We provide different categories android game like casino games, cards games, sports games, puzzles, racing games etc. with different and latest technology like Android Widget SDK, Open GL. We are develop game for different devices like mobile phone, Tablet, watch.etc