What Should You Do As A Senior’s Personal Trainer

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Page 1: What Should You Do As A Senior’s Personal Trainer
Page 2: What Should You Do As A Senior’s Personal Trainer

An ideal body workout

program for senior loved

ones is usually very vital

for their overall health.

This is because body

exercises for seniors are

usually ideal and very

beneficial to them in the

following ways.

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Firstly body workout forseniors will help them todevelop core strength.

Core strength in seniorscomes in as ideal in assistingthem to carry out their dayto day chores.

Daily household chores suchas lifting stuff, sweeping, orairing laundry need idealcore strength.

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Body exercises are also ideal in keeping

the seniors muscles strong.

For instance developing their quads

and controlling any loss of bone


Body workout will also assist seniors in

developing the cardio health.

It will therefore improve their heart beat

rate and ability to control possible

heart attacks.

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As if that is not enough,body exercises will assistseniors to be flexible.

At senior ages flexibility injoints is important inminimizing any joint injuries.

Also body workout willimprove balance and assistin controlling falls that arerelated to senior age.

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In addition to that

constant exercises will

minimize depression.

It will also improve

concentration with

seniors and do away

with boredom.

Yet above all exercising

at old age will make one

to improve their body

immunity tremendously.

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And while senior routine exercise is

important, finding the best person to

take them through these drills is

equally important.

Having been a personal trainer of

many seniors at Retirement Homes

Ottawa I know how important it is to

know what your job entails. As a

personal trainer my job usually

entailed the following.

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The first one was to discuss the

needs and asses my patients’


Usually I had to find out what

my patients wanted out of our

training by simply asking them.

With a specific goal in mind

that we would be working for, it

would then be easy to tailor our

training program to fit what we

would wish to achieve.

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In addition to that I

would be able to asses

any medical related

conditions that would

render the exercise un-


But to crown it all I

would measure my

patients’ bodies, check

their body weight, as

well as provide them

with specific endurance


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I would also assist my senior trainees in

breaking down their goals.

Under this I would simply assist them in setting

up their long term and short term goals.

The short term goals would ideally remain

measurable such as losing given pounds of

weight in a specific period.

Helping them to tone up their specific body

parts and lifting a specific weight in certain


While the long term goals that I would assist

them to achieve included total endurance

and flexibility.

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Again I would assist them to formulate a

great training plan.

This would make them to remain focused,

keep track, and stick to result oriented


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Yet that was neverenough for my seniorsat the RetirementHomes Ottawa so Ihad to cheer them upto keep the moralhigh, and as a trainer Ialso had to lead byexample by simplyshowing them how it’sdone.

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