Live Life eXponentially. Greetings and salutations! This month I would like to go over some product news, tips, and insights—all aimed at boosting your understanding and ability to communicate the benefits of our products to your clients. Q Biotics Reminder: I have just returned from a vacation in Mexico, and thanks to daily use of Q Biotics, my family was kept safe from the dreaded Montezuma’s revenge (traveler’s diarrhea). This is great stuff to have in your bag or first aid kit, and if you do happen to get some stomach upset, increase the dosage to 2–3 for a few days to re-establish your intestinal biome. This will not only keep you safe from bad bacteria, but viruses as well. Remember, a healthy intestinal biome improves all aspects of physical and mental health. Dr. K’s Q Sciences MONTHLY NEWSLETTER — Edition 16, February 2016

Q Sciences Monthly Newsletter by Dr. K | EMPowerplus Q96 side effects

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Live Life eXponentially.

Greetings and salutations! This month I would like to go over some product news, tips, and insights—all aimed at boosting your understanding and ability to communicate the benefits of our products to your clients.

Q Biotics Reminder: I have just returned from a vacation in Mexico, and thanks to daily use of Q Biotics, my family was kept safe from the dreaded Montezuma’s revenge (traveler’s diarrhea). This is great stuff to have in your bag or first aid kit, and if you do happen to get some stomach upset, increase the dosage to 2–3 for a few days to re-establish your intestinal biome. This will not only keep you safe from bad bacteria, but viruses as well. Remember, a healthy intestinal biome improves all aspects of physical and mental health.


Edition 16, February 2016

Page 2: Q Sciences Monthly Newsletter by Dr. K | EMPowerplus Q96 side effects

Live Life eXponentially.

Interactions and Side Effects: I enjoy responding to all your questions and concerns regarding Q Sciences products via the “Ask the Doctors” feature. I have been uniformly impressed by the intelligence and quality of the Q Sciences IBOs, and no question is a bad one! You have many great questions, but I feel that it is once again time to put to rest the various concerns about “possible” side effects from our supplements. Let’s take EMPowerplus™ Q96 as an example: ALL of the ingredients (save gingko) in EMPowerplus™ Q96, including trace elements such as vanadium and germanium, are found in a balanced diet. The only exception is gingko—an excellent herb that is included in a very small and appropriate dosage, and which acts as a catalyst for the other ingredients. Gingko rarely causes an allergic response (rash or hives) but that is a remote possibility. If someone reports a rash, I recommend that they stop EMPowerplus™ Q96 until the rash is gone and then try again. If it recurs then it may be the cause, but not necessarily. In general, the solid advice for those who feel that they may be experiencing untoward effects from any supplement or medication is to stop everything, if possible, and restart slowly when all symptoms have resolved. This is the most logical and scientific means of determining the cause, although for many problems the cause might remain unknown. I did get an email regarding someone taking five times the usual 500 mg dose of St. John’s Wort. This could pose a problem if that high of a dose is taken with EMPowerplus™ Q96, as it is an MAO inhibitor and this might lead to some agitation. A 500 mg dose along with four EMPowerplus™ Q96 would most likely be fine, but if you wanted to increase the EMPowerplus™ Q96 dose beyond that it would be best to stop the St. John’s Wort entirely.Naturally, the minerals you get in your diet or other alkaline mineral supplements are far less bioavailable, and the overall effect of the chelated, micronized, and balanced micronutrients in EMPowerplus™ Q96 is more potent—hence the benefits and often nearly immediate results in terms of wellbeing and mood uplift. Nonetheless, I sometimes get emails from individuals who are concerned that they are having weird dreams, acne, intestinal gas, difficulty driving, or other symptoms because they happened to have started taking EMPowerplus™ Q96 weeks before. Clearly, there are many causes for such symptoms, but it is only human nature to ascribe any and all physical, emotional, and mental symptoms to a supplement that they have been told is very potent. I have seen this time and time again over my 40 years in health care. EMPowerplus™ Q96 is very potent, make no mistake, but 29 times out of 30 it is not related to the symptoms described. I certainly understand the knee-jerk reaction to a new supplement, but in reality, EMPowerplus™ Q96 and all other Q Sciences products are extremely well tolerated and side effect-free. I suggest that when dealing with such concerns you first reassure the individual and then utilize the “Ask the Doctors” service—we will get back to you promptly and put the matter to rest. NO other supplement company can offer such a considered and expeditious scientific response, in my experience. In addition, I get many questions about

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I have a special love for Q Vitalize because I have spent the last 35 years devising these groundbreaking formulas.

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*These statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

mixing EMPowerplus™ Q96 with various medications, and the fact of the matter is that there are few, if any, meds that cannot be safely taken with EMPowerplus™ Q96—the good news is that very often these meds can be reduced or eliminated with superior Q Sciences nutrition.When addressing the concerns of your clients regarding interactions or what they may think are side effects, it is always best to reassure them that these products are generally very well tolerated with minimal issues, but that you will find out the facts. It is a good idea to ask them if anything in their diet, stress level, or other situations might be contributing or causing said concern. I have people who are convinced that EMPowerplus™ Q96 is giving them vivid dreams—that is not a bad thing in my opinion, but clearly many factors OTHER than the supplement may be affecting their dreams. Bear in mind that many who start on our products have significant physical, mental, and/or emotional issues to begin with, and that these will not necessarily melt away in a few days—although sometimes they do!

Q Amino Acids: Don’t overlook this great mix of essential amino acids! It provides quick and powerful nutrition for the brain and body. Note that it also contains a few key B and other vitamins (A and C) as catalysts for the amino acids. I realize that we advise people not to take any additional vitamins when taking EMPowerplus™ Q96, but these are included in the right balance to be taken along with EMPowerplus™ Q96. Q Amino Acids contain a blend of important amino acids that not only provide fuel for optimal brain metabolism, but also help build strong tissues and healthy cells. It is vital that they be taken on an empty stomach so that the amino acids are not mixed with other proteins in food, as that will make them less effective. They are well tolerated on an empty stomach and should be fine on the most sensitive of stomachs. This is NOT protein powder, which can bind up the bowels, as the amino acids are rapidly and completely absorbed in their pure form.

Q Vitalize and Eleuthero: I have a special love for Q Vitalize because I have spent the last 35 years devising these groundbreaking formulas. I know they can benefit everyone, yet they are often overshadowed by all the other amazing Q Sciences products. By all means, check out these deep-healing formulas: gender specific, caffeine and non-caffeine versions. I could go on and on, but I think it best to focus on one of the amazing adaptogenic herbs in Q Vitalize.

Take eleuthero, or Siberian Ginseng1 as just one example (although we have many more of similar value and importance). Li Shih-Chen, a highly respected Chinese physician who lived from 1518 to 1593, wrote a 52-volume manuscript documenting the over 10,000 plant substances used to support and enhance health. Of ALL the herbs he studied he found that eleuthero was literally the king. He stated that: “I would rather take a handful of eleuthero than a cartload of gold and jewels.” Rare praise, indeed.Eleuthero2 and the other herbs in Q Vitalize are adaptogenic: a complex, sophisticated, and powerful group of healing plants. Adaptogens work subtly with the deep glandular organ systems to enhance overall health and increase stamina via complex phyto-substances that act on cell receptors. They are primarily known for helping your body adapt to changes in the environment, but they actually do far more—and rejuvenation is not out of the equation. And they can be used safely and effectively over a long period of time. All four Q Vitalize formulas contain eleuthero, as it works wonderfully for both genders at all ages.1Cicero AF, et al. Effects of Siberian ginseng (Eleutherococcus senticosus maxim.) on elderly quality of life: a randomized clinical trial. Arch Gerontol Geriatr Suppl. 2004;(9):69-73.2Davydov M, Krikorian AD. Eleutherococcus senticosus (Rupr. & Maxim.) Maxim. (Araliaceae) as an adaptogen: a closer look. J Ethnopharmacol. 2000;72(3): 345-93.

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Pregnancy and Depression Risks:You have probably seen the recent government panel report on pregnancy and depression. This panel found that depression is so common in pregnancy that all women should be screened during and after pregnancy. What is not clear from this recommendation is how to treat pregnancy-related depression, as starting chemical anti-depressants during pregnancy is a huge risk with questionable benefits. EMPowerplus™ Q96 is not only an excellent prenatal vitamin and mineral supplement, but proper micronutrient intake helps reduce the risks for depression before, during, and after pregnancy. As with anything, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, so it is best to take an average dose (four daily) throughout the pregnancy process.

I hope you are all well and enjoying vibrant health with the help of Q Sciences products.

Yours Qssentially,

Dr K.

HQO: The water crisis in Flint, Michigan, highlights the dangers of water contaminants; lead, cadmium, arsenic, and other toxins are found in many municipal and well-water sources. In this case, so many were unwittingly drinking poisonous tap water. If your home has old galvanized or copper pipes with lead-based solder, you may be exposed to heavy metals that can increase your risks for heart disease, cancer, and dementia. You can avoid ALL of these dangerous elements by using HQO as your drinking water. Not only is HQO water completely free of such contaminants, but the reduced/electrolyzed state of the water actually helps your body rid itself of toxins and harmful oxidants, or free radicals. Isn’t it great that HQO works non-stop to Purify, Optimize, and Protect our health? By the way, my wife, who experienced complete relief from chronic bitter mouth after chemo and radiation years ago after drinking HQO for two months, had the problem return after a week without HQO. Upon returning home to our wonderful HQO machine a few days ago, the bitter taste is gone again! These are the kinds of anecdotal wonders that occur when we consistently take in alkaline/reduced HQO water.