NEW YEAR, NEW YOU Week 3: Motion is Life Dr. Cole Bradburn, D.C.

New Year, New You: Motion is Life

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Week 3 of the New Year, New You series @ RCC

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NEW YEAR, NEW YOUWeek 3: Motion is Life

Dr. Cole Bradburn, D.C.

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Everything in your body that is keeping you alive is moving

heart, lungs, brain signals, muscles, blood.

In fact, these vital organs need movement in order to function properly.In the beginning, God created man to move. Before technology, everything having to do with survival required movement.

like Pastor Jim says, God can’t steer a parked car.

Building shelter, traveling, farming, hunting = physical action.

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“The Law of Adaptation”God put us here to survive, so your body adapts to stresses placed on itWhen you adapt to something, you un-adapt to something else (ex - warm & cold climates, altitudes)

If you move, your body will adapt to get stronger, leaner, and healthier. If you don’t: weaker, sicker, heavier.

Your body streamlines itself for what it has to handle on a regular basis

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1. All living things are composed of cells working in balance in a self-healing and self-regulating organism.

2.Our bodies are programmed for normal, balanced, healthy function. They do not function outside of balance unless forced to adapt to a physical, chemical, emotional, or a spiritual stressor (toxicities and deficiencies).

3.We are programmed with the perfect recipe for health; it is our choices and living environment that will determine if the proper ingredients are supplied.

4.Sickness is a lack of health (like darkness is a lack of light).

if you are deficient in movement, you are unable to process nutritionif you are deficient in nutrition, you are unable to move properlyif you are emotionally/spiritually deficient, you are unable to move/nutrPhysical health, mental health, spiritual health all are linked to Motion

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Stress is always present, and in 4 dimensions.

Physical - injury, posture, repetitive use, lack of motion.

Chemical - what you eat, drink, put on your skin, pollution

Emotional - work, home, family, financial

Spiritual - not connected with God, missing prime time, not in prayer, etc..








nervous sys

*finger proprioception participation stress depresses immune systemAlarm->Adaptation->Exhaustion->Death (General Adaptation Syn)introduce subluxation. an interference in the nervous systemSubluxation is a stress response and movement deficiency problem.

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Movement is the innate way we have to return to balance (naturally decrease stress/anxiety and increase pleasure/learning) - J. Chestnut “Innate Physical Fitness”

Eaton & Eaton: Human Physical Activity & Implications on Health 2003

“At present, human genes and human lives are incongruent, especially in affluent Western nations. When our genes were originally created, daily physical exertion was obligatory.”

2001 Stress & Disease: Who Gets Sick, Who Stays Well - Michael Meaney, Ph.D.

“Chronic stress has lead to cognition changes and brain shrinkage. Chronic movement (stimulation) results in brain connection increase.”

“Stress sharpens signal detection at the expense of concentration.” (Stressed person becomes easily distracted).

Stress used to be a response for survival.

Tiger - fight or run - the key was movement to burn off the stress (hormones). Now we sit at a computer, anticipate future stressful events, bad hair day, etc..When we dwell on the neg we become more oversensitive and over reactive.

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So stress puts your body into “survival mode.”

You are not growing, adapting, & healing in survival mode.*

When stress occurs, one of two things happen:

1. You deal with it immediately

2.You store in your muscles/nervous system

How do you deal with stress? Motion

1. Chiropractic Adjustments





nervous sys

*you don’t score points on defense.since nerves control every muscle/organ/gland/cell, if they aren’t functioning at 100% you are not working/healing at 100%

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Chiropractic is a system of understanding how the body communicates vital messages

Without communication of life in body parts, they cease to be alive.

Ronald Pero, Ph.D.“Subluxations decrease the genetic potential of the human species.”

Only a chiropractic adjustment removes subluxation & reprograms the nervous system.

It introduces specific motion at “locked” areas, releasing deeply held stressBalance & Tension.

If your spine stays out of balance, it can put tension on your nervous systemIf you live in a state of chronic tension, then you throw your entire nervous system out of balance.

“It is possible to be well adjusted and not be well. It is not

possible to be well unless you are well adjusted.”

when you keep someone adjusted they stay out of survival mode and the nervous system can start learning from its environment and expand its efficiency (increase health)

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Increased Energy, Increased Immune Function, Increased Metabolism, Decreased “Brain Fog”

increased cardiac function, increased CD4 & immunoglobulinsdecreased triglyceride, decreased BPThis is a pre- and post-functional MRI of a female’s brain. She is performing the action of wiggling her left ankle.

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OxygenYou can go weeks without foodYou can go days without waterYou can only go minutes without oxygen!

Exercise is important because without it, your body becomes inefficient at taking in, absorbing, storing, and using oxygen. As a result, you are literally choking yourself to death slowly.

“Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize.” -- 1 Corinthians 9:24

What is the most important nutrient in the body?

Signs of oxygen depletion: fatigue, injury, memory loss, joint pain, sleep disorders, depression.

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•Provides energy•Prevents injury•Decrease memory loss•Decrease joint/muscle pain•Combat infections•Fights sleep disorders•Increased metabolism

•Combats low blood sugar•Combats depression•Increases libido•Burns fat/builds muscle•Improves digestion•Elevates mood•Decreases anxiety

As You Move, You Will Build Health

Q: Why don’t people exercise?

A: Takes too long, Is too boring, Is too painful

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Unnatural MovementsStrange EquipmentAbusive SportsPushing your heart, lungs, muscles, joints to their maximum limitsMan decided this was good to do. Exercising this way increases the potential for:

injuryorgan failurehating exercise/quitting

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Aerobic exercise - kicks in around the 15 minute mark of sustained movement that is increasing your heart rate.Also called Cardio. Utilizes heart & lungs. (walk, jog, bike, swim)The second you start sweating and your heart starts pounding

Arteries get stronger, more flexible, and largerBlood sugar & insulin balanceIncreased lung function (removal of CO)More blood vessels being formed.

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Zone 1 - Max Heart Rate (MHR)MHR = 220 - your ageNumber of heart beats/min you should not exceed during exercise. Training at or near this is painful and dangerous

Zones 2 & 3 - Fat burning zones. Heart rate you want for experiencing exercise that is effective, pain free, & healthy.

Fat Utilization Rate (FUR) 55-75% of MHRComfortable way for anyone at any level to exercise and burn fat 5 days per week.Performance Enhancement Rate (PER) 75-85% MHRIncrease athletic performance (distance & speed) while burning fat.

Zone 4 - Sugar Utilization Rate (SUR) - at or near MHR.While exercising at SUR, you are burning sugar instead of fat. There is a great deal of dangerous stress being placed on your joints and cardiovascular system.

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Example: 40 years oldMHR = 220 - 40. MHR = 180FUR = 55-75% of (180) = 99-135 bpmPER = 75-85% of (180) = 135-153 bpm

For increased accuracy of FUR & PER:Raise by 5 beats if you are regularly exercisingRaise by 10 beats if you are an experienced athleteLower by 5 beats if you are just starting outLower by 10 beats if you are on medication or recovering from illness.

finger on wrist or neck, take for 10 seconds x 6

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Eat 5 foods by God per dayEat 4-5 times per dayBegin food replacement*Choose any simple exercise to do three times a week for 20 minutes

5 -10-5 (5 warm up, 10 FUR, 5 cool down)Try to be time-less

If you are feeling like you are always running out of time, you are right! This feeling of hurry creates tremendous stress. Slowing down to pay attention to God, your family, and your health will begin creating peace that can only come by those areas of your life beginning to work out.

15 minute Spiritual Triathalon5 minutes prayer time5 minutes Bible time5 minutes quiet time

*Look for healthier versions of the most prominent Food by Man in your diet so you can reduce FBM and increase FBG.John 3:30 - “He must Increase, I must Decrease”

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Health is largely wisdom that was passed down through generations (eat well, move well, think well, connect well). At some point, our common sense was taken away by convenience, advertising, and marketing. The secret to a healthy life and feeling young is to keep your body moving properly so it does not deteriorate prematurely (chiropractic adjustments, exercise), eating from God’s garden (raw fruits & vegetables, grass fed organic meat), and maintaining hope, faith, and an optimistic outlook.

Modern illnesses are avoidable, modern health is attainable.

Thomas Edison quoteThe doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.