Public Health and Primary care: a shared agenda? Challenges for integration Sian Griffiths Professor of Public Health Director of the School of Public Health Chairman, Department of Community and Family Medicine The Chinese University of Hong Kong APACPH 2008 8 th November 2008

Sian Griffiths presentation WSPCR 2010

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Page 1: Sian Griffiths presentation WSPCR 2010

Public Health and Primary care: a shared agenda?

Challenges for integration

Sian Griffiths Professor of Public Health Director of the School of Public Health Chairman, Department of Community and Family Medicine The Chinese University of Hong Kong APACPH 2008 8th November 2008

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CUHK Cardiff MOU november 3 2010

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Public Health and Primary Care

Background : Common agenda : Social determinants WHO report: Now More Than Ever Lancet Sept 13 new agenda

Lessons from Health care reform:

China : Deepening the healthcare system reform China 2020

Hong Kong: Better Health

4 november 3 2010

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The World Health Organization (WHO) Commission on Social Determinants of Health Photo Source: WHO

Social Determinants of Health

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“Social and economic conditions and their effects on people’s lives determine their risk of illness and the actions taken to prevent them from becoming ill or treat illness with it occurs. Within countries, the evidence shows that in general the lower an individual’s socioeconomic position the worse their health. This is a global phenomenon.”

november 3 2010

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•  Concerns about the affordability of health care, with an ever expanding menu of newer drugs and procedures, are near universal, whether driven by the demands of an ageing population and increasing chronic diseases, by the persistence of infectious diseases and maternal, newborn, and child health conditions, or by challenges that have emerged since 1978, such as HIV/AIDS.

•  The current crisis in health, with increasing demand, rising costs, and a return towards curative and hospital care, makes re-exploration of the Alma-Ata principles timely and relevant.”

•  Lawn 2008 Lancet 7 november 3 2010

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Values of Alma-Ata

•  Equity, social justice, and health for all •  Community participation •  Health promotion •  Appropriate use of resources •  Intersectoral action

8 november 3 2010

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Health policy today

•  “Health is a universal aspiration and basic human need. The development of society , rich or poor, can be judged by the quality of its population’s health, how fairly distributed across the social spectrum and the degree of protection provided from disadvantage due to ill health. Health equity is central to this premise”

Marmot 2007. Lancet 370:1153

9 november 3 2010

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The World Health Report 2008

The PHC reforms necessary to refocus health systems towards health for all

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The World Health Report 2008 12 november 3 2010

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Rationale for the benefits for primary care for health

1.  Greater access to needed services, 2.  Better quality of care, 3.  A greater focus on prevention, 4.  Early management of health problems, 5.  The cumulative effect of the main primary

care delivery characteristics [5Cs] 6.  Reducing unnecessary and potentially

harmful specialist care.

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Integrating primary care and public health

•  Better alignment of a public-health approach with personal health services will achieve a better balance, but the balance since Alma-Ata has tilted towards personal health care at the expense of population health

•  van Weel 2008 Lancet

15 november 3 2010

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•  It is time to integrate personal health care and public health, and organise primary care on the principle of care for individuals in the context of an identified population over time.

•  The future of primary care, and health care in general, will depend on how effectively primary practices achieve this community-oriented primary care approach and contribute to equity and social cohesion

»  Van weel et al Lancet 16 november 3 2010

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Reforms in China

Historical perspective on PH and PC 3 phases of reforms :

– Planned economy – Marketisation – Current reforms [social harmony ]

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Phase 1 : 1949-1977

Focus on preventive services

Focus on dissemination of health education  “Patriotic health

campaigns”  Initiated “Barefoot doctors

program” 18

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Primary Care

19 november 3 2010

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Public Health :patriotic health campaigns


“Eradicate pests and 

diseases and build 

happiness for ten thousand genera5ons” 

20 november 3 2010

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Phase 2 The market reforms

•  Reduced investment from the central government;

•  Increased local funding responsibility (through local taxation)>greater inequities;

•  Privatization of health facilities; •  Introduced price regulation system and

modified salary system for health professionals;

•  Cooperative Medical System (primary care) dismantled with loss of universal coverage ;

•  Decentralized the public health system and subsequent deterioration eg of immunisations

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Impact of market Reforms •  Increased inequity rural:urban health status

•  Decreased access to services ,with diminished government power to intervene

•  Price regulation unintentionally increased sale of high tech interventions/expensive drugs in its attempts to control salaries etc

•  Dismantling communes destroyed bare foot doctors system and removed rural safety net.As a result primary care in the community was decimated

•  •  Public Health system less effective

•  Blumenthal D and Hsiao W NEJM 353:11 Sept 15 2005

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Decreased share of govt. exp. And increased share of out-of-pocket (1990-2004)























% o

f tot

al h





Govt. Exp. Soc. Exp. Out-of-Pocket

(Source: Chinese Health Statistic Yearbook 2006)

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The existing problems (3) Rapid increase in health care expenditure (NHE)


(Source: Chinese Health Statistic Yearbook 2006)



















NHEpercapita NHEas%ofGDP

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Disparity of health resource allocation between urban and rural per capita NHE














urban rural

(Source: Chinese Health Statistic Yearbook 2006)

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Coverage of Cooperative Medical System in rural China

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big city middle-sized city

small city

rural 1 rural 2 rural 3 rural 4


1993 34.09 33.87 53.47 47.95 63.15 61.14 67.72

1998 53.12 58.43 70.77 63.80 54.12 70.26 69.38

2003 64.4 35.6 74.8 77.6 74.9 75.5 73.6


1993 3.21 2.40 9.58 15.10 21.36 19.55 24.42 1998 36.69 23.48 42.96 30.09 31.67 42.29 38.72

2003 30.8 32.7 47 29.2 33.9 41.2 49.1

(Source: The national health service survey, 1993, 1998, 2003)

% of people who should see a doctor choose NOT to do so because of the cost

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‘China’s health system has changed greatly

and made great progress since the reform and opening up, but the problems are also

serious. Overall speaking, the reform was unsuccessful’ -- Development Research

Centre of the State Council. Assessment and

recommendations of health care system reforms in

China. August, 2005 -- 国务院发展研究中心课题组“中国医疗卫生体制

改革的评价与建议”. 2005.08

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The overall objective is to establish a basic health care system covering both rural and urban people, as well as to provide safe, effective, convenient and affordable health services to all people.

Phase 3 :Healthy China

29 november 3 2010

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Why ?

•  Politics of change •  Costs escalating •  SARS showed the deficiencies in the

public health system •  Increasing affluence spread unevenly

across the country >potential for social unrest

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New health system reform plan: one building, four girders and eight pillars

Collecting extensively people’s comments and suggestions on deepening medical and health


Overall objective Establishing a basic health system covering both urban and rural people, promoting health for all.

Public health service system

Medical service system

Medical insurance system

Drug production and supply system


ent system

Operation system

Input system

Price forming system

Monitoring system


an resources

Information system


november 3 2010

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4 systems for establishing a basic universal healthcare system:   Public health services including primary care

  Medical services including primary care

  Health insurance to cover primary care

  Medicine supply system to cover primary care

32 november 3 2010

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Primary care in China

•  CHS first announced as the future direction for urban healthcare reform in 19971

– borrowed much from the UK. •  Primary care is provided by community health

service (CHS) via community health centres (CHCs)

•  Public Health and primary care integrated 1.  “Decision on Development of Urban Health Care System”. CCP Central Committee and State Council. Jan 15, 1997.Accessed on http://www.moh.gov.cn/publicfiles/business/htmlfiles/wsb/

pM30115/200804/18540.htm. 2.  “城市社區衛生服務機構設置原則及指導標準”. Establishing community health services in the urban areas of China. Division of Primary and Women’s Health, Ministry of Health. MOH. No.467

document. Dec 29, 2000. Accessed on http://www.moh.gov.cn/publicfiles/business/htmlfiles/mohfybjysqwss/pfybj/200804/18182.htm.

TCM physici

ans GPs


Multi-skilled nurses

Allied healthcar

e personnel

33 november 3 2010

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•  Basis of urban public health system & basic medical services

Community Health Services (CHS)

1.  Division of Primary and Women’s Health, Ministry of Health – “Opinions on Development of Community Health Services in the Cities”. MOH .No.326 document. Jul 16, 1999. Accessed on http://www.moh.gov.cn/publicfiles/business/htmlfiles/mohfybjysqwss/pfybj/200804/18183.htm.

Six-in-one comprehensive care package1


Treatment & Referral

Health Maintenance

Health Education

Family Planning


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Strengthening the establishment of the public health service system:   build up sound public health networks of

 disease prevention,  health education,  maternal and child health care,  mental health,  first aid,  blood collection and supply,   health supervision,  family planning.

Public Health Reforms

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•  Language is confusing •  Much of what is labeled public health can

be regarded as primary care •  Those providing primary care have public

health responsibilities •  Therefore Van Weels terminology /concept

is more helpful to achieve healthcare reform ; community-oriented primary care approach

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Hong Kong

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Market based Primary care in Hong Kong

•  Fragmented

•  Uncoordinated

•  Mainly out of pocket

•  No clear clinical standards

•  Doctor shopping

•  Generalist /specialist issues

•  No register of primary care practitioners

•  No comprehensive data system

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Hong Kong Primary Care : the reform challenge

•  Participants who did not currently have a family doctor and were mainly of lower socioeconomic status than those with a family doctor saw a family doctor as something of a ‘luxury item’ for the wealthy and not within the financial reach of the bulk of the population in Hong Kong.

•  There is a need to make primary care acceptable, accessible, and affordable to all, especially those in need.

(Source: Mercer et al., BMC Public Health 2010) november 3 2010

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Way forward: enhance primary care

•  New funding mechanisms

•  Promote the family doctor concept which emphasizes continuity of care, holistic care and preventive care. –  register

•  Put greater emphasis on prevention of diseases and illnesses through public education and through family doctors. -guidelines

•  Encourage and facilitate medical professionals to collaborate with other professionals to provide coordinated services. -  new models of care

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CUHK response

•  Build on SARS report •  Increase the profile and capacity of public

health •  Increase the profile and capacity of

primary care •  Create an integrated approach –combining

public health and primary care :SPHPC

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School of Public Health and Primary Care The Chinese University of Hong Kong

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The challenges of public health education with a particular reference to China

S.M. Griffiths L.M. Li , J.L. Tang , X. Ma, Y.H. Hu, Q.Y. Meng H. Fu

in many countries,traditional public health methods targeted at individuals, such as vaccination and child and maternal care, have been successfully relocated into the clinical sector, most often primary care or general practice. Such individual public health approaches to prevention are too important to be

neglected. Although, in essence an individual approach, primary care is where much of clinical medicine and many public health practices meet, and recognition of this interface is extremely important for building a seamless framework for improving the health of the

population. november 3 2010

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•  The future of primary care, and health care in general, will depend on how effectively primary practices achieve this community-oriented primary care approach and contribute to equity and social cohesion

»  Van weel et al Lancet 2008 45 november 3 2010

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