Putting the IT in TransITions Sponsored by: The John A. Hartford Foundation, The Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, and Kaiser Permanente with the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT and Partnership for Patients Media Partners: Health Affairs and Health 2.0 Washington DC and Online (#ITrans) October 14, 2011 8am-3pm EST

Putting the 'IT' in Care Transitions Discussion

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Page 1: Putting the 'IT' in Care Transitions Discussion

Putting the IT in TransITionsSponsored by: The John A. Hartford Foundation, The Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, and Kaiser Permanente with the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT and Partnership for Patients

Media Partners: Health Affairs and Health 2.0

Washington DC and Online (#ITrans)October 14, 2011 8am-3pm EST

Page 2: Putting the 'IT' in Care Transitions Discussion

Introduction to Facilitated Sessions

Carol Beasley, Institute for Healthcare Improvement, IHI

Barbara Balik, IHI

Roger Chaufournier, IHI

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The Context:

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Session Overview (9:15-10:30)

From the point of view of patients and caregivers, identify the most intractable challenges related to care transitions.

“Open Space” workgroups:

• Harvest the best IT enabled solutions available today—those ready for spread and scale-up now.

• Recommend high-priority areas for IT-enabled innovation.

Identify key drivers for spread and uptake of IT-enabled solutions

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Break-Out into 5 Facilitated Sessions

* Refer to map in your folder, and number on your name tag

1. Discharge process (Janhavi Kirtane)2. Medication reconciliation (Carol Beasley)3. Information flow and feedback

A. Information flows ambulatory care and medical home (Roger Chaufournier)

B. Information flows across the medical home “neighborhood” (Jason Kunzman)

4. Patient and care-giver activation (Barbara Balik)

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Intended Outputs

Topic-specific recommendations:

• Near-term actions

• Longer term innovation

Rapid input to consolidated priorities

• SurveyMonkey accessible via wireless devices, or paper version

Set-up for action/commitment session 2:00-2:45

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Break-Out into 5 Facilitated Sessions

* Refer to map in your folder, and number on your name tag

1. Discharge process2. Medication reconciliation3. Information flow and feedback (stay in plenary area; this group will split

into 3A and 3B)4. Patient and care-giver activation

*Online participants join Google+ with Brian Ahier (Twitter: @ahier, #ITrans).

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Reactions from Eric Coleman, MD, University of Colorado, Denver

1. Discharge process2. Medication reconciliation3A. Information flow and feedback: ambulatory care and medical home3B. Information flow and feedback: across the medical home “neighborhood”4. Patient and care-giver activation

Read-Outs from Facilitated Sessions

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Question Problem 1 Problem 2What are the most important problem statements from the patient’s and caregiver’s perspective that most require our attention?

Where is IT effectively addressing these challenges now (i.e., bright spots that need to be spread today)?

Where is innovation most needed now?

Enabler for Spread and Uptake

Outstanding issues

1. Discharge Process

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Question Problem 1 Problem 2What are the most important problem statements from the patient’s and caregiver’s perspective that most require our attention?

Where is IT effectively addressing these challenges now (i.e., bright spots that need to be spread today)?

Where is innovation most needed now?

Enabler for Spread and Uptake

Outstanding issues

2. Medication reconciliation

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Question Problem 1 Problem 2What are the most important problem statements from the patient’s and caregiver’s perspective that most require our attention?

Where is IT effectively addressing these challenges now (i.e., bright spots that need to be spread today)?

Where is innovation most needed now?

Enabler for Spread and Uptake

Outstanding issues

3A. Information Flow and Feedback

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Question Problem 1 Problem 2What are the most important problem statements from the patient’s and caregiver’s perspective that most require our attention?

Where is IT effectively addressing these challenges now (i.e., bright spots that need to be spread today)?

Where is innovation most needed now?

Enabler for Spread and Uptake

Outstanding issues

3B. Information Flow and Feedback

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Question Problem 1 Problem 2What are the most important problem statements from the patient’s and caregiver’s perspective that most require our attention?

Where is IT effectively addressing these challenges now (i.e., bright spots that need to be spread today)?

Where is innovation most needed now?

Enabler for Spread and Uptake

Outstanding issues

4. Patient and Care-giver Activation

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Group Prioritization Activity

Leah Marcotte, Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT

Reactions from Eric Coleman, MD, University of Colorado, Denver

Participants in the room: Please check your email, click the link to complete the group prioritization activity (you may do this from a laptop, smart phone, etc). Computers in the center may also be accessed.

Online participants: When prompted, please CLICK HERE to fill out survey; you may also follow @ahier who will tweet the survey link on twitter.