Revealed - A 15 Step Guide to Losing 15 Pounds Fast Brought to you by http:// real-truth-about-abs- review.blogspot.com http://real-truth-about-abs- review.blogspot.com

Revealed - A 15 Step Guide to Losing 15 Pounds Fast

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A 15 step to guide to fast and easy weight loss. Ideal for those just getting started on their weight loss journey, or for those wanting to give their current weight loss efforts a boost.

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Revealed - A 15 Step Guide to Losing 15 Pounds Fast

Brought to you byhttp://real-truth-about-abs-review.blogspot.com

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Hi I’m Jodie………

I was once overweight, but those sad and lonelydays are thankfully now behind me. I now have slim, toned and lean body that I am so proud of

……….something I thought I would never hear myself say!

And guess what? I actually now have abs!

Read all about my weight loss journey in my blog posts. http://real-truth-about-abs-review.blogspot.com/

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Do You Need to Know How to Lose 15 Pounds Fast?

Today I am going to reveal to you a 15 step ‘killer’ guide on how to lose 15 pounds FAST

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• Do you have a special event to go to that requires you to get into the killer outfit that has been in your wardrobe for years, that you have never been able to fit in to?

• An old school reunion perhaps, where you want to show your old college buddies that you, unlike most of them, have not fallen in to the middle age spread trap?

• Or are beach holidays looming fast and you simply cannot face another year of covering up your body, too embarrassed even to go for a healthy swim?

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Well whatever your reason for wanting to lose weight, you know you need to shed 15 pounds of unwanted fat as quickly, but as safely, as possible.

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In this presentation I am going to share with you 15 killer strategies for losing those 15 pounds that will get you in to that killer

outfit and impress your friends.

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If you aim is losing 15 pounds in less say than one month, there are a few things you need to consider first.

• You should start exercising• You must change your diet

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Doing this for a limited time is achievable even for the most un-motivated and lazy of us. And believe me, once those scales start to show less, you will become more and more motivated and this in turn, may even lead to massive weight loss, and become a permanent change of lifestyle for you.

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This has been the story of how many successful dieters I know, myself included, have started.

A small weight loss goal in time for a wedding, anniversary, or whatever, has been surprisingly achievable, and then ended up turning into a permanent change of lifestyle with a record amount of weight loss.

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OK so that’s the future, let’s get back to the start for now.

You are overweight because of rationing.

In other words weight gain is due to the ration differential between how many calories you consume and how many calories you burn.

It is as simple as that.

But hey you already knew that didn’t you?

So what do you do about it?

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Well first off, there is no need to starve yourself, or make huge sacrifices.

Just follow this simple 15 step guide to losing your first 15 pounds, last 15 pounds or to give your weight loss program a boost when it seems to have stuttered to a halt.

You can use this plan as long as you want because it is so balanced and flexible.

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OK let’s get started………

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Step 1What's the first thing I think anyone who wants to lose weight should do? Keep a food diary. All you have to do is write down what, when, and approximately how much you eat, and drink, every day in a notebook. No need to try and figure out calories at this stage.

It is simply an exercise designed to make you more aware of your current eating habits so you can identify what changes need to be made to lose weight.

This food consciousness also helps you to plan healthy meals and snacks.

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Step 2Drink water and plenty of it.

Water is a diet savoir in many ways. If you suffer from bloating, actually drinking more water will help counteract this. Sip water constantly throughout the day if you can, rather than relying on your body to tell you when you are thirsty. This stops you mistaking hunger for thirst, and subsequently over eating.

Try and refrain from drinking diet sodas too, as diet drinks actively make you crave sugar.

If you find water is just too bland, try adding a slice or lemon or ginger.

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Step 3 Introduce more whole grains into your diet.

These super - foods are low in calories so use them to pad out meals which will

leave less room for more unhealthy foods.

They are also high in fibre leaving you feeling fuller for longer.

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Step 4Introduce more fruit and vegetables into your diet.

Fruit is great for snacking throughout the day and provides a healthy dessert.

Vegetables can pack out lunches and dinners to prevent hunger.

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Step 5Try and have a snack every 3 hours to keep your blood sugar levels constant.

Go for something like an apple and a handful of almonds. This may seem strange, being on a diet yet eating more, but a good diet does not mean starving yourself; it’s more about eating the right foods at the right time.

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Step 6Get into the habit of reading food labels.

I have lost count how many times in the past I have eaten something which claimed to be say 100 calories on the label, however on taking a closer look I have found these calories where actually per slice, or per serving, or a third, and not the whole item.

Therefore try to match calories with serving size, and make healthy choices were possible.

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Step 7Have a good protein source with each meal.

This can take the form of items such as eggs, chicken, turkey, fish, beans, low fat cheese or low fat yogurt.

A portion with each meal will help you feel fuller for longer.

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Step 8 Eat slowly, and chew your food properly.

This will help you feel fuller quickly, and the very act of chewing will leave you feeling more satisfied.

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Step 9Avoid fruit juices.

These are pointless additional calories.

Have a piece of fruit instead.

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Step 10 Don’t skip meals. Ever.

Skipping meals leads to increased hunger which will result in bingeing and over eating.

We all hear about how damaging putting your body in starvation mode is to your weight loss, and can even result in weight gain.

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Step 11 Watch those portions.

Find out what the standard serving of food is and compare it to what you’re currently eating. If you find you are eating more than is recommended, cut your portion size down.

You will find in time that this portion sizing will become second nature to you.

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Step 12 This next step is vitally important as without it, it will be virtually impossible to lose

weight and keep it off.

That is ensure you get regular exercise.

It doesn’t matter what form this takes – walking, running, riding a bike, just get out there and do something. Start slow, say take a 10 minute brisk walk today, and then gradually build this up to 30 minutes every day.

This will boost your metabolism so that it becomes easier to lose weight, improve your health, and give you a greater sense of well-being.

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Step 13 Plan your meals and snacks in advance.

Make a shopping list of what you need, be firm with yourself and stick to it.

Try not to go shopping when you are hungry.

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Step 14 Don't eat meals in front of the TV. Studies have indicated that we are inclined to over eat whilst watching TV as we

are less conscious of what we are eating, and of the act of eating itself.

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and finally……………..

(thanks for your patience)

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Step 15 Try to opt for low fat dairy products such as skimmed milk, low fat yogurts and


Be fat and sugar aware, and reduce the current content of both in your meals and snacks.

Cut down of the amount of butter you currently eat, reduce your mayonnaise portions and above all resist fried food.

Cut back on pastries, cakes, biscuits and ice cream and keep these as a once a week treat, or as a reward for meeting your weight loss goals.

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As you can see if you want to learn how to lose at least 15 pounds fast then use these tips.

They are not hard to follow and can be started very

easily. So what are you waiting for?

Get up and get started now to achieve your weight loss goal!

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Want to get more weight loss help?

Then go to http://real-truth-about-abs-


Good luck with all your weight loss goals!