Minimum Viable Fitness Exercise & Training Minimum Viable Fitness Exercise &

Minimum Viable Fitness Exercise And Training

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Exercise &


Minimum Viable Fitness Exercise &

Page 2: Minimum Viable Fitness Exercise And Training

Do you want to reap some benefits

of exercise?

Minimum viable exercises refers to those set of exercises that

is least intensive and yet elicits the desired training effect.

This works equally well for the overweight, the underweight, and

women. Minimum Viable Fitness Exercise &

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What you need to do is...

First of all you have to get rid of all-or-nothing

mentality and make yourself understand that it is better

to do something than nothing. Minimum Viable Fitness Exercise &

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Plan to get some exercise every day. Make it as convenient

as possible to work out.

Plan your routine

Minimum Viable Fitness Exercise &

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Shoot for 20 or 30 minutes of activity. Do whatever you

wish to, like rowing machine, running on treadmill, push

ups etc.

Do whatever you wish to

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If you do only 10 minutes, feel good about those 10

minutes. After all you at least did something.

Feel relax

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If you miss a day, don’t beat yourself up. Forget about

it. Focus on tomorrow.

Focus on tomorrow

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If you miss one of your meal, don’t try to compensate for

it in your next meal. Training your brain to avoid any kind

of overeating is the best solution.

Avoid overeating

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When you'll get suceeded once to follow this routine and

relish your favourite food, you apparently will notice that

exercise is no longer a concern.

Thank You

Minimum Viable Fitness Exercise &