Boost Your Workout Intensity The Smart Way

Boost Your Workout Intensity The Smart Way

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Boost Your Workout Intensity The Smart


Page 2: Boost Your Workout Intensity The Smart Way

Wondering how to get a more challenging body workout program for better results? Worry no more! Here are some of the top expert ways to boost your body workout routine program that the Thailand Fitness Bootcamp experts have used before.

Page 3: Boost Your Workout Intensity The Smart Way

Integrate Strength And Cardio Exercises

Integrating strength and cardio exercise routines would be awesome. Ideally adding a cardio tip such as jumping ropes, aerobics, sprints, or cycling would be great to rev the metabolism while at the same time creating an opportunity for additional strength.

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Keep To Free Weight Exercises

Many people prefer the use of machine weights in making resistance training user friendly. But the truth is they don’t get the job done like the use of free weight exercises would. It is true that exercising with free weights would burn more calories by involving more stabilizing muscles.

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Instability Kills It Fast Exercises that require more balancing acts will stimulate the

use of many core muscles within your body. Take for instance a squat done over a wobbling board that would require much more concentration than that done on a flat floor that would require a stability board to get more touch.

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Pay Attention To Time Keeping time will give you the

best results with your workouts. Here is the thing, simply keep your workouts short, intense, and timely. And don’t rest your muscles for long between reps, for instance you can keep a small window say 60 seconds between the additions of each weight.

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Try Isometric Exercise For maximum strength and

endurance benefits, my advice would be to strike a pose. Contracting muscles and holding it in a flexed position usually known as isometric exercise or the static holds would add a great tweak to your stagnant workout routine and give you the needed endurance.

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Use Additional Resistance If you asked the best athletes they would attest to

how ideal additional resistance would burn the maximum amounts of calories in the shortest time. So add weight and burn double calories, this is one of the smartest ways that anyone who intends to boost their workout intensity could use.

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Get Explosive The Old Skool Way

This is another great way to make it through, simply take your time to build bulk and strength. In short, go the old skool style that you will feed your muscles with a diet of slow and heavy lifts to build the strength by use of explosive movements such as box jumps or kettlebell swings.

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Work Every Muscle Independently

Working independently is another great way of ensuring that every single part of your body gets to work as required and achieve a balanced muscular development or equal strength. So use sets of exercises that force each arm/ leg to work independently such as a pistol squat.

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Make Use Of A Circuit Setting up a circuit is simply moving quickly from

one exercise right into the next as an efficient cardio focused workout. It is a great way to get the best only that when setting up a circuit ensure to use exercises that target diverse muscle groups say squats>bench press>deadlift >plank.

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Find A Partner To Work With You will need someone to

keep tabs on how you are performing, push you on when you wanna stop, give you a hand with the weights, motivate you, and if possible work together with you, a training partner will do exactly that for you. So find one and get busy along the way.

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Conclusion Boosting your body workout is awesome if you want to see

great results for your body training and the best way to do it is to make use of these ideal tips from Thailand Fitness Bootcamp.

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