The Perfect Diet Fabian Fuxa, Lucas El Eter, Caio Maksoud, Frederik Engel

Science Presentation

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The Perfect Diet

Fabian Fuxa, Lucas El Eter, Caio

Maksoud, Frederik Engel

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Objective of Presentation

Obtain approval from Board of Directors of our proposed new short-term and long-term diets.

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Some Interesting Facts

63.1% of Americans are either overweight or obese (2009)

59.2% of obese Americans exercise at least one day per week.

This is a great opportunity for us, Meals on Wheels, to come in and help these obese people who want to lose weight but simply don’t know how.

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About Nutrients

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What Are They?

Nutrients (NOO tree unts) – They are the substances in food that provide the raw materials and energy the body needs to carry out all it’s essential processes.

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Types of Nutrients

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Are a major source of energy

Provide the raw material to make cell parts

Found in pretty much everything: Milk, Watermelons, Bread, Pasta, and many more

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Lipids (commonly refered as fats) are energy-containing nutrients that are composed of carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen.

In addition to providing energy, fats have other important functions. Fats from part of the cell membrane, the structure that forms the boundary of a cell. Fatty tissue protects and supports your internal organs and insulates your body.

There are three types of fats:

Unsaturated Fats: Healthy

Saturated Fats: Unhealthy

Trans Fats: Extremely Unhealthy

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Proteins are nutrients that contain nitrogen as well as carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen

Proteins are needed for tissue growth and repair. They also play an important part in chemical reactions within cells.

Proteins are made up of amino acids

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Vitamins and Minerals


Vitamins act as helper molecules in a variety of chemical reactions in the body

There are two types of vitamins:

Fat soluble vitamins

Water soluble vitamins.


Minerals are present in soil and are absorbed by plants through their roots.

Both vitamins and minerals are needed by your body in small amounts to carry out chemical processes.

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Water is the most important nutrient because the body's vital processes- including chemical reactions such as breakdown of nutrients- take place in water.

You need to take in about 2 liters of water per day

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Personal Food Categories That Should be Consumed

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Menu Analysis

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Menu #1

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Contains little if any lipids (fats)

A lot of vitamins and mineral are included in the menu but it doesn´t have many proteins

A healthy portion of cabbage soup is given each day for lunch and dinner accompanied with a fruit of vegetable

Breakfast is always a fruit or small piece of toast.

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Menu #2

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It is a more balanced meal, which includes all nutrients and a variety of different foods.

Occasionally has unhealthy foods including some excess of lipids and proteins.

Amounts are appropriate and food choices are relatively healthy.

Healthy snacks are provided, which is good for a long term diet because eating small amounts of healthy food frequently is healthy for your body.

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Menu #3

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Portions are quite big

Variety of foods are included, as well as sauces and spices (dressings)

Mouthwatering (to most people) and tempting to eat

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Menu #3

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An excess of lipids and proteins if present on diet. Examples of such:

3 scrambled eggs at breakfast (too much protein)4-6 bacon strips at breakfast (too much fat)12 Buffalo Wings with BBQ Sauce (too much everything!)And many more

Portions are too big

The little amount of vitamins and minerals (fruits & vegetables) present are ruined because they are covered with unhealthy toppings such as dressing or butter (not even low-fat or low-sugar)

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Menu #1

Short-Term Diet

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Lipids are not present in this diet, which are essential to a diet but don’t have to be consumed every day (you can go a week without it, now that It makes you gain weight)

Proteins are also not present in the diet, and just as the lipids, proteins are needed but can be avoided during a week so that you don’t have to absorb so many amino acids in the body.

A daily portion of fruits and vegetables are given, since it provides essential vitamins and nutrients, as well as some natural simple sugars (not man-made refined sugar), providing the amount of sugar needed by the body, in a healthy and moderate way.

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Menu #2

Long-Term Diet

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The healthy snacks provided in between meals is good for a long term diet because eating small amounts of healthy food frequently is healthy for your body.

The occasional excess of lipids and/or protein can be made now that eating healthy for a long period of time may become boring and the customer may give up on the diet and quit.

The diet is very balanced and contains every nutrient, which is essential for a long-term diet because all nutrients have to be consumed and cannot be avoided for such a long time.

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