Student Teacher Aesthetic Role-sharing (STAR): An Approached to build Graduate’s Characters based on a Local-wisdom Center for Innovation in Higher Education (CIHE) Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia 2014

(Dr. ir. aziz purwantoro, m.sc) star fisipol19 nop2014

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Page 1: (Dr. ir. aziz purwantoro, m.sc) star fisipol19 nop2014

Student Teacher Aesthetic Role-sharing (STAR): An Approached to build Graduate’s Characters based

on a Local-wisdom

Center for Innovation in Higher Education (CIHE)

Universitas Gadjah Mada,

Yogyakarta, Indonesia


Page 2: (Dr. ir. aziz purwantoro, m.sc) star fisipol19 nop2014

• Student Centered-Learning (SCL) began to socialized and implemented in the UniversitasGadjah Mada


• the shifting role of teacher,

• from the only main source of information to be a facilitator and learning partner


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The local-wisdom based learning principles

Introduced by Indonesian Founding Father of Education Ki Hajar Dewantara , in 1931

His famous motto was “Ing Ngarso Sung Tuladha; Ing MadyaMangun Karsa; Tutwuri Andayani” (In the front poviding a model, in the middle creating an intention, and in the back giving constructive support).

Patrap Triloka

three main teacher behaviours

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Nambahi(to add, modify, and develop)

Nirokake(to imitate constructively)

Niteni(to observe intentionally)


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In term of paradigm shifting

observe intentionally on the shifting of

teacher-centered learning (TCL) to


implement SCL by shifting TCL into SCL in its

learning process

modify and actualize the SCL

concept in the cultural based

dynamic process by the adoption

process of PatrapTriloka


(to disseminate)


(to continuously improve)


(to grow and multiply benefit)

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students are enhanced to be

a perpectuallearner by

constructivism approaches







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Comparison of Traditional, Constructive, and Local-wisdom based Learning Approaches

Traditional Learning (Duschland Gitoma, 1991)

Constructive Learning (Duschl and Gitoma, 1991)

Local-wisdom + 3N

Scientific knowledge Knowledge about science

Niteni (to observe in detail intentionally)

What we know How and why we know

Nirokake (to imitate constructively), which is only allowed byunderstanding complete “know how” aspects

Emphasizes fully developed final form explanations

Emphasizes knowledge, growth, and explanation development

Nambahi (to add, modify, and develop)

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Comparison of Traditional, Constructive, and Local-wisdom based Learning Approaches

Traditional Learning (Duschl and Gitoma,


Constructive Learning (Duschl and Gitoma,


Local-wisdom + 3N

Breadth of knowledge Depth of knowledge Nulari/Nularake (to disseminate) and Nutugake (to continuously improve), which is only allowed by mastering depth of knowledge

Basic scientific knowledge

Conceptualized science knowledge

Ngrembakakake (to grow and multiply benefit), which is only allowed by conceptualization ofscience knowledge

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constructed by the local-wisdom based three main teacher behaviors

bringing along inherently the Patrap Trilokaconcept into learning processes

aesthetical relations between students and teachers will be achieved

results a self-confident and perpetual learner as well as problem solver.

a base to build graduates` character to finally develop learning community rather than only to result smart and competence graduates


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Implementation STAR in UGM

= building a culture

done gradually and


students will feel convenient in building communication with

their teachers

a condusive academic atmosphere is created

teacher will care on academic development of the student


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Establishment of a team to produce an academic paper regarding the main ideas of STAR

Socialization of academic paper of STAR to the relevant parties

Providing competitive grants for the implementation of STAR

Dissemination to other teachers within UGM

Stages of the implementation

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develop effective class interaction

build scientific and social skills inside and outside classroom

become role models for students

enhance cognitive, affective, and psychomotorical skills of the students by motivating students

build leadership characters of the students

Teachers as motivators should be able to:

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Dynamic interaction between delivery method based on T-A-K and

learning materials constructed by I-N-K-S applied in STAR .

12/4/2014 http://luk.staff.ugm.ac.id 14

T•Tulada, K•Karsa, A•Andayani

I•ilmu, N•nilai-nilai, K•ketrampilan, S•sikap

Niteni, Nirokake, Nambahi, Nularake,










Method of


States of




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The spirit of 3+3N local-wisdom based learning process is actually universally

accepted concept in learning.

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