Affecting relationships with alcohol using Behaviour Design

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How do you change something as endemic in Australian culture as excessive alcohol consumption? This isn’t a typical consulting job. It requires a design partnership. Hello Sunday Morning approached Tobias & Tobias to help them better understand their users and find more effective ways of helping them change the relationship they have with alcohol. In this presentation, we’ll walk through how we’ve been working together to do research, analysis and design: Forming a design partnership Immersing everyone in research Using Behaviour Design to create design hypotheses Working with multi-disciplinary teams to define and carry out experiments Evolving the platform

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  • 1. Affecting relationships with alcoholusing Behaviour Design2

2. http://youtu.be/OK9419Oicp0 3. http://youtu.be/_tmHF4ah44w 4. Research7 5. 8 6. 9Text Analysis Research:Measuring blog engagementand social impacthttps://www.hellosundaymorning.org/pages/research 7. http://youtu.be/Nt_zwRjW10I 10 8. Primary research11 9. Choosing a research cohortUQs recommendations for Future Research included:Conducting blog analysis in relation to consumption data.12World Health Organisations Alcohol Use DIsorders Test (AUDIT)Mixpanels usage data for level of engagement 10. Recruitment13To ensure a high response rate,we made the first contact apersonal invitation from Jamie. 11. Have any of you received a letterfrom Jamie, followed by somerandom guy? Is this legit?14I got the same thing. Someoneasked to come to my home.Going to ignore it.WARNING:Someones trying toscam people on here. 12. Open interviews Context / relationships Trigger to use HSM Stories of alcohol Rationale for drinking Journey over time Experience with HSM15 13. Sensitive topics require 100% attentionProtected identities by encoding all files with:Interview sequence, AUDIT Zone, Engagement level e.g. P06Z3HEMeetings took place in homes or public, safe spaces16 14. Transcription, combing and analysis17 15. You know nothing, Jon Snow. 16. Behavioural archetype skeleton(removed for commercial-in-confidence) 17. Behavioural archetype draft(removed for commercial-in-confidence) 18. Advice from the experts29 19. Dr. Nicholas CarahCommunications & Social MediaUniversity of QueenslandDr. Carla MeurkAnthropologyUniversity of QueenslandDr. Leanne HidesClinical Psychology & Substance AbuseQUThttp://www.pdt.com.au/wp-content/uploads/biomedical-innovation_01.jpg 20. Continuous learning31 21. https://class.coursera.org/addictedbrain-001 22. https://class.coursera.org/addictedbrain-001 23. 35You cant reliably change the PersonSo, to change the Behaviour,you must change the Environment 24. Using Behavioural Archetypes36 25. 37 26. 38 27. Results of the new on-boarding39 28. 40 29. 41 30. 42 31. Implicitly segmenting peopleDependent, highly engaged people wereover-eager and confronting to others.People naturally gravitate to those that theyidentify with in age, sex, race, beliefs,attitudes and behaviour.43During on-boarding, suggest people like me to follow which wecan qualify from answers to the behavioural criteria and demographicinformation. 32. 44 33. 45 34. Refining the archetypes46 35. Where we are now51 36. Behaviour chains52 37. Activation thresholdFoggs Behaviour Model53HighMotivationLowTriggerHard Ability EasyB=MAT 38. Ongoing design partnership54 39. The more you can do these things sober,the more it pushes the value of alcoholdown and the value of yourself up.Chris Raine, Founder & CEOHello Sunday Morning55