4 Misconceptions About ECommerce Busted!

4 Misconceptions About eCommerce Busted!

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4 Misconceptions About ECommerce Busted!

Page 2: 4 Misconceptions About eCommerce Busted!

➢ While there are many guidelines abound on the internet as to how you can build successful ecommerce websites, not all of it is truth. Not all of it is false either.

➢ We hope to bust some of the myths regarding eCommerce to enable you to wade through the mirth and find facts as they are. Read on as we separate the chaff from the grain.

Page 3: 4 Misconceptions About eCommerce Busted!

Myth #1. There is no such thing as too much information

❏ Users make buying decisions on information. It is information that tells the user what the product is about, why they should choose the product, and how it is better priced than others.

❏ So, you need not be bothered about people who tell you that the users do not wish to be clogged with too much information.

❏ On the contrary, user’s only dislike information that is badly presented. As long as he can understand it, the user only wants more information.

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Myth #2. Security badges give confidence

❏ Online security comes first. Thanks to huge media interest, online security has taken a beating of late and visitors are still in two minds about making online payments on ecommerce platforms, choosing rather, to make payments on delivery.

❏ A McAfee or VeriSign certification is good, but that’s not all. You need to do much more to window the confidence of the customer and ensure that your site is trusted at all levels.

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Myth #3. Cross-sell wherever possible

❏ Even a newspaper mart by your street has chocolates, peanuts, sweetmeats, whatnots, soap, toothpaste, etc.

❏ But it doesn't work the same way online. You need to be wary of toeing the Amazon line and introducing cross-selling at every stage of interaction (including the checkout process, sometimes).

❏ Don't bombard your customers with additional products and extra choices for it will only serve to take the focus away from what they came to your site for.

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Myth #4. Success depends solely on the website

❏ There is a widely popular theory on the net that all you need for ecommerce success is a well-designed and responsive website, and the rest (customers etal) will take care of itself.

❏ This is plain hyperbole. A good website is important, nay a necessity, but success of your online business doesn't depend on your website alone.

❏ Proper return and replacement policies, order fulfilment and despatch, complaint resolution and customer service are as important as the website.