Obstretic brachial Obstretic brachial plexus palsy plexus palsy Dr. Gajanan Pandit Mumbai Port Trust Hospital

Obstetric Brachial Plexus Palsy

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Obstetric Brachial Plexus Palsy

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Obstretic brachial plexus palsyObstretic brachial plexus palsy

Dr. Gajanan Pandit

Mumbai Port Trust Hospital

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Anatomy VariationsAnatomy Variations

Pre Fixedrun from C4-C8

stretching injury

-Erb’s palsy

Post fixedrun from C6-T2

abduction injury

-Kumpke’s palsy

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An injury to all or to a portion of a child’s brachial plexus nerve network occurring at the time of delivery.

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Pre/PostganglionicSupra/InfraclavicularNature of injury Level of injury

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Risk factorsRisk factors

Cephalopelvic disproportion A large or a macrosomic baby Delivery-Premature/Breech/Instrumental Shoulder dystocia Primigravida Prolonged labour Congenital anomalies

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Shoulder dystociaShoulder dystocia

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Erb-Duchenne Palsy (60%)Klumpke’s Palsy (5%)

+ Horner syndrome (1%)Mixed (35%)

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Erb-Duchenne PalsyErb-Duchenne Palsy

William Smellie, a British obstetrician is credited with the first medical description of obstetric brachial plexus palsy.

1861- Benjamin Amand Duchenne coined term ‘obstetric palsy of the brachial plexus’

1874 - Wilhelm Heinrich Erb concluded his thesis on adult brachial plexus injuries

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Risk FactorsRisk Factors

MaternalFoetalIntrapartum events Neonatal

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Mechanism of injuryMechanism of injury

Bending or stretching of the neck in a direction away from the side of injury

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Clinical presentationClinical presentation

waiter’s /porter's/policeman’s tip position

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Affected nerves Affected nerves

Dorsal scapular, suprascapular, lateral pectoral, long thoracic, musculocutaneous, radial, median and phrenic nerves.

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Sensory deficits Sensory deficits

Radial side of the deltoid, forearm and hand

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Muscle weakness Muscle weakness

External rotators and abductors of the shoulder/arm.

Flexors of the forearm. Extensors of the fingers (C7). Diaphragm descent (C4).

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Muscle weaknessMuscle weakness

• Moro, biceps and radial reflexes are absent on the affected extremity however,

• grasp reflex remains intact.

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Klumpke’s Palsy Klumpke’s Palsy

1885 -Augusta Dejerine-Klumpke neurologist and neuroanatomist diagnosed total brachial plexus radicular paralysis with oculopupillary involvement in a patient

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Risk FactorsRisk Factors

MaternalFoetalIntrapartum events Neonatal

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Mechanism of injuryMechanism of injury

Pulling up of the arm above the head, so that stretch on the C8 and T1 roots

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Affected nervesAffected nerves

Inferior trunk ( C8,T1)Radial nerve, ulna nerve, the

thoracodorsal nerve, median nerve and the medial pectoral nerve.

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Sensory deficitsSensory deficits

Ulnar side of the forearm and hand

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Muscle weaknessMuscle weakness

Pronators of the forearm Flexors of the wrist joint.

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Horner syndromeHorner syndrome

Bernard-Horner syndrome and oculo-sympathetic palsy

Injury to cervical sympathetic ganglions. Enophthalmos, partial ptosis, swelling of

the lower eyelid, miosis , unhydrosis and heterochromia.

Loss of ciliospinal reflex.

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Fracture of the clavicle Fracture of the humerus Subluxation of the cervical spine Cervical cord injury Facial nerve palsy Phrenic nerve palsy

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Nerve InjuryNerve Injury

Avulsion :- Rupture :-Stretching :-Scarring :- Neuropraxia Axonotmesis Nerotonmesis

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X-rays to exclude fractures and examination for phrenic nerve paresis are important.

Other investigations - Electromyography, NAP, SEP, Nerve conduction studies, CT myography and MRI.

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Most cases of OBPI resolve spontaneously in ~ 4 months to 2 year4 months to 2 year after delivery.

To prevent contractures, physiotherapy using wrist splits after 7days immobilization.

Surgery if movement doesn’t return after 3 months and electrophysiology indicate a poor prognosis.

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Opponens Pollicis

Flexor Pollicis LongusAdductor Pollicis

Pectoralis Major (lower)


Flexor Pollicis Brevis

Extensor Digitorum SuperficialisExtensor Digitorum Profundus

Pronator Quadratus

Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus & Brevis

Frexor Carpi Radialis


Extensor indices

Extensor DigitorumFlexor Carpi Ulnaris

Extensor Digiti MininiExtensor Carpi Ulnaris

Extensor Pollicis LongusAbductor Pollicis LongusExtensor Pollicis Longus

BrachialisPronator Teres

Pectoralis Minor

DeltoidSerratus Anterior

Rhomboid Major & MinorSupinator


Pectoralis Major (upper)

T1 C8 C7 C6


Abductor PollicisInterossei

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Botox InjectionBotox Injection

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Nerve ConduitNerve Conduit

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Tendon TransferTendon Transfer

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Modified ‘Quad’Modified ‘Quad’

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Tendon TransferTendon Transfer

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Nerve DecompressionNerve Decompression

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Bony ProceduresBony Procedures

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Triangle TiltTriangle Tilt

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Post op.Post op.

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