Physical Inactivity UBC Students for Science Based Medicine

Physical Inactivity: Summary of the Evidence

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Page 1: Physical Inactivity: Summary of the Evidence

Physical Inactivity UBC Students for Science Based Medicine

Page 2: Physical Inactivity: Summary of the Evidence





Page 3: Physical Inactivity: Summary of the Evidence

How much exercise is enough?


Let’s look at the evidence relating physical activity with health…

Page 4: Physical Inactivity: Summary of the Evidence


• Defining terms• Physical activity vs. exercise

• Canadian recommendations for physical activity • How can we achieve these guidelines

• Consequences of inactivity – the evidence • The future of prescribed exercise

Page 5: Physical Inactivity: Summary of the Evidence


Question – fact or fiction:Does physical activity provide benefits to only the physical body?

Page 6: Physical Inactivity: Summary of the Evidence


The Mayo clinic suggests that mechanistically speaking physical activity is able to improve mental health three ways: 1. brain chemicals

(endorphins & neurotransmitters)

2. immune system markers3. body temperature

FICTION!Physical activity does not just promote physical fitness but mental wellness as well.

Page 7: Physical Inactivity: Summary of the Evidence


• Defining terms• Physical activity & exercise vs. inactivity

• Canadian recommendations for physical activity • How can we achieve these guidelines

• Consequences of inactivity – the evidence • The future of prescribed exercise

Page 8: Physical Inactivity: Summary of the Evidence

Physical Activity

“Any bodily movement produced by the contraction of skeletal muscles that results in

a substantial increase over resting energy expenditure.”


Page 9: Physical Inactivity: Summary of the Evidence

What does that mean?


Skeletal Muscle – attaches to and moves your bones

Resting Energy Expenditure - estimated value of how much energy your body requires in a day at rest


Page 10: Physical Inactivity: Summary of the Evidence

Our definition of Physical Activity Becomes…

• Any movement you make using your muscles that requires more energy than your body would need to lie on a couch

http://tsh.to/img/Raking.jpg http://www.thedogtrainingsecret.com/s/g1PTdejmiUmyW1ip-Afz6A/walking-the-dog.jpg

Page 11: Physical Inactivity: Summary of the Evidence

What comes to mind when you hear exercise?


Page 12: Physical Inactivity: Summary of the Evidence


“A type of physical activity consisting of planned, structured, and repetitive bodily movement done to improve or maintain one or more

components of physical fitness.”- ASCM

Page 13: Physical Inactivity: Summary of the Evidence

Our Definition of Exercise Becomes…

• A planned or organized workout you do in order improve aspects of fitness such as flexibility or cardiovascular endurance



Page 14: Physical Inactivity: Summary of the Evidence

Physical Inactivity

“A lack of physical activity…currently the 4th leading risk factor for mortality worldwide.”


Page 15: Physical Inactivity: Summary of the Evidence


• Defining terms• Physical activity & exercise vs. inactivity

• Canadian recommendations for physical activity • How can we achieve these guidelines

• Consequences of inactivity – the evidence • The future of prescribed exercise

Page 16: Physical Inactivity: Summary of the Evidence

Canadian Recommendations “All healthy adults aged 18-65 need moderate intensity physical activity for a minimum of 30

minutes five days per week”*Or a total of 150 minutes/week


Page 17: Physical Inactivity: Summary of the Evidence


• Moderate intensity exercise for 150 minutes a week

Intensity Example Activity Affect on breathing Affect on body temperature

Sitting Watching TV Normal Normal

Very light Effort Dusting Normal Normal

Light Effort Light Gardening Slight Increase Start to Feel Warm

Moderate Effort Brisk Walking Greater Increase Warmer

Vigorous Effort Jogging More out of breath Quite Warm

Very Hard Effort Fast Run Greater Increase Hot/Sweating

Maximal Effort All-Out Sprint Completely Out of Breath

Sweating/Very Hot

*Table adapted from Prescribing exercise as preventative therapy. Warburton, D., Nicol, C., & Bredin S

Page 18: Physical Inactivity: Summary of the Evidence

The Dose-Response CurveD





(The Lancet, 1998)

Doing something is better than doing


Page 19: Physical Inactivity: Summary of the Evidence


Question - Fact or fiction? Is aerobic training – the classic running, walking, or biking the only way to achieve health benefits from exercise?

Page 20: Physical Inactivity: Summary of the Evidence


FICTION! Resistance also known as strength training has recently been proven to show important health benefits that are not gained from aerobic training.A study conducted by researchers from the Centre for Hip Health and Mobility (Vancouver), recently found that women that did strength training showed lasting improved cognitive function and functional brain plasticity, while the women doing other forms of exercise did not.

Page 21: Physical Inactivity: Summary of the Evidence


• Defining terms• Physical activity & exercise vs. inactivity

• Canadian recommendations for physical activity • How can we achieve these guidelines

• Consequences of inactivity – the evidence • The future of prescribed exercise

Page 22: Physical Inactivity: Summary of the Evidence


5 Ways to Increase Daily Physical Activity

Page 23: Physical Inactivity: Summary of the Evidence

#1 Choose the parking space farthest away


Page 24: Physical Inactivity: Summary of the Evidence

#2 Take the stairs instead of the elevator


Page 25: Physical Inactivity: Summary of the Evidence

#3 Grocery shop with a basket instead of a buggy


Page 26: Physical Inactivity: Summary of the Evidence

#4 Go for a walk – with friends, colleagues, or a pet!


Page 27: Physical Inactivity: Summary of the Evidence


#5 Sit on an exercise ball instead of a chair

Page 28: Physical Inactivity: Summary of the Evidence


Question - Fact or fiction? Do you have to engage in organized exercise for 150 minutes a week to be considered physically active?

Page 29: Physical Inactivity: Summary of the Evidence

American CDC, 2011

FICTION! Remember, physical activity DOES NOT have to be organized exercise

Page 30: Physical Inactivity: Summary of the Evidence


• Defining terms• Physical activity & exercise vs. inactivity

• Canadian recommendations for physical activity • How can we achieve these guidelines

• Consequences of inactivity – the evidence • The future of prescribed exercise

Page 31: Physical Inactivity: Summary of the Evidence


Let’s look at some facts from the evidence

Page 32: Physical Inactivity: Summary of the Evidence

#1 About one-third to one-half of the world’s adult population is insufficiently physically active(WHO)



Page 33: Physical Inactivity: Summary of the Evidence

#2 Physical inactivity is a major contributor to death and disability from non-communicable diseases (NCDs) worldwide

Warburton, Health benefits of PA: the evidence. CMAJ 2006

Page 34: Physical Inactivity: Summary of the Evidence

#3 Many Canadian deaths are attributed to physical inactivity

(CMAJ, 2000)

The Economic Burden of Physical Inactivity, Peter T. Katzmarzyk,* Norman Gledhill,* Roy J. Shephard, 2000

Page 35: Physical Inactivity: Summary of the Evidence

#4 Musculoskeletal fitness is shown to reduce the risk of falling

Shaw & Snow, 1998; Campbell et al., 1999; Buchner et al., 1997

Page 36: Physical Inactivity: Summary of the Evidence

#5 Physical activity has been proven to slow the early memory decline in Alzheimer’s Disease


Page 37: Physical Inactivity: Summary of the Evidence

Are There Risks?

• More is not always better• Overuse injuries • Most gains are in the first bout of exercise

• Acute risks of exercise• Risk of training:

•Men 1 SD per 1.51 million episodes of exertion

• Always consult your doctor before beginning an exercise program

Page 38: Physical Inactivity: Summary of the Evidence

Question - fact or fiction:Does getting enough physical activity automatically mean you will get the body of your dreams?

Page 39: Physical Inactivity: Summary of the Evidence


FICTION! Of course not. Our bodies depend on how we treat them – things like what we eat, how much we exercise and how much we sleep – and our genetics. Every person is coded to have a different body type.

Page 40: Physical Inactivity: Summary of the Evidence


• Defining terms• Physical activity & exercise vs. inactivity

• Canadian recommendations for physical activity • How can we achieve these guidelines

• Consequences of inactivity – the evidence • The future of prescribed exercise

Page 41: Physical Inactivity: Summary of the Evidence

Physical Activity – A Prescription?

• Pedometer based study• Showed a decrease in blood pressure & increase

in walking time

• Exercise…• If your doctor says so

• Physical activity is preventative medicine

Page 42: Physical Inactivity: Summary of the Evidence

Take Away Messages

• This presentation is not intended to promote or discredit a specific mode of exercise

• Activity doesn’t have to been organized exercise programs

• In terms of activity something is better than nothing

• Inactivity is associated with a higher rate of mortality & morbidity

Page 43: Physical Inactivity: Summary of the Evidence

“Lack of activity destroys the good condition of every human being while movement and

methodical physical exercise save it and preserve it”

- Plato


Page 44: Physical Inactivity: Summary of the Evidence

References1. American College of Sports Medicine, Guide to Personal Training

2. British Journal of Cancer, 2009

3. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, 2013

4. Katzmazyk, P.T., Gledhill, N., & Shephard, R.J. (2000). The economic burden of physical inactivity in Canada, CMAJ, 163(11):1435-40

5. Kolt GS. Schofield GM. Kerse N. Garrett N. Ashton T. Patel A., Annals of Family Medicine. 10(3):206-12, 2012 May-Jun.

6. Mayo Clinic, Website

7. Myers J, Kaykha A, George S, et al. Fitness versus physical activity patterns in predicting mortality in men. Am J Med 2004;117:912-8.

8. Pronk NP, Katz AS, Lowry M, Payfer JR. Reducing Occupational Sitting Time and Improving Worker Health: The Take-a-Stand Project, 2011. Prev Chronic Dis 2012;9:110323

9. The Lancet, Physical Activity Series Working Group (5 papers), 2012

10. Wannamethee, G.S., Shaper, G.A., & Walker, M. Changes in physical activity, mortality, and incidence of coronary heart disease in older men. The Lancet, Volume 351, Issue 9116, Pages 1603-1608

11. Warburton, Health benefits of PA: the evidence. CMAJ 2006

12. World Health Organisation, website

13. *URLs of all photo references are pasted on specific slides

Page 45: Physical Inactivity: Summary of the Evidence





Page 46: Physical Inactivity: Summary of the Evidence

How much exercise is enough?


Let’s look at the evidence relating physical activity with health…

Page 47: Physical Inactivity: Summary of the Evidence


• Defining terms• Physical activity vs. exercise

• Canadian recommendations for physical activity • How can we achieve these guidelines

• Consequences of inactivity – the evidence • The future of prescribed exercise

Page 48: Physical Inactivity: Summary of the Evidence


Question – fact or fiction:Does physical activity provide benefits to only the physical body?

Page 49: Physical Inactivity: Summary of the Evidence


The Mayo clinic suggests that mechanistically speaking physical activity is able to improve mental health three ways: 1. brain chemicals

(endorphins & neurotransmitters)

2. immune system markers3. body temperature

FICTION!Physical activity does not just promote physical fitness but mental wellness as well.

Page 50: Physical Inactivity: Summary of the Evidence


• Defining terms• Physical activity & exercise vs. inactivity

• Canadian recommendations for physical activity • How can we achieve these guidelines

• Consequences of inactivity – the evidence • The future of prescribed exercise

Page 51: Physical Inactivity: Summary of the Evidence

Physical Activity

“Any bodily movement produced by the contraction of skeletal muscles that results in

a substantial increase over resting energy expenditure.”


Page 52: Physical Inactivity: Summary of the Evidence

What does that mean?


Skeletal Muscle – attaches to and moves your bones

Resting Energy Expenditure - estimated value of how much energy your body requires in a day at rest


Page 53: Physical Inactivity: Summary of the Evidence

Our definition of Physical Activity Becomes…

• Any movement you make using your muscles that requires more energy than your body would need to lie on a couch

http://tsh.to/img/Raking.jpg http://www.thedogtrainingsecret.com/s/g1PTdejmiUmyW1ip-Afz6A/walking-the-dog.jpg

Page 54: Physical Inactivity: Summary of the Evidence

What comes to mind when you hear exercise?


Page 55: Physical Inactivity: Summary of the Evidence


“A type of physical activity consisting of planned, structured, and repetitive bodily movement done to improve or maintain one or more

components of physical fitness.”- ASCM

Page 56: Physical Inactivity: Summary of the Evidence

Our Definition of Exercise Becomes…

• A planned or organized workout you do in order improve aspects of fitness such as flexibility or cardiovascular endurance



Page 57: Physical Inactivity: Summary of the Evidence

Physical Inactivity

“A lack of physical activity…currently the 4th leading risk factor for mortality worldwide.”


Page 58: Physical Inactivity: Summary of the Evidence


• Defining terms• Physical activity & exercise vs. inactivity

• Canadian recommendations for physical activity • How can we achieve these guidelines

• Consequences of inactivity – the evidence • The future of prescribed exercise

Page 59: Physical Inactivity: Summary of the Evidence

Canadian Recommendations “All healthy adults aged 18-65 need moderate intensity physical activity for a minimum of 30

minutes five days per week”*Or a total of 150 minutes/week


Page 60: Physical Inactivity: Summary of the Evidence


• Moderate intensity exercise for 150 minutes a week

Intensity Example Activity Affect on breathing Affect on body temperature

Sitting Watching TV Normal Normal

Very light Effort Dusting Normal Normal

Light Effort Light Gardening Slight Increase Start to Feel Warm

Moderate Effort Brisk Walking Greater Increase Warmer

Vigorous Effort Jogging More out of breath Quite Warm

Very Hard Effort Fast Run Greater Increase Hot/Sweating

Maximal Effort All-Out Sprint Completely Out of Breath

Sweating/Very Hot

*Table adapted from Prescribing exercise as preventative therapy. Warburton, D., Nicol, C., & Bredin S

Page 61: Physical Inactivity: Summary of the Evidence

The Dose-Response CurveD





(The Lancet, 1998)

Doing something is better than doing


Page 62: Physical Inactivity: Summary of the Evidence


Question - Fact or fiction? Is aerobic training – the classic running, walking, or biking the only way to achieve health benefits from exercise?

Page 63: Physical Inactivity: Summary of the Evidence


FICTION! Resistance also known as strength training has recently been proven to show important health benefits that are not gained from aerobic training.A study conducted by researchers from the Centre for Hip Health and Mobility (Vancouver), recently found that women that did strength training showed lasting improved cognitive function and functional brain plasticity, while the women doing other forms of exercise did not.

Page 64: Physical Inactivity: Summary of the Evidence


• Defining terms• Physical activity & exercise vs. inactivity

• Canadian recommendations for physical activity • How can we achieve these guidelines

• Consequences of inactivity – the evidence • The future of prescribed exercise

Page 65: Physical Inactivity: Summary of the Evidence


5 Ways to Increase Daily Physical Activity

Page 66: Physical Inactivity: Summary of the Evidence

#1 Choose the parking space farthest away


Page 67: Physical Inactivity: Summary of the Evidence

#2 Take the stairs instead of the elevator


Page 68: Physical Inactivity: Summary of the Evidence

#3 Grocery shop with a basket instead of a buggy


Page 69: Physical Inactivity: Summary of the Evidence

#4 Go for a walk – with friends, colleagues, or a pet!


Page 70: Physical Inactivity: Summary of the Evidence


#5 Sit on an exercise ball instead of a chair

Page 71: Physical Inactivity: Summary of the Evidence


Question - Fact or fiction? Do you have to engage in organized exercise for 150 minutes a week to be considered physically active?

Page 72: Physical Inactivity: Summary of the Evidence

American CDC, 2011

FICTION! Remember, physical activity DOES NOT have to be organized exercise

Page 73: Physical Inactivity: Summary of the Evidence


• Defining terms• Physical activity & exercise vs. inactivity

• Canadian recommendations for physical activity • How can we achieve these guidelines

• Consequences of inactivity – the evidence • The future of prescribed exercise

Page 74: Physical Inactivity: Summary of the Evidence


Let’s look at some facts from the evidence

Page 75: Physical Inactivity: Summary of the Evidence

#1 About one-third to one-half of the world’s adult population is insufficiently physically active(WHO)



Page 76: Physical Inactivity: Summary of the Evidence

#2 Physical inactivity is a major contributor to death and disability from non-communicable diseases (NCDs) worldwide

Warburton, Health benefits of PA: the evidence. CMAJ 2006

Page 77: Physical Inactivity: Summary of the Evidence

#3 Many Canadian deaths are attributed to physical inactivity

(CMAJ, 2000)

The Economic Burden of Physical Inactivity, Peter T. Katzmarzyk,* Norman Gledhill,* Roy J. Shephard, 2000

Page 78: Physical Inactivity: Summary of the Evidence

#4 Musculoskeletal fitness is shown to reduce the risk of falling

Shaw & Snow, 1998; Campbell et al., 1999; Buchner et al., 1997

Page 79: Physical Inactivity: Summary of the Evidence

#5 Physical activity has been proven to slow the early memory decline in Alzheimer’s Disease


Page 80: Physical Inactivity: Summary of the Evidence

Are There Risks?

• More is not always better• Overuse injuries • Most gains are in the first bout of exercise

• Acute risks of exercise• Risk of training:

•Men 1 SD per 1.51 million episodes of exertion

• Always consult your doctor before beginning an exercise program

Page 81: Physical Inactivity: Summary of the Evidence

Question - fact or fiction:Does getting enough physical activity automatically mean you will get the body of your dreams?

Page 82: Physical Inactivity: Summary of the Evidence


FICTION! Of course not. Our bodies depend on how we treat them – things like what we eat, how much we exercise and how much we sleep – and our genetics. Every person is coded to have a different body type.

Page 83: Physical Inactivity: Summary of the Evidence


• Defining terms• Physical activity & exercise vs. inactivity

• Canadian recommendations for physical activity • How can we achieve these guidelines

• Consequences of inactivity – the evidence • The future of prescribed exercise

Page 84: Physical Inactivity: Summary of the Evidence

Physical Activity – A Prescription?

• Pedometer based study• Showed a decrease in blood pressure & increase

in walking time

• Exercise…• If your doctor says so

• Physical activity is preventative medicine

Page 85: Physical Inactivity: Summary of the Evidence

Take Away Messages

• This presentation is not intended to promote or discredit a specific mode of exercise

• Activity doesn’t have to been organized exercise programs

• In terms of activity something is better than nothing

• Inactivity is associated with a higher rate of mortality & morbidity

Page 86: Physical Inactivity: Summary of the Evidence

“Lack of activity destroys the good condition of every human being while movement and

methodical physical exercise save it and preserve it”

- Plato


Page 87: Physical Inactivity: Summary of the Evidence

References1. American College of Sports Medicine, Guide to Personal Training

2. British Journal of Cancer, 2009

3. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, 2013

4. Katzmazyk, P.T., Gledhill, N., & Shephard, R.J. (2000). The economic burden of physical inactivity in Canada, CMAJ, 163(11):1435-40

5. Kolt GS. Schofield GM. Kerse N. Garrett N. Ashton T. Patel A., Annals of Family Medicine. 10(3):206-12, 2012 May-Jun.

6. Mayo Clinic, Website

7. Myers J, Kaykha A, George S, et al. Fitness versus physical activity patterns in predicting mortality in men. Am J Med 2004;117:912-8.

8. Pronk NP, Katz AS, Lowry M, Payfer JR. Reducing Occupational Sitting Time and Improving Worker Health: The Take-a-Stand Project, 2011. Prev Chronic Dis 2012;9:110323

9. The Lancet, Physical Activity Series Working Group (5 papers), 2012

10. Wannamethee, G.S., Shaper, G.A., & Walker, M. Changes in physical activity, mortality, and incidence of coronary heart disease in older men. The Lancet, Volume 351, Issue 9116, Pages 1603-1608

11. Warburton, Health benefits of PA: the evidence. CMAJ 2006

12. World Health Organisation, website

13. *URLs of all photo references are pasted on specific slides