Focus Group

Focus Group

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Focus Group

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Trevor Mitchell

Trevor brought forward the idea of using a bright and eye-catching colour scheme that would successfully attract the audience we are attempting to target with the launch of our new TV Channel. Our TV Channel will be based around the entertainment genre and we’ve aimed our target audience at young adults therefore we want an edgy, alternative feel to our products. Therefore he said one way to successfully target the audience and connote the genre would be to use a colour scheme of bright colours that would stand out to the audience and encourage them to become regular members of are audience as it would appeal to an age range of young adults. Also he pointed out that using a bland colour scheme with dull, generic colours such as black and white could potentially deter an audience from our website.

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Anthony McGovern

Anthony also gave us advice on how we could successfully target an audience with our products and he pointed out a vital way in doing this was to use a correct visual style. He pointed out that we needed to use images, colours, fonts and typography that would successfully attract our target audience and connote the genre. Our target audience is aimed at young adults therefore he stated our visual style needed to be clear, attractive and something that is going to reflect and represent that age group. Because we are aiming to a mass audience our visual style needs to stand out and catch the eye of our audience so that they are attracted to viewing our products and hopefully becoming a regular member of our audience.

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Craig DanielsCraig pointed out we also have to take great detail when it comes to representation and how we represent certain genders, ethnic groups etc in our productions. Through our textual analysis of such productions from channels such as BBC, ITV and Channel 4 one common thread throughout them all was the equal way in which they represented different genders, ethnic groups etc to show that they are diverse in their programming and that anyone can enjoy their channel. Due to the fact we are targeting an audience of young adults he pointed out that it would be smart of our group to successfully represent different genders, races, cultures and such to prove we are a diverse channel in our programming and in the audience we are targeting. He pointed out that we could represent this through our visual style for example through the use of images as we could use images including different genders, races, cultures and so on to represent the diversity of our channel.

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Lisa Smith

Lisa pointed out how we could use Web 2.0 technology to successfully promote are channel and reach out to a more mass audience. Using popular social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter and plugging our channel on these sites through advertisement, creating a company account and so on will get more people to notice our channel and therefore hopefully encouraging them to watch the content we produce. Social networking is most popular with our target audience of young adults therefore they are more likely to notice our TV Channel meaning we are reaching out to a larger audience.

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Rachel Miller

Rachel stated that as we are targeting an audience of young adults with multiple different interests what we showcase on our channel has to be broad. For example we need to keep people of different interests happy for example broadcasting comedy shows for comedy fans or drama shows for drama fans. Also she pointed out that if we target for example comedy fans with comedy shows they are more likely to broaden their interests by watching other sub-genre shows of the entertainment genre on our channel. Therefore we also have to consider the different kinds of viewers we will have on our channel and since we are targeting a mass audience we have to provide something for everyone.

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Summarising FindingsOverall the visual style of our website was key for our focus group in terms of targeting our audience. Trevor, Anthony and Craig all touched on this with Trevor suggesting bright, eye-catching colour schemes, Anthony talked about colours as well as images and typography in order to give the website an alternative style to represent the channels ethos and Craig talked about representation through our visual style in terms of representing certain genders, ethic groups etc with the visual style. So considering three of the five people we talked to touched on this it is clearly a vital component that we will greatly take into account when creating the products. Some of the other people we talked to focused on other areas for example Lisa to mentioned how he would use available Web 2.0 technology to our advantage in terms of promoting the channel. And Rachel who we talked to also reminded us that because we are targeting young adults with multiple interests we had to be broad in terms of the channels content. We will take all these findings into account in order to promote the channel and successfully attract an audience.