A concoction of Yoga, New-age SCIENTIFIC Weight Training, Meditation and Ayurveda

Science ffit condensed intro

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A concoction of Yoga, New-age SCIENTIFIC Weight Training,

Meditation and Ayurveda

Page 2: Science ffit condensed intro

6 days in the gym/ yoga centre/ aerobics classes & 1.5 hours


OR- 30 Minutes, thrice a week..

The time to choose is nigh! Because..

Health challenges faced by the corporate workforce-

Forbes.com- U.S. Workforce Illness Costs $576B Annually From Sick Days To

Workers Compensation. Of that amount, 39 percent, or $227 billion is from

“lost productivity” from employee absenteeism due to illness or what

researchers called “presenteeism”.

In today’s hectic life, everybody wants to stay fit, but the obvious lack of time

just doesn’t allow for it & leads to reduced work capacity of the employee, &

hence- the organization.

An average of 1.5 to 2 hours daily, 6 times a week in a gym is required.

It’s neither feasible, nor practical.

Almost zero effect on correcting ailments such as aggravated PMS,

thyroid, hypertension, vitamin D deficiency, sciatica, cervical spondylosis

and several allergies.

Results mostly in- Mediocre results and/or mediocre results at a snail’s


Rebound of weight and fat lost.

Worsens AND leads to Joint pain i.e. knee, lumbar spine, neck etc.

Loss of motivation and health, negative body and self- image.

Leading to- loss in concentration, hence- reduced work capacity and

productivity of the employee, and of course- the organization.

The Solution? 30 minutes, thrice a week!

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This concoction of yoga, scientific weight

training, meditation and ayurveda will-

Help you lose an average of 3 inches of waist and abdomen fat in a


Improve your stamina more than 3 times when compared to

conventional cardio, in less than 2 months. (It implies a QUANTUM leap

in your cardiac health, potentially eliminating cardiac, respiratory and

B.P. hazards).

For your stamina to be 3 times better, imagine how much of a beating

your LDL (bad cholesterol levels) will be taking.

Ensure you never gain back the fat that you’ve lost.

Nullify and neutralize the painful PMS symptoms in women by up to

80% ( that = increased focus and productivity.)

Make your joints stronger well into your older age.

Almost double your strength even whilst you’re losing weight.

Allow you to eat much more than you do right now (= no crash diets).

After 4-5 months, even working out twice a week will still ensure

progress in strength and stamina!

Improve insulin sensitivity (normalizing blood sugar levels).

Rev up your libido and sex-drive.

Eradicate vitamin D deficiency which, according to studies, plagues< 60% of

urban Gurgaon itself.

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CASE STUDY-1- Be it a mildly obese person, or someone who’s fatally

obese! Consider the increase in his productivity & the value addition to

your organization once he’s fighting-fit! …….

(In Record time)

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CASE STUDY-2- Age- 41. Mom of 2. Job- Senior V.P. Band-1 in a major

M.N.C. Workout = Minimal! Physical condition = Top Notch! Confidence &

Self-esteem = Through the roof! Productivity?= Any guesses?

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CASE STUDY-3 Age- 25.


STOP spending your precious time doing just Yoga or some form of cardio

i.e.- Zumba/ Aerobics/ Spinning/ Dance forms/ Running/ Marathons etc.

STOP being content with “just being fit”.

STOP reaping just about a quarter of the health and fitness benefits than

you actually can in just 30 MINUTES. THRICE A WEEK!

There’s no rider attached with these results i.e. no use of controversial

supplements/banned substances or crash dieting.

For e.g. in case study-2 and 3, no supplementation was involved at all!

You’re more than welcome to personally meet them whenever you please

and personally lay to rest any apparent and obvious doubts of yours

regarding my seemingly outlandish and previously unheard of claims!

Since this workout protocol is exclusive with me, I’d personally welcome and

encourage you to meet some of the above mentioned clients of mine (and

more if you’d like to) and allay any obvious apprehensions that you might be

having right now.

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This unheard of, brief and proven fitness module which is exclusive to me and

suitable for all genders and ages will quite literally work wonders towards

increasing the productivity of your workforce throughout their lifetime. The

onus lies with you!


I’ve always been a hyperactive workout freak who over-trained come

hail or snow! Finally one day I suffered from a protrusion of the lumbar

spine and herniated disc 8 years back and was on the verge of being

paralysed. Despite the doctors advising me against bending forward and

lifting weights, I managed to train and cure myself with God’s grace and

progressed towards deadlifting 100 kgs. off the ground. That’s just to

illustrate the kind of scientific knowledge on fitness that I’ve gathered

over all these years. The same goes with the totally unheard of methods

that I adopt whilst training my personal training clients.

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I hope this brief document challenged your current beliefs and outlook

towards fitness and helped you realize how much you can have on your platter

when it comes to being more than just fit..Scientifically!