My Server Guy Cloud Hosting UK

My Server Guy Cloud Hosting UK

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My Server Guy Cloud Hosting UK

Our cloud hosting platform is of the highest grade security, the AWS cloud is

ISO27001 and PCI DSS complient.

My Server Guy hosting environments are dedicated to you, and secured with the best practices and according to strict guidelines.

Why Choose a Cloud Hosting Solution

Cloud hosting offers a flexible and reliable hosting solution for modern

applications and websites.

Cloud computing approach instead uses many smaller machines to establish a rebuts network of servers.

This solution also offers great flexibility. Traditional high powered, expensive servers were often left with minimum

amounts of traffic during off peak times.



Why Choose My Server Guy?

My Server Guy is a hosting, cloud computing and online engineering

company based in Scotland with over 10 years experience.

My Server Guy specialize in providing cloud computing solutions, using an elastic style system that scales automatically during peak times and scales back during quieter times delivering the highest of performance at all times.

My Server Guy are confident in the service we provide and we can't wait to

show you what we can do for your business.

Want to know more? call on 0800 1577 456 or visit
