Should You Love Him or Should You Leave Him? By Shay Banks with Before You Marry

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Learn 3 simple ways to help you decide whether you should stay with your man or leave him.

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Should You Love Him or Should You Leave Him?

By Shay Banks

with Before You Marry

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When you first met your man, everything was great!

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And then…he started to act weird.

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There was a time when he was loving

Now he simply ignores you

Before After

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To Solve This You Can… Ask him what’s wrong. Ignore him back. Yell at him for ignoring you. Tell his mother that he’s acting weird and she

should talk to him. Tell his friends to pressure him to talk to him. Do nothing.

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You can try a new approach

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Quick Ways to Know if You Should Love Him or Leave Him

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“Does He Make My Heart Smile?”

This may sound like a simplistic question to ask yourself, but it’s a truly important one.

Some women end up worrying too much about what other people think she should have rather than being honest with herself and getting clear about what she wants.

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Answers like… He used to… I don’t know He’s really a good guy… We used to really have fun together… I’m not sure what to say… Ummm….

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…means your answer is

he doesn’t make your heart smile. Don’t kid yourself into thinking otherwise.

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What’s Your Percentage?

“If you had to give the good & the bad a percentage, what would it be?”

I ask my clients this question to help them get crystal clear on what’s wrong in their relationship.

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Sometimes the answers scare them

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But it shouldn’t. Here’s why.. You can’t change anything in your relationship

if your head is in the sand. By getting clear about your percentages,

you’re taking a stand that says “Something’s gotta give!”

You become part of a solution

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Don’t stress out on getting the percentages perfect

Go with your first thought. If you believe 50% is bad and 50% is good, that’s okay.

If you believe that 80% is bad and 20% is good, that’s ok too. Don’t judge the number. Just take that information to the next step.

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What’s My Contribution?

Create a T chart like the one below.

Good % Bad %

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Under each column, list how you contribute to the good & the bad of the relationship

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Here’s an example

Good % Bad %

Always thinking of new & exciting things for us to do together

I give him the silent treatment when he doesn’t do what I want him to do. When he asks what’s wrong, I tell him to leave me alone!

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Be honest with how you contribute to your relationship.

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Armed with this information, you now have a decision to make

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Do you try to eliminate some of your “Bad %” and see if things change?

Or based on the information do you decide that you’ve contributed more than your fair

share to this relationship and it’s time to go?

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Whatever you decide…You now have options that you didn’t have

before. You see, when you constantly worry about what to do, you end up doing nothing.

But by simply taking these 3 steps, you’re already a lot clearer about what to do with your relationship.

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