minut 1 Hybrid room: At the root of hybrid room creation. The term hybrid is often associated to cars that run on more than one source of energy. Hybrid is also a term used in hospitals to describe a state of the art surgery ward that combines the best of surgery and interventional radiology technologies. Such premises enable performing both open and minimally invasive surgeries within a common dedicated environment. For example, valvular aorta diseases were typically treated in open surgery or in interventional cardiology mode which meant trade-offs were made between the two approaches. From this observation, hybrid rooms were conceived. Recent evolution in techniques enables the combining of surgical and interventional approaches in a single procedure, leading to new requirements to satisfy both clinical specialty needs. In this edition of The Minute you will witness the initial stages of the hybrid room creation in a EDITORIAL ISSUE VOLUME 14 SUMMER 2015 INTERVIEW #1 OF THE SEMESTER Hybrid room: At the root of hybrid room creation. The MarkeTech Group Mr. Yann Bubien (YB), Managing Director of Angers CHU YB: Hello, I don’t know if there is a strict definition of a hybrid room but it is clear that for the Angers University Hospital a hybrid room is a room that must have specifications to perform surgical procedures using in priority minimally invasive surgical techniques that rely heavily on imaging. […] The particularity of the Angers’ project is to have integrated the hybrid room in the interventional imaging area by bringing together three operating theaters. The architectural dimension of this space was particularly shaped with the creation of suitable premises. […] Therefore, it should be understood that the hybrid room is not an architectural and equipment restructuring, but has above all been designed as a new patient pathway; a path that changes and involves a new organization between doctors, anesthetists and radiologists who have to work Interviewer: Julien Regnard (JR), TMTG Partner Q: Mr. Bubien, hello, my first question is actually quite simple, what is your definition of a hybrid room?

Minute: Hybrid room at the root of hybrid room creation

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Hybrid room: At the root of hybrid room creation. The term hybrid is often associated to cars that run on more than one source of energy. Hybrid is also a term used in hospitals to describe a state of the art surgery ward that combines the best of surgery and interventional radiology technologies. Such premises enable performing both open and minimally invasive surgeries within a common dedicated environment.

For example, valvular aorta diseases were typically treated in open surgery or in interventional cardiology mode which meant trade-offs were made between the two approaches. From this observation, hybrid rooms were conceived. Recent evolution in techniques enables the combining of surgical and interventional approaches in a single procedure, leading to new requirements to satisfy both clinical specialty needs.

In this edition of The Minute you will witness the initial stages of the hybrid room creation in a French University Hospital. We had the opportunity for exclusive interviews with Yann Bubien (Angers University Hospital CEO) and Pr. Christophe Aubé (Head of Radiology Department at Angers CHU), from our strong involvement in such techniques and accessibility to hospital CEOs through our H+PRO panel. Mr. Bubien’s sheds light on the inception of the project while Pr. Aubé provided his point of view on the operational implementation of the room.

YB: Hello, I don’t know if there is a strict definition of a hybrid room but it is clear that for the Angers University Hospital a hybrid room is a room that must have specifications to perform surgical procedures using in priority minimally invasive surgical techniques that rely heavily on imaging. […]

The particularity of the Angers’ project is to have integrated the hybrid room in the interventional imaging area by bringing together three operating theaters. The architectural dimension of this space was particularly shaped with the creation of suitable premises. […]

Therefore, it should be understood that the hybrid room is not an architectural and equipment restructuring, but has above all been designed as a new patient pathway; a path that changes and involves a new organization between doctors, anesthetists and radiologists who have to work differently within the hybrid room.

Long version of this interview: Hybrid room: At the root of hybrid room creation.



INTERVIEW #1 OF THE SEMESTERHybrid room: At the root of hybrid room creation.

The MarkeTech Group

Mr. Yann Bubien (YB), Managing Director of Angers CHU

Interviewer: Julien Regnard (JR), TMTG Partner

Q: Mr. Bubien, hello, my first question is actually quite simple, what is your definition of a hybrid room?

Page 2: Minute: Hybrid room at the root of hybrid room creation


Interviewer: Julien Regnard (JR), TMTG Partner

Q: What kind of use do you have for the hybrid room?

ON THE HORIZON Coming next is the comparison of a Hybrid Room creation in the US


Pr. Christophe Aubé (CA), Head of Radiology Department at Angers CHU

CA: Just to clarify, I am not a frequent user of the hybrid room. I only used it once or twice to see how it works. I have some interventional radiology activity but almost never in this room. When the hospital opened the hybrid room, the objective was not the room itself; it was more a global approach to the concept of multi-user platform. The platform is much larger, more innovative and structuring for the hospital than just a hybrid room for cardiologists.

JR: If I understand, making everybody (all involved specialties) coming down to the platform was the primary objective?

CA: Yes, and in order to achieve that, it was decided to finalize the purchase of the device once everyone bought into sharing the tool. We had to make sure that surgeons and radiologists would buy-in. For the radiologists, the objective was to benefit from a room with optimal image quality and an opportunity to perform open surgery.

JR: How was the decision taken?

CA: The idea of using a hybrid room was rooted in 2008. At that time, the need for a new vascular imaging technical platform emerged. Since we had to install a new platform, we thought we could associate surgeons to the project. We visited other hospitals to evaluate different device options. And frankly, it was somewhat disappointing; in most cases the hybrid room was not used at its full potential. In one location it was used only for vascular surgery, in another it was built with no specific goal leading to under-utilization of the "tool"; in a third location it was built for radiologists and surgeons, only they were associated afterwards; all leading to some frustrations of one or the other of the involved parties. The room is rarely used to its maximum capabilities. Therefore, after a lot of discussions and negotiations, the decision to go for a hybrid room was taken in 2012.

Long version of this interview: Hybrid room: What makes it so different?

Make it real!

Interview with Pr. Aubé helped us understand the various challenges a hospital is facing when bringing to life a project that heavily involves several clinical specialties in a structuring project.

Pr. Aubé’s point of view and involvement as Head of Radiology and also as Interventionalists proved to be decisive to the success of the project by helping get the buy in of all parties.

What’s next?

First will be a discussion with both Mr. Bubien and Pr. Aubé in order to confront their perceptions of the project now that it is running.

Second will be a side by side comparison with a similar project in the US and the analysis of key differences.

Look for the developments of the story in the coming months in the Media Center section of our website.



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Inception of the project!

Mr. Yann Bubien, Angers University Hospital (France) CEO shared with us the underlining objectives and spirit that lead to the project of creating a hybrid OR in his hospital.

The interview showed us how important the involvement of all parties is critical for the success of such a project.


Create a competitive OR management global


Hybrid room: What makes it so different?

The Challenge: To validate the relevance of creating a turn-key solution for the management of Operating Rooms (OR). Also, to identify customer segments’ willingness to pay (WTP).

Our Solution: The approach blended qualitative and quantitative techniques to adapt to all geographies and market specificities in this multi-country project. The project included The Netherlands, UK, Germany and Italy.

The Impact: Outcomes of the study included a detailed description of customer segments depicting behaviors and needs related to OR management. The client was able to thoroughly test an innovative approach to integrated OR management and collect potential customer feedback to adapt its sales strategy.