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Yoga with Marc Potter at North Beach

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One of the most experienced Ashtanga Yoga teachers in Perth is now offering classes in North Beach.

Potts’ relaxed yet methodical style of teaching is ideally suited to people trying yoga for the first time and

his experience also offers something for the most seasoned yogi. He runs a large yoga school in

Claremont where he teaches dedicated students and teacher trainees daily. Potts has been practicing and

teaching Yoga since 1994 and is a Senior

Teacher with Yoga Australia

and Yoga USA.


Vitality. Yoga works not just the external but also on a deep cellular

and mental level. You will feel more light hearted, stronger and more

energised than you have for years. 1

Build Core Strength. Increasing your core strength through

certain yoga postures can alleviate back and neck pain and increase

your energy. “I find most people are unaware of what core strength is

let alone how to develop it. The way most yoga is practiced today

core strength development is impossible. Not so in Potts’ class!”

Improve Flexibility. Forget about doing the splits. What about just

getting in and out of the car more easily, or having a surf without back

pain, or playing with your kids without hurting yourself. Most

stretching that people do outside of yoga is ineffective and potentially

harmful to existing injuries. Potts will teach you how to get really

flexible, safely, with carefully selected yoga poses. Enjoy the benefits of

improved flexibility well beyond the yoga class.

Calm Your Mind. For most people the mind is always busy with

something external. Specific breathing techniques will be taught to

help focus the mind inwards to assist in the release of physical/mental

tension. Relaxation techniques will also be practiced to quieten and

still the mind.

Who Should Come. If you are interested in developing core

strength, flexibility and peace of mind then this is for you. No

experience of yoga is required but a willingness to develop is helpful.

Where. North Beach Primary School

When. Thur 6.30pm to 8.00pm

Cost. $20 per class or 5 class block for $85.

Commencing. Thursday 20th September

For further information contact Potts.

Bookings Recommended.

Part proceeds to North Beach Primary P & C.

Yoga with Marc Potter

at North Beach

www.sunsalute.com.au 9448-8179 [email protected]