Workplace Wellbeing Luxury or Necessity? Renée Clarke

Workplace Wellbeing - Luxury Or Necessity

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Presentation - NatWest

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Page 1: Workplace Wellbeing - Luxury Or Necessity

Workplace Wellbeing




Renée Clarke

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Who we are

• Provider of Health and Wellbeing services

• Founder of the Workplace Wellbeing Network

• Limited company based in the Midlands

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What we do

We work with clients to:

• Identify – WW Issues within the Organisation

• Implement – Strategies to improve WW

• Measure – The cost saving & improvements

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Cost to the Economy

• 2.2 million people suffer work related ill health

• 175 million working days lost due to sickness absence

• Costs economy £13.4 billion (2006)

• Benefit costs, additional health costs, and forgone taxes £100 billion per year (the cost of running another NHS)

• The average cost of filling a vacancy is £4,625 per employee leaving……..CIPD 2008

Source: Dame Carol Black's Review: Working for a Healthier Tomorrow

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Cost to the Economy•

• 1 million people report sick EVERY WEEK!

• 3,000 thousand of those will remain off sick after 6 months

• 2,400 of those will not work again in the next 5 years

• After 6 months sickness absence, fewer than 50% will ever return to the workplace

• After 2 years on Incapacity Benefit an individual is more likely to retire or die than return to work

Source: Dame Carol Black's Review: Working for a Healthier Tomorrow

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Legal Employer Requirements

• Sick Note to Fit Note – Statement of Fitness for Work

• Employers responsibility to carry out risk assessment

• Health & Safety Plan must include stress/wellbeing policy

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Business Costs

• Workplace Wellbeing Tool – Calculate the impact of sickness absence on your organisation & business case for investing


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Business effects

• Reduced motivation in staff

• Reduced productivity

• Reduced customer service levels

• Reduced bottom line

Are you getting the best

out of your employee’s?

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What is Wellness

“Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”

World Health Organisation

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Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

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Physiological needs ……..

• Healthy food• Exercise• Regular breaks/flexi time• Access to clean drinking water• Clean, healthy working environment

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Safety needs ……..

• Policies in place• Health champions / EAP’s• Stress awareness • Open communication• Secure working environment

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Love/Belonging needs ……..

• Charity days• Lunchtime activities• Team building days• Community volunteering

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Self-esteem ……..

• Feeling valued & cared for• Recognition for good work• Awareness• Respect for oneself and others

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Self actualisation=

Job Satisfaction =

Increased performance levels =

Healthy profits

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Benefits of Workplace Wellbeing

Employee retention Reduced absenteeism Higher performance levels Improves morale & motivation More engagement – less ‘presenteeism’ Become an ‘employer of choice’

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The no cost option

Large streams from little fountains flow, Tall oaks from little acorns grow

• Wellbeing board – Change 4 life/BHF/awareness leaflets• Corporate gym membership• Walking/running clubs• Healthy Snacks • Smoothie days/fruity Fridays• Water

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Wellbeing options

Companies who engage in H & W programmes report up to a 30% return on their investment!

• Health days – Awareness Programmes• Health checks – BP, Cholesterol, Fat %• Training days – stress management• Massage – stress and musculoskeletal • Workshops – Laughter, Yoga, Zumba

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How we do itEvents

• Screening – Blood Pressure/BMI/Cholesterol• Workshops – Nutrition/Backcare/Wellbeing• Awareness – Smoking/Alcohol/Drugs advice• Physical – Workplace Massage/Chiropractic/Physiotherapy

sessions/Yoga/Belly, Bangra & Zumba• Health Promotion – Cancer research/BHF/Healthy eating demos

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How we do itTraining

• Stress Management/Resilience• Wellness• Nutrition• Back Care/Posture• Coaching Skills for managers

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Case Studies “Healthy People = Healthy Profits” - BITC

Foyle Food Group

• Absenteeism reduced by 15%• Short term absence maintained at below 3%• H & S procedure audit scores in factories improved by 20%• Accident rates reduced by 43%• No. of emp’s taking more than 7 days off reduced by 84%

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Case Studies “Healthy People = Healthy Profits” - BITC

Danone UK

• Staff turnover reduced from 20% to 15%

• Business alignment & employee engagement increased 22%

• Recognised as London’s Healthiest workplace by BBC

• 91% of employees would recommend Danone as place to work

• 93% of employees said senior management behaved inline with company’s values

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Case Studies “Healthy People = Healthy Profits” - BITC

Parcelforce Worldwide

• Reduced sickness absence by 1/3 saving £55 mil• Accidents reduced by 45%, saving £440,000• Compensation claims reduced by 2/3 saving £1mil• Productivity increased by 12.5%• Customer service improved by 50% & employee satisfaction

increased by 1/3

Overall, a direct investment of £2.25 million yielded £6 million in direct cost savings

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Going forward

• Use the tool to see how much you can save• Register Change 4 Life employers – www.nhs.uk/change4life• Register for BHF – Think fit - www.bhf.org.uk• Log onto BITC – Workwell model – www.bitc.org.uk• Make use of the Occ Health helpline- www.health4work.nhs.uk

Small changes = big results make that change today and reap the rewards

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“Life can either be accepted or changed.

If it is not accepted, it must be changed.

If it cannot be changed, then it must be accepted.”


“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning,

but anyone can start today and make a new ending” Maria Robinson


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Thank you for listening

Renée ClarkeMidlands Workplace Wellbeing

t: 01562 634926m: 07954 41422

e: [email protected]

A happy workforce is a productive workforce!