LIFE WITH SCHIZOPHRENIA “They know where I am”

Ap Psychology, Schizophrenia

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This a project for a high school AP Psychology course. This is a fictionalized account of having a psychological ailment. For questions about this blog project or its content please email the teacher, Laura Astorian: [email protected]!!!

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“I’m not entirely sure what it is, but apparently I have schizophrenia

which is mental disorder that affects my thinking, feeling, and also my behavior. I think I’m fine, as long as these voices get out of my


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Psychotic break refers to an episode of acute psychosis in

schizophrenics. Most schizophrenics experience a prodromal phase which includes less severe symptoms of psychosis. Signs and

symptoms include anxiety, restlessness, hallucinations, and


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“I'm not going to lie, I've had a pretty rough week in school. There

has been so much going on, I can’t tell what’s real and what’s not.

My sleeping pattern has been off, I’m tired all the time, I hardly am hungry, and even my professor thinks my work is completely off. I

don’t know what's going but my friend says to forget it all, he lives in

my head.”

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For the most part, most schizophrenics experience hallucinations as

their main symptom. Hallucinations are perceptual experiences which occur without a source. These hallucinations can involve with

any of the senses – smell, touch, sound, and taste

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“Whenever I’m home alone, I also see these people outside my house. I tried to introduce myself, but they look like they don’t want

to talk. I think they want to hurt me. I have to get away!”

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Most schizophrenics experience special voices that are usually very

commanding. This is a form of hallucination, and it gives the schizophrenic anxiety due to the fact that there are usually more

than one voice. In their perspective, they are usually hearing

conversations that judge the schizophrenic’s every move.

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“The scary figures wont leave, there going to come in and take me.

Woah, was that the doorbell, should I get it?”

Voice #1 – “Of course you should get it, if you don’t you have no idea what's going to happen, it might be something good.”

Voice #2 – “No, no way are you going to do that, can’t you see

those figures want to get you, whatever you do don’t open that


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Also a common symptom, delusions are false beliefs which a person

holds along with a strong amount of conviction. The most common

type of delusion in schizophrenics are persecutory delusions. The patient believes that they are being spied on, and that somebody

is always watching them and there every move. The schizophrenics

may feel threatened, frightened, and even paranoid.

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“My location has been compromised, they know I’m here. Oh god why wont they just leave me alone! I haven’t done anything stop

watching me!”

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It’s common to see strange movement in schizophrenics, such as

cradling, rocking, pacing, etc. They could experience what we

would call a movement disorder which the person is unable to control certain movements, or very difficult for they to have control.

In schizophrenia, the movement has no real function behind it,

instead the movement is driven. This kind of movement is known as

stereotypic movement disorder.

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“I don’t know why I move my hands, I really don’t. I can’t control what my brain wants, I've lost all control. The voices tell me to throw

glass, but I know it’s going to harm me, but I do it anyways.”

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Most often than not, schizophrenics are chronically told to do

actions they normally wouldn’t do, for example, opening doors, or

going into a room with no reason. In worst case scenarios, they are told to harm themselves, or even harm others. The most serious case

would be the command to commit suicide. In these cases, it is

crucial that they receive immediate treatment.

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“These people are very rude, always telling me to open stuff, and

go into rooms, it doesn’t make sense to me. They also told me that there's a special prize for me on the roof, I better go up there and

get because I surely love surprises!”

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For many years now, the use of antipsychotic drugs to treat

Schizophrenia has been going on even to this day. Many of the

drugs have unfortunately not been in use in today’s use for

treatment, but that doesn’t mean that some aren’t in use. For

example, Haldol, is still being used to treat schizophrenia today. It has also been shown that the previous drugs that were being used

back then have the same effect as the drugs being used today.

The most typical antipsychotics are effective in reducing the

symptoms such as hallucinations and delusions. These drugs are

often transmitted into the body via injections or even through

tablet, capsule, and liquid forms.

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“Honestly, my friend thinks taking these things they call drugs is not

a good idea at all. It scares me if I’m being honest, but I think it might work, at this point I don’t know even know what to do. As

long as those figures leave me alone, ill try anything.”

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After a person has been diagnosed with schizophrenia, one might

feel completely let down, and it can be huge emotionally, which is

why psychotherapy is a great option. Cognitive behavior therapy

can be very significant for the patient because it allows them spot

their unhealthy patterns in their thinking. CBT can help the schizophrenic’s symptoms, such as the voices. CBT can help them

check the reality of their experiences and eventually mute all the

internal voices, which shows positive signs of progression. Also, CBT

can help with negative self-talk which is also not uncommon in

people diagnosed with schizophrenia.

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“My friends and family think I should go visit some fancy people in

white coats. I think that’s a little weird, but I guess I’ll go and see what they can do for me. Who knows, maybe this time my friends

will actually agree and leave me forever.”

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At this given point and time, there is currently no prevention of

schizophrenia. Since it is a psychiatric disorder, there is no initial

cause of schizophrenia. However, there have been multiple

research behind this trying to receive answers for the possible cause of this disease. Schizophrenia is most likely caused by either

genetics, complications at birth, environmental factors, chemical

imbalances in the brain, or a combination of each of these.

Schizophrenia may sound terrifying, but treatment can help.

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"Conventional Antipsychotics." Conventional Antipsychotis |

Neuroleptics. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Dec. 2016.