Search Pattern Adoption: are we making an impact? Lyle Kantrovich IA Summit 2014 San Diego @LKANTROV | #searchia #ias14 VIVID MOJO

Search Pattern Adoption by Corporate Web Sites - IA Summit 2014

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This presentation outlines nine foundational search patterns, showing examples of each. It also presents the results of research on use of those search patterns or "best practices" on the corporate web sites of the largest U.S. companies. Many of these search patterns have been well known for many years. Why aren't companies using more of these "best practices"? Some ideas are discussed. This was presented during the Information Architecture Summit 2014 in San Diego. This was a Flex Track presentation. Please contact me if you have any questions about this presentation or the research presented.

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Search Pattern Adoption: are we making an impact?

Lyle Kantrovich IA Summit 2014 San Diego

@LKANTROV | #searchia #ias14 VIVID MOJO

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• About me…

• Why would I do this?

@LKANTROV | #searchia #ias14 VIVID MOJO

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• Basic search patterns for on-site search

• Research on search pattern usage on large corporate sites

– Fortune 50

– Fortune 451-500

• Why aren’t more sites using patterns?

• What does this say about our effectiveness?

@LKANTROV | #searchia #ias14 VIVID MOJO

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Nine Search Patterns

• Global search box in header • Allow query revision on results page • Show the number of results • Highlight keywords in result titles • Highlight keywords in result snippets • Provide search tips when zero results • Autosuggest • “Best bets” / recommended results • Faceted or categorized results

@LKANTROV | #searchia #ias14 VIVID MOJO

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Global search box in header

@LKANTROV | #searchia #ias14

11% of F50 fail to do this.


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Allow query revision on results page

@LKANTROV | #searchia #ias14

28% of F50 fail to do this.


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Show the number of results

@LKANTROV | #searchia #ias14

26% of F50 fail to do this.


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Highlight keywords in result titles

@LKANTROV | #searchia #ias14

54% of F50 fail to do this.


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Highlight keywords in result snippets

@LKANTROV | #searchia #ias14

33% of F50 fail to do this.


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Provide search tips when zero results

@LKANTROV | #searchia #ias14

30% of F50 fail to do this.


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@LKANTROV | #searchia #ias14

65% of F50 fail to do this.


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“Best bets” / recommended results

@LKANTROV | #searchia #ias14

70% of F50 fail to do this.


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Faceted or categorized results

@LKANTROV | #searchia #ias14

59% of F50 fail to do this.


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Berkshire Hathaway – circa 1998

No Search

@LKANTROV | #searchia #ias14 VIVID MOJO

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Berkshire Hathaway (F#5) – today

No Search

@LKANTROV | #searchia #ias14 VIVID MOJO

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Berkshire Hathaway – News Releases

No Search

@LKANTROV | #searchia #ias14



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Providing a Global Search Capability

• Some companies don’t provide on-site search

– Berkshire Hathaway (#5)

– Express Scripts (#24)

• Some sites have multiple search silos or only provide search for limited content

– Amazon (#49)

– Facebook (#482)

– Walgreens (#37)

@LKANTROV | #searchia #ias14 VIVID MOJO

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Usage Data

@LKANTROV | #searchia #ias14 VIVID MOJO

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Usage Data - Adjusted

@LKANTROV | #searchia #ias14 VIVID MOJO

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“Best Practice” Adoption

• Of the 45 sites with search in the F50, on average, they use five of the nine search patterns

• Within the F451-500, sites only used 4 patterns on average

• Quality of results tended to be lower on sites that followed fewer of these patterns

@LKANTROV | #searchia #ias14 VIVID MOJO

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Reasons for status quo?

• Search is HARD… • Search is BORING…(?) • Pattern relevance is contextual… • IT owns the search tools • No one is minding search, analytics, etc. • Vendor search tools are poor • Google is everyone’s default anyway • Agencies are gone when search gets implemented • Bad content / metadata • More???

@LKANTROV | #searchia #ias14 VIVID MOJO

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Your mission, should you choose…

• Search is a critical part of the web experience…right?

• IA’s need to push for better search.

• IA’s need to push for better tools/products from search vendors.

• IA’s need to move beyond design to search analytics and search quality metrics

@LKANTROV | #searchia #ias14 VIVID MOJO

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Consider This

Fortune 50 revenue in 2013: $5.7 Trillion USD

If each Fortune 50 company spent $1 million annually on search it would hardly put dent in profits. (2013 profits were $400 Billion.)

We need to stop selling “cars” and “new paint jobs” and start helping them be better drivers.

@LKANTROV | #searchia #ias14 VIVID MOJO

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How do we measure the impact of our industry? Do we need metrics for our tribe’s effectiveness?

@LKANTROV | #searchia #ias14