Las 11 tendencias y oportunidades en la industria editorial Thad McIlroy TheFutureofPublishing.com San Francisco & Vancouver Foros del Libro, Bogotá April 30, 2015

11 Topmost Digital Book Publishing Trends & Opportunities - Foros del Libro-2015

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Las 11

tendencias y oportunidades

en la industria editorial

Thad McIlroy


San Francisco & Vancouver

Foros del Libro, Bogotá

April 30, 2015

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11 Topmost

Digital Book Publishing

Trends & Opportunities

Thad McIlroy


San Francisco & Vancouver

Foros del Libro, Bogotá

April 30, 2015

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My Visit to Bogotá

Hotel Muisca

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Biblioteca Luis Angel Arango

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Back to Our Regularly

Scheduled Presentation

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My Background

Book publisher, author, technologist

30+ years studying the impact of the

digital trends on publishing

Editorial Board for Learned Publishing

and Geist (Alberto Manguel contributes)

220 articles and 15 books on digital


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Alberto Manguel @ Geist.com

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My New 2015 Books

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Today’s Topic


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En español también

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Las 11 8 tendencias

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Intro: 3 ciclos, una evolución

1. Desktop publishing


2. The Internet & the

World Wide Web


3. Amazon and ebooks


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1Aún estamos a tiempo:

El futuro está listo para innovadores,

agentes del cambio y emprendedores del

mundo del libro.

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1It’s Early Days Yet:

The Future Is Ripe for

Innovators, Change Agents &

Book Business Entrepreneurs

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The Web is still

in its infancy

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An Increasing Pace of Disruption

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Are Ebooks Hurting Profits?

Source: The Economist

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2Los libros digitales continuarán

abriendo nuevas y mayores audiencias

a los editores.

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2Ebooks will Continue to Open up

New & Greater Audiences

for Publishers

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An Increasing Pace of Disruption

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The Latest Data Misleads

“E-books accounted for 23.9% of sales of

adult books in January 2015 compared to

25.2% in January 2014.” (Publishers


“...only 20 percent of trade sales... the

lowest one-month AAP ebook sales in

years.” (Publishers Lunch)

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Self-Publishing is Underreported

Source: AuthorEarnings.com

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4Los editores que adopten y maximicen la

IT, la minería de datos y la analítica serán

los que tengan mejores opciones de


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4Publishers that Embrace and

Maximize IT, Data and Analytics

Will be Best Suited for Growth

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Publishers Don’t Know Data*

* Mostly

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Traditonally a Linear Flow

Source: Vincenzo Russi

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The New Model is Iterative

Source: Vincenzo Russi

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Visit Pete McCarthy@petermccarthy



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5Los editores en digital tienen que

aprender una serie de nuevas habilidades

para dominar los dispositivos móviles, la

plataforma que más rápido crecimiento

está teniendo a nivel mundial.

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5Digital Publishers Need to Learn

a New Set of Skills to Master Mobile—

The World’s Fastest Growing Media


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Who is Your #1 Competitor?

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Who is Your #1 Competitor?

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Smartphones vs Tablets

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Stats Can Mislead

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Apple iOS Users Love Content

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Keeping Track of Teens

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6La autoedición seguirá creciendo

impulsada por las nuevas posibilidades y

tendencias tecnológicas.

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6Self-Publishing Will Continue to Grow

as More Options Arise from

Technological Trendsetters

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#1 on Amazon.es Today

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A Conservative Estimate

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7El mercado de la edición de libros

educativos está experimentando su

propia transformación y viendo más

oportunidades con las tecnologías de la

educación (“EdTech”).

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7The Educational Publishing Market is

Experiencing its Own Transformation and

Seeing More Opportunity with “EdTech”

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The Education Market

The healthiest education markets are in

countries with the strongest commitment

to literacy

The existing model has been in place for

any decades

What is the model for educational

materials in a mobile-first world?

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The Print Textbook Migration

New copy, print

Stolen digital copy

Used copy, print

Rental copy, print

Rental copy, digital

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A Slow But Steady Decline

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Roughly 22% Prefer Digital

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8Los que navegan por las procelosas

aguas de los mercados internacionales

tendrán éxito con la edición de libros


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8Those Who Navigate the Intricacies

of International Markets will

Succeed with Digital Book Publishing.

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#3 Language of the Internet

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The Good News Report

470 million native Spanish speakers; 548

million as a first or second language

52 million Hispanic in U.S. (1 in 6); 37.6

million speak Spanish at home

309 million Internet users in Latin


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11Los líderes que se asocien y colaboren

dentro de la industria editorial serán los

que tengan más éxito.

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11Leaders Who Embrace Partnership and

Collaboration Within the Industry Will

Realize the Most Success.

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Competition + Cooperation

Competing with other publishers is a

zero-sum game

Engage with the entire supply chain, from

creatives to production to reselling

Revisit the print supply chain — the

POD, print-on-demand, model is more

appealing than ever

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Reduce the Friction

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More Accurately

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Technology is a Process

Not an Event

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The Publishing Universe


is unfolding as it should

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Thank You!

Thad McIlroy

The Future of Publishing

[email protected]