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Weight loss for Women: Lose Weight Fast with a Gender-Based Diet

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If you are a woman and want to know the quickest way to lose weight, you are in luck. We have compiled the top ways for women to lose weight. Learn how a gender-based diet can help you lose weight fast and keep it off, especially for women!

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Page 1: Weight loss for Women: Lose Weight Fast with a Gender-Based Diet

Weight Loss for Women: Lose Weight Fast with a Gender-Based Diet

Sometimes couples decide to go on diets together. They might do it for an upcoming event,

vacation, or just because they want to make a healthy change. While it's fun to encourage each

other and strive to be the biggest loser of the household, the truth is that weight loss for women

means something very different than weight loss for men.

First, there is the psychology of it.

When it comes to the ideal weight for women-not on a chart, but from the visual perspective-

there is only one image that matters: the bikini-clad model strolling out of the ocean. A good

example is when female movie stars gain weight for movie roles. To everyone, at home or in the

theater, they look perfectly normal. Even the stars that have just given birth are on the red carpet

days later, looking as svelte as they always did.

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But how about men?

As men get older, it's considered normal to see a bit of a paunch instead of washboard abs. Men

seem to be able to carry extra weight much better than women. And, unless they blow up to

Marlon Brando size, they are still seen as handsome and sexy.

So, right of the bat, men and women are working toward a much different body image goal. For

women, that goal can be entirely unrealistic or very difficult to attain.

Therefore, while a man might take off 10 pounds and be considered perfectly fine, women might

feel the need to lose as much as 25 pounds or more in order to be viewed by society as able to

emerge from the ocean in a bikini.

Second, biology and physiology play a huge role in weight loss for women and men. Even at

rest, the metabolism of a man is much higher than a woman's. And with the same amount of

physical activity, a man will burn more calories than a woman. To make things worse men need

more calories daily, which means they can just plain eat more than women while losing the

weight faster with less effort.

There you are, starving and sweating to take off each and every pound, while your darling

husband skips dessert for a week and the weight just melts off.

It can be downright maddening.

Fortunately, the weight loss industry is well aware of the differences between men and women

who want to lose weight, and they've taken great measures to cater to the fairer sex.

Many weight loss support groups are open to women only. There are also women-only spas,

women weight loss retreats, and even diet menus that are specific to women.

For example, women need a lot more iron in their diet than men. There are also differences in

the amount of calories from fat they can consume, how much dairy is healthy, and many other


So, if you're considering going on a diet with your sweetheart, just remember that successful

weight loss for women requires a different set of rules than it does for men. Just focus on your

own goals, and don't make it a competition. Otherwise, you're setting yourself up for failure.

Losing weight is a constant battle for everyone but especially for women. Life these days is so

busy it is really difficult to find a minute for yourself, add to that the constant pressure from

society for a woman to look a certain way and you have a recipe for disaster.

Obviously the keys to being a healthy and vibrant woman are a healthy, balanced diet and

partaking in the right type of exercise on a regular basis, but when we just take this very general

information we are unlikely to maximize our time in the quest to lose more weight. There is a

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better way, a faster way to lose weight for a woman on a schedule; but to learn that, we need to

get into the details.

Here I will be showing you how to lose weight whilst on a busy schedule by utilizing 3 simple

tips to totally transform your body. Let's get started.

Weight Loss For Women - 3 Tips For Women In A Rush

1.) Exercise Is Good, Too Much Is Bad!

You may have fallen into the trap of listening to friends, family, the media or even the gym

manager when it comes to how much you should workout. The truth is, if you have been

working out more than 5 times per week and still not losing fat you're probably over doing it.

Three workout sessions each week of 30-45 minutes is more than enough to lose a ton of weight

and if you have been making excuses that you don't have time to go to the gym after work and so

you can't exercise at all then stop right now. Gym sessions, although useful are certainly not

essential for optimal weight loss for women - you can achieve all your weight loss goals by

completing simple 30 minute workouts in the comfort of your own home with little or no


2.) Food Preparation Is Key.

Preparation is half the battle when it comes to weight loss for women, get into the habit of

preparing all of your meals ahead of time. What I do is prepare my food the evening before and

place it in Tupperware containers in the fridge ready for me when I wake up and roll out of the

house, I sometimes even prepare meals days in advance to avoid the hassle when I'm tired after a

hard day at work.

Doing this allows you to easily track how many calories you are consuming each day and helps

you avoid poor food choices when you are out and about and begin to get hungry - think how

many calories you'll save on by eating a salad you've prepared compared to your usual lunchtime

indulgences! Get into this habit and you'll lose more weight, guaranteed!

3.) Eat Slower

I know you are in a rush but honestly, eating slowly is an absolute must if you want to maximize

your weight loss for women. When you wolf down your food super quick you don't allow time

for your brain to receive signals from your stomach that you have eaten enough and over-eating

is the usual consequence.

Also, when you eat more slowly you'll aid digestion - you'll chew your food more meaning it is

far easier for your stomach to break down when it arrives - if you often experience bloating,

stomach pain or heartburn whilst eating then slower eating will help you avoid these symptoms

of indigestion. Put simply, for those women who want to eat less and lose more, eating slow is an

effective weight loss for women answer!

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You See? Womens Weight Loss Is Actually Simpler Than You Thought!

Many people have trouble finding time to do the things the experts tell us we must in order to

achieve satisfactory weight loss - the real truth is; you need not do everything! Pick and choose

the things that you believe make most sense (and take the least time!).

Weight Loss Tips for Women Over 30

Often, after a woman hits the age of thirty, it seems harder for her to maintain her slim figure. In

other words, if you're a woman, and you've just gone past thirty, keeping your body toned and fit

may take some effort. This is largely due to that a woman's metabolism slows down noticeably at

this point, and when it does, the first visible signs include weight gain.

Managing those changes carefully keeps you in control. Important to note, since many women

tend to believe that there is absolutely nothing they can do about it. On the other hand, women

who live an active life already usually find that they are physically fit. Especially, if they are on a

healthy diet and exercise daily.

If you don't belong to that group, losing weight, initially can cause immense struggle. Just

looking at the thighs, buttock, and hips causes grief and disbelief.

In fact, this is exactly why women need to address the problem the minute they become aware of

it. If a man puts on weight, his friends won't think twice about pointing it out to him, but women

are not quite as outspoken. Women are afraid to offend.

Fortunately, if you find yourself at a stage in your life where you have to start working harder in

order to stay in shape, the Internet offers a wealth of information regarding weight loss for

women over 30. Additionally, every town and city has plenty of gyms to suit all types of people,

and many of them are supervised by qualified fitness trainers who can assist members with their

weight loss goals.

But if you don't want to attend a gym, the Internet is also a place for weight loss forums and

blogs and fellow losers that aren't worried to speak their truth. Likewise, by going online, you

can access any number of weight loss tools, such as exercise programs and special diets, just to

name a few. Eating the right foods and exercising regularly is the secret formula to staying

positive in thinking and ensures life long fitness success.

If you want to find about the quickest, most effective way for women to lose weight, check out

this video I found!